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Precious memories


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Gods can I remember that far back. As far as I know nothing remotely similar to that ever took place at my school, certainly not that I saw. I remember when I was about fifteen being caught by the head of our year, a complete dragon and frogmarched to the toilet where she literally srubbed my face sore with the corner of a towel and a bar of soap to remove all traces of make up. I also recall that in the sixth form someone boiled a frog in the water boiler we had to make coffee with and that was the end of our coffee privileges.


I remember learning to play Classical Guitar and being surprised just how much sex there is in Macbeth... or was that just the sexy young English teacher who lasted all of 18 months at the school?


If you want to see what it was like for me at school read Teacher's Pet which takes place there.

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I stayed out of the way for the most part. Told a teacher and the vice principal precisely what dark and nasty place they could shove a few rules, and antagonized them quite frequently. That's about it.

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I learned that kids can be hard on you starting in Grade 1.


Who knew that you shouldn't put your tongue on the teatherball poll in minus 20 degree weather at recess :o

Edited by wildone
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I was a freshman in HS and was pretty much the shortest one there. It was senior day or week. I was pretty much proud of myself for avoiding being targeted. I had my exit route plan perfectly to avoid the wrath of senior days but then there I was walking in with one of my class mates for freshman gym class. There standing in front of me was a senior with shaving cream can in one hand and something in the other. He asks me "Are you a freshman?" I was scared to death on the inside but replied "No, Junior" He started to make his move. I though I was a goner but he left us. Later on - I found out that Juniors don't have gym. It suddenly occurred to me that I outwitted a senior. Or maybe he just heard the No part and moved on.


When I became a Senior - I never participated in the rights of passage of Senior Day. This was not what I believe Senior day was about. There was a teacher that brought students from a junior high school for a week. Somehow he found out about me and my co-student in computer class. I just entered one of my brothers computer games. Rather simple game. It was the vehicle for me each day to share with students about what a computer does. So for five to ten - I gave a small presentation talk and the rest of the time they got to play the game. This I felt what a senior was all about in high school.


Much like in the movie "The History Boys" - Pass it ON!!!


I have no idea what impression was made on those sixty students would have been. But I do hope it brought our two worlds closer than to remain divided.

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I changed schools often enough and was a large menacing person, So no one ever bothered me. Of course, No one ever talked to me either, Because I often had nothing to say to anyone.


This also means I'm one of those kids( :funny: ) that won't be remembered by anyone I attended school with, Which really, Doesn't bother me at all :)

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This also means I'm one of those kids( cwm27.gif ) that won't be remembered by anyone I attended school with, Which really, Doesn't bother me at all smile.gif



Strangely enough people seem to remember me :)

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This song pretty much sums up the early part of high school for me. Change "Noelle" to Noah, and you've got it. Standing on the sideline, staring longingly at the person I couldn't have.



I had this really unfortunate crush on this guy named Andy in 9th grade. He was a senior who dressed up like a boyband member. I look back, and cringe when I think about it. I had REALLY bad taste back then!


Ah, 2001...

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I stayed out of the way for the most part. Told a teacher and the vice principal precisely what dark and nasty place they could shove a few rules, and antagonized them quite frequently. That's about it.



Elementary, =racist school I was the only carmel girl there, got teased alot, untill my dad threatend to sue the kids parents then nobody picked on me.


Middle school= Wasn't really better stuck up brats...


Finally get to a decent high school and I turn out shy :P

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My pain had a name. I knew where it came from and the day I found out Nicky shot himself something snapped inside.

I laid my plan with military precision like I had been taught to take on anything important. It was a classic ambush and egress. Just like out of the textbooks at West Point or Annapolis. Places where I would never be allowed to go.

The rifle: a Browning bolt action 30-06. It would pop the target's head like a water melon. The truck: an old Ford with a cab cover and a big assed engine for pulling a boat.

The place: a valley where the target lived. A road 200 meters to the west about dusk. He would never see it coming.

The target was no longer human to me. I saw what he did to five kids and I watched them all fall apart slowly. He no longer had a name. He was simply the target.

When the sun started going down, I took my position and waited. Took the windage but it was negligible. I could make a shot like that in my sleep.

It was a spring afternoon but it had been raining and was overcast and cold. The steely gray skies matched my mood: calm and cold.

I didn't have long to wait for my target. He rolled up in his big four-door car. He got out and walked to his mail box and I clicked off the safety. One squeeze and I'd rid the world of one huge, flaming asshole and my most hated enemy.

At just that moment his youngest son popped out the passengers side door. Steven was a cute little pup at nine years old. He ran right up to his Dad and then they turned and walked back to the house. I could read his lips through the scope when he said daddy.

My target will never know that his little boy- the one he ignored for the most part, saved his life that day.

Despite my rage I just wasn't the sort to blow a man's brains out in front of a little kid.

No. I didn't forgive that sack of shit. Blowing his brains out would have made all sorts of sense.

The moment came and passed and I couldn't do it.

On sleepless nights I revisit that moment. Only I know how close a thing it was.
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I'll remember high school as a time I won't want to go back to. Not because I get picked on (never once been seriously picked on.) or because I don't have friends, but because I'm surrounded by ignorant, racist, homophobic rednecks and have no choice but to be closeted. Plus, I don't like school to begin with, except for gym and the sports I played through the years! :D I'm just ready for it all to be over I guess. :)

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This song pretty much sums up the early part of high school for me. Change "Noelle" to Noah, and you've got it. Standing on the sideline, staring longingly at the person I couldn't have.



I had this really unfortunate crush on this guy named Andy in 9th grade. He was a senior who dressed up like a boyband member. I look back, and cringe when I think about it. I had REALLY bad taste back then!


Ah, 2001...



So i totally had to give you plus rep for this. My last name after all is Noel :) and people in grade 9 and 10 would sing this song to me at Dances whenever it played because i was the loser kid. Or they'd basically call me "Noel The teenage dirtbag" in the hallways. I never was the popular kid etc right up until grade 9 and 10, I used to sing this song to myself though on my way to Gym Class cuz "oh how she rocks in kits and tube socks" :)


Then grade 11 came and i switched schools and moved to the city and was new meat :) And gay guys started hitting on me. I remember going home and yelling at my mother "YOU SENT ME TO A HIGHSCHOOL FULL OF GAY GUYS! MOM I GOT HIT ON BY GUYS!!" and being angry and pissed off. That lasted oh week. Then guys would call me babe and stuff in the hallways and i'd say Hi Back :) Unfortunatly i was still the shy one and only somewhat had 1 boyfriendish in highschool. Would i trade it all and go back to highschool days? God no!


Oh and you mentioned a guy named Andy.. there's a song by The Killers called Andy about this guy liking another guy and stuff and it reminded me of this guy i really liked in my gym class named Andy, he was a hockey player, kinda bisexual really hot nice bod :) LOL! One day he taught me how to serve in volleyball cuz i'm like bella swan and kept knocking people out. And i felt his umm erection agianst me. MOSt ackward day ever! Andy always wanted to give me rides home in his jeep too and i lived like a block away from school and i'd be like "No i'm fine really i'm fine" And Andy's one friend would always ask me how things were going with my boyfriend lmao who i would bitch about :) to Andy's friend. There's social butterfly's but i must have been some Ackward Arachnid or something :) ha ha

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I'll take this opportunity to be long-winded.


Primary school was great. I had lots of friends and I was in the smart clique. Everyone liked us and wanted to be smart like us, and sometimes we had to let girls hang out with us, depending on the subject. I kind-of had a crush on one of the smart boys Lawrence. I also liked this girl Casey. I got my first kiss in second grade, from a girl named Andrea. That made me popular for a week, partly because I "saved her life" and partly because of the kiss.




Middle school was okay. I had a couple of bullies, but I had a great group of friends. The bullies failed to break my spirit, but I did develop certain biases from the experience. I had a crush on this girl names Stephanie in sixth grade and made a fool of myself. I fell hard for my best friend the next year, and alienated him just before he left town. I was, again, one of the smart kids. That made me less popular, but I didn't care. I got on well with my teachers and my few friends, so that's what I cared about.


High school was a nightmare. I had a few carry-over friends from middle school, and a large group from elementary now. I was the only one left from the original smart clique, Lawrence moved and the other boy started smoking pot. I was on the Quiz Bowl team, which made me terribly unpopular. I was shunned by popular kids, although they still talked to me sometimes. I stayed mostly in one clique but was categorized as a liaison, as I had friends in several cliques. Magic geeks, volleyball girls, nerds, choir, drama. The new smart clique was mostly people I had gone to elementary with, and I attribute that to our kindergarten teacher. She started us off right. I had friends, but no one I was close with. I rarely did anything outside of school with anyone. I had my share of crushes, but nothing serious. High school is where I became lethargic though. I stopped doing my homework my sophomore year. I lost any form of initiative I had by senior year. To do schoolwork or to have friends. I never developed the social skills I should have, nor had a serious relationship. I "missed out" on my teenage years as most people had something eventful happen in them. It doesn't bother me much anymore. I am who I am.


Oh, I came out of the closet to my friends when I was a sophomore, at school when I was a junior and my parents found out three days before I graduated. That was not cool. Accepting community, friends, school. Angry parents. Mostly because I didn't tell them.

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I loved school but not the kids. I got great grades, had one best friend who was by my side from grade one til high school when she moved. I was tormented for my hair color, glasses, having a eidetic memory, being able to beat up on the boys... you name it, I got it, lol. But by the time I was in high school it was different, I still kept my school stuff separate from my party stuff but by then I had a system in place. Took classes with the popular people and they used to copy my work so they left me alone, tutored the jocks so they left me alone, was friends with the stoners and the teachers never knew my lunch time "habits" so they thought I was one of the reliable kids, I was good all around, lol. By my junior year I'd taken every hard class the school had to offer and was bored and ready to get the hell out of there so I graduated in the winter of my senior year and left. Went back once for my hs graduation ceremony and I've seen all of 3 of my classmates in over 10 years. Just the way I like it. Certainly not nostalgic for it.

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