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Stress Relief

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I think this topic might be more suited for member q&a but if thats so... I'll move it later :P



Well... I've been under a lot of stress lately and this past week I've been having a little mini freakout, and my friends have come to my support (yay friends lol) but I've also been doing things on my own to lower my stress level, so I was wondering...


What do YOU do to lower your stress level?



Eric :D

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I read. I once read a series of 6 books, each 1,000 pages +, 3 times in a row over the course of a month. Whenever my brain started getting me going I'd pick up a book and zone out. Not always practical but reading takes me away from my problems because I'm immersed in the character's.

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Easy... I torture my characters a little more. Seriously... for me the more stressed I am the morse stressed my characters get, I suppose because I pour my stress into my writing. When I am really stressed my fingers just fly over the keys and I have grooves in them to prove it.


The other thing I do is paint. I love to paint but i haven't done it for years. I wonder if it is the fact that I have been very stressed lately that has driver me back to it.


Now my major stress is in deciding whether to write or whether to paint :P

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I either jack off or sleep, or both. But when I'm really desperate, I'll call or text or email a friend and have them tell me my better qualities, and then I usually go to sleep. And I've also heard through the grapevine that there's solace in food and drink, so explore those avenues.


Best of luck, Eric.

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1) work out or something physically oriented (like cleaning the house)


2) talk to friends... preferably in person, but usually over the phone


3) a few drinky drinks (esp if it is a certain period of time that is stressful... instead of a chronic issue)


4) sleep


5) think up a nice reward for whenever I finish whatever is stressing me out (like a trip home to go see my friends is a major reward... giving myself a mani/pedi is more likely)

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I used to use... erm... certain substances to help myself along... but that actually caused bigger problems long term...


Now I have a hot tub and a sauna, I tend to use those to de-stress.


Though i'd put in a vote for a log fire, bottle of wine, a sheepskin rug and your partner of choice thumbsupsmileyanim.gif

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1. I listen to songs by Miley Cyrus, because they always put me in a positive mood.


2. Music in General whether it's listening to it or playing the Piano.


3. Call a friend


4. Exercise


5. Watch a movie.


6. FREAK my shit


7. Bottle up more


8. Hide





Chewing on Pens/Pencils/ or Gum. :) Helps me think :)

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Though i'd put in a vote for a log fire, bottle of wine, a sheepskin rug and your partner of choice thumbsupsmileyanim.gif



I'd go for that option every time but for some reason both Jonny Depp and Nicole Kidman are strangely reluctant :)

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I go running. Or play some basketball or racquetball or do some boxing or hit the weights.


Or I have sex.


Or I read.


Or I play a little music. Best when I can jam with a buddy.


Usually I yell at people, but I've found that that doesn't always relieve stress. :wacko:

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I must admit I read "chewing on penis" too. tongue.gif


If I'm stressed I'll go for a long run with some Jack Johnson or something similarly soothing in my MP3, or something more brutal and full of energy like the RHCP. Depends on the type of stress. There's this quite big hill next to where I live: after running like hell to climb it, there's nothing like fresh air on my face on the way down to calm me down.

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It depends. If it's the angry sort of stress, then I turn on the PS2 and play a little Soul Calibur. Bash some virtual heads around, snarl really loud if I loose a round or something. It helps me to calm down after a few bouts.


If it's the upset/depressing stress, I try to sleep it off. Or I'll divert my attentions on a book or writing. When I was upset and had a pet, I'd usually try to pet them to help cheer me up. Animals are good for that; no matter what's happened to me, my pets usually have the ability to make me feel better. ^_^

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I used to be really violent and fought a lot. Fighting is a real rush but there's downsides to that.


Later on I used to smoke a lot of dope but the cops took offense to that.


Now I take the state approved drugs because if I don't I get mean and nasty.


OK... meaner and nastier than usual. :wacko: :ph34r:

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Well I use to do drugs, but now I have about 2455687767 different things.


Let's see.


I usually put my head in a pillow and cuss/scream/talk my head off.


I vent to my really good friends. <3






Find someone and argue with them. :P


Crochet (the gayest thing I know how to do, and it actually works :o )





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Find someone and argue with them. :P


Crochet (the gayest thing I know how to do, and it actually works :o )



I love a good heated discussion, but the other person has to know it's not a "fight" or it just makes me more stressed.


And if crocheting and knitting are the gayest thing to do.... there are a lot of gay people that don't know they're gay. blink.gif I can't believe I forgot to say I knit to relieve stress, except I knit very little now (graduate school has taken over my life).


And... I think I would hardly ever work out if I didn't do it to music.


oh. Psychotherapy helps sometimes too. but that's more like maintenance instead of on the spot treatment.




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1] Skate


2] Go on social networking sites such as FB and update my status into something obscene


3] Destroy objects


4] Posting here is actually relieving my Final Exam stress. Holllllllllllllllyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyymother

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blink.gif I've read "chewing on penis" unsure.gif






Music - in that case I love listening to the classical music as well as some of the best of's I have from various bands and musicians


Reading - if I have any new chapters to read at GA biggrin.gif


Games - I play either Civilization 4 or Railroad Tycoon 3 - but those two can me piss me off mighty sometimes! biggrin.gif mainly when I set the level too high (A)


Now when it's warmer I plan to go out roller skating too... and there's the evening gym for ogling eye candies... plenty of things to relieve stress biggrin.gif




Dirty Paya! *SLAP*


I must admit I read "chewing on penis" too. tongue.gif


If I'm stressed I'll go for a long run with some Jack Johnson or something similarly soothing in my MP3, or something more brutal and full of energy like the RHCP. Depends on the type of stress. There's this quite big hill next to where I live: after running like hell to climb it, there's nothing like fresh air on my face on the way down to calm me down.


You too!! Arg....people read properly.


1] Skate


2] Go on social networking sites such as FB and update my status into something obscene


3] Destroy objects


4] Posting here is actually relieving my Final Exam stress. Holllllllllllllllyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyymother


Omg #2 killed me. wow i love reading when people post something obscene.


and yes posting here is realiving my final stress too...but getting them done one by one is also doing the same thing...tomorrow i'll be under a ton of stress cuz i have a big exam the day after tomororw....but i only need 40% to pass...so hopefully i can pull that off tongue.gif

Edited by Mark M
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I drive...and waste gas. I also blast the music in my car. If I'm really stressed out i will drive to the lake and just enjoy nature. When i can't drive i just kill off characters in my stories. :P

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