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Ricky Martin comes out!

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I am less than impressed with Ricky Martin's timing for coming out. He is releasing an album later this year and the cynical side of me thinks he is only doing this to create buzz for his album.


Instead of coming out at the height of his popularity, he's coming out now that he's barely relevant?

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I am less than impressed with Ricky Martin's timing for coming out. He is releasing an album later this year and the cynical side of me thinks he is only doing this to create buzz for his album.


Instead of coming out at the height of his popularity, he's coming out now that he's barely relevant?


Gays are one of the most lucrative target groups, so that makes sense... But if it were so, there would be some message after all that coming out thing, something like "Now Ricky is working hard preparing his next album to be released blah blah blah..." I've also read somewhere that in Hollywood it's in to be at least bi-curious in public nowadays.


On the other hand, I take it also as a positive sign that those people are no more afraid to admit their sexual orientation to the public. Here, our first winner of what you call American Idol came out as lesbian recently. They're not afraid to be ridiculed any more, so maybe our society is changing for better.




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sure with that brit accent - i say he's gay but have you heard him speak in his normal accent.

One wouldn't know since we don't see him in regular life with paparazzi tailing him.


I never bothered to keep tabs on ricky ... he wiggles enough for every one


Charles Emerson Winchester III has a Boston Brahmin accent, not British.


You can here his voice here.




He has done a lot of voice overs for Disney.

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I suspected Ricky Martin was gay years ago when I first saw him on Siempre en Domingo. (Well, at least I hoped he was....)


However, I don't think we should make light of this too much. Coming out is usually an extremely frightening, painful experience.


When I came out, I got a ton of the 'Duh...' reactions too, but that didn't make it any easier. I applaud him.


He came out publicly and officially, he hasn't been living a tortured life in the closet, he wasn't shy about clubbling in West Hollywood 9-10 years ago.


I too suspect it is at least partially about publicity for his new album.

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The fact that he came out is good enough for me.. :P The only reason Lance Bass was coming out is because he was caught and didn't have a way to backtrack, so at least Ricky Martin did it on his terms..

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I wonder if anyone commented on the "coming out" and said, "Thank you, Captain Obvious."


Actually, Yahoo posted a thing on it, and there were over 500 comments on it, and most of the ones I read basically said that, lol...

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  • 3 weeks later...

Gays are one of the most lucrative target groups, so that makes sense... But if it were so, there would be some message after all that coming out thing, something like "Now Ricky is working hard preparing his next album to be released blah blah blah..." I've also read somewhere that in Hollywood it's in to be at least bi-curious in public nowadays.


On the other hand, I take it also as a positive sign that those people are no more afraid to admit their sexual orientation to the public. Here, our first winner of what you call American Idol came out as lesbian recently. They're not afraid to be ridiculed any more, so maybe our society is changing for better.






Say what's this about Kelly Clarkson??? I want proof. I know our Last Canadian idol Winner is 100% Gay but that's fine, he was a good singer....i think...never actualy heard of him really. Ummmm BTW Canadian Idol is doing a Come back apperantly. So after a two or three year Hiatus from the "Idol" Scene there bringing it back i guess....i really hope they do it differently so i will watch.

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