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When did you loose your virginity?

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When and how did you loose your story if you don't mind.


As for me - I'm a virgin, and don't plan to loose it ever. Call me a monk or whatever you want - I really don't give a damn rat's a$$ ;)

Edited by warrior
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I'm a virgin. By choice(excluding childhood events that took place before i was 10).


Why you may ask? Well, It takes 2 to tango. I'm a loner. So it's just never worked out.


Of course, If some hot guy were to appear out of nowhere and do something like, touch me, :devil:


I've had to turn down offers before, But they were all from females, And I declined for obvious reasons.........

Edited by Tim the Traveller
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Me and my friend Jamie were sitting at my house when we were 14 (she was 15) and she asked if I would have sex with her. I wasnt going to, and told her to wait for some guy she really liked, but she said she wasnt going to make it until then, so I changed my mind and we went up to the attic and did it.


Was a major LOL moment in our lives. XD

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If I truly fall in love and he asks for it earnestly, from his heart, I don't think I will be able to refuse him. Or if we get caught up in circumstance that is beyond our control - I think I will give myself to him. I will regret it big time in the future, though.


On one hand, I have my cultural and religious values that had been instilled in me; responsibilities that I've towards my family and the society. And on the other side, I have my own desires, carnal and spiritual. Living without sex isn't difficult actually; it's living without love and having someone to hold and hug and cuddle and adore that is.

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If I truly fall in love and he asks for it earnestly, from his heart, I don't think I will be able to refuse him. Or if we get caught up in circumstance that is beyond our control - I think I will give myself to him. I will regret it big time in the future, though.


On one hand, I have my cultural and religious values that had been instilled in me; responsibilities that I've towards my family and the society. And on the other side, I have my own desires, carnal and spiritual. Living without sex isn't difficult actually; it's living without love and having someone to hold and hug and cuddle and adore that is.


Hun never say never... and being in love is so much more than having sex. It is possible to have someone to old and hug and cuddle without having sex you know


Still a virgin - haven't met the right person - then again - I wonder if I ever will


Let it in hun. It's there if you don't close the door. :)


As for me... I was 16

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I was 21 when I lost my virginity. Unless you counted oral sex- then I was 15 years old. I used to call myself a Catholic virgin because I did everything except go all the way...it was the most technical virginity someone could have.

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I was 16, she was 15. She had been my girlfriend of a year and it was our first time, she made me stop in the middle of it because it hurt too much, and she wouldn't even let me finish myself... -.-

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I was 16, she was 15. She had been my girlfriend of a year and it was our first time, she made me stop in the middle of it because it hurt too much, and she wouldn't even let me finish myself... -.-



Being blueballed sucks. mad.gif

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I was 20 and it was with my first boyfriend. Sadly, that first time was the best sex I had with him in almost 3 years that we were together.


Before that guy, no one would even look at me, and the only guy that kissed me before that was a guy around 40 who kissed me out of the blue when I was 16, and on the same day he kissed my 14-yr-old sister (might I add, he also tried to have sex with me, and we didn't know him and he was a creep that belonged in jail). wacko.gif

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hasn't happened yet. Waiting for the right person. [Came close once. Two years ago. We'd been dating for a year and a half. I'm thankful it didn't happen now].

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I was 18, he was 28. Good times. It was just for fun though, had oral for the first time before bed then went all the way in the morning when I begged him.


I met him online at a forum (not GA, it was a pretty creepy forum thinking back on it), we talked for years. We met up when I was 17 at an auto show, and made plans for me to visit him where he lives. So, we did. There was a mutual friend present, too. But I got to sleep with him in his room for a whole week. Good times. Not a terribly exciting story, sorry.



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It was the summer before 7th grade I was spending the night at his house that weekend one night he dared me to stay naked the whole night. I did. The next afternoon he bet me that I couldnt beat him in a video game. I lost but won at the same time. We've had sex numerous times since then. We no longer talk now.

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