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2024 Anthology Entries Due Tue October 1 ×

Pokemon :D

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Hey Guys :)


I just had a random thought for a topic and here it is : POKEMON :D


Who used to watch it? I sadly was a major fan and i still am a major fan of the games :) Yes i'm sad >.<


And i'm currently downloading the musical soundtrack and listening on youtube XD


... god that sounds really really geeky ...

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I admit it...i used to watch the show too, and i still do with my little cousins, they love the show. I have some of the games but I usually don't get board enough to play them. I'm something of a hero to my cousin's they have the games ad are constantly asking me what to do lol. Yu Gi oh was cool too, but i only ever watched the firsst two seasons, I'd like to find them online somewhere, there are days when it would be nice to just slip back into a childish pusuit now and then....DBZ though I never paid attention to lol.




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If I am surfing through channels and happen to catch it on, I still watch Pokemon and Yu Gi Oh (just the ones with Yugi though). They were actually rereleasing the old Dragonball but it was still in Japanese so had to read subs to watch it.

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Lol, my life revolved around Pokemon, Yu Gi Oh, and DBZ growing up. I still play the games, hard to not like those even if the show did get weird. happy.gif


OMG ME TOO with all 3! Love DBZ not a fan of DBZ GT


Hehe i'm glad. smile.gif I didnt really like DBZ that much but i loved pokemon and whoever created YuGiOh was a god and should be worshipped smile.gif


Yeah... all the new pokemons confuse me :S i'm like but wheres Jigglypuff? XD


Love Jigglypuff:D!!! Jiggolypuff jiggoly puff *Everyone falls asleep reading that sentance*


Personaly, Big fan of Charazard. :P My Fave. Fire and Flying...who wouldn't be happy!?

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lol, Yes I watched Pokemon


I have some of the games still.


Bigger fan of the game then the show.


Never DBZ or YuGioh, that much though.


My fave is Eevee ^^

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I've always liked Pokemon, Dragonball Z and Yu-Gi-Oh, though the latter two TV shows were annoying in that you can go for two or even three episodes and the fight is still not finished.... At least with Pokemon, each episode has a start and finish, with a longer term plot going on at the same time.


We have seasons 1, 2 and 3 of Pokemon on DVD, plus one of the movies.


As for the games, I've got Diamond and Platinum, and I'm hoping to get either SoulSilver or HeartGold for my birthday :D The boys have got, between them, Leaf Green, Ruby, Diamond, Pearl, Platinum, and a pirate copy of Sapphire (he got it for Christmas, via eBay, and was really disappointed when it turned out to be a pirate copy and you can't migrate Pokeman from it to Diamond/Pearl/Platinum, and if you put in a real version into the DS slot, it wipes the save file from the GBA game).

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I have all my pokemon games as a kid (spoiled brat syndrome) plus some of the newer ones, like Diamond. I don't see any point in buying Pearl, it's basically the same game. I just bought an action replay thing for mine and cheat if I need pokemon. :P

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My son was really into them when he was younger, so I got into it too. He thought it was really cool that I was a "Pokemon Master", and that I could negotiate my way all through the first three editions. I didn't tell him at the time that all I had to do was buy one of those little guide books that show you what to do, and who to talk to. tongue.gif

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  • Site Administrator

My son was really into them when he was younger, so I got into it too. He thought it was really cool that I was a "Pokemon Master", and that I could negotiate my way all through the first three editions. I didn't tell him at the time that all I had to do was buy one of those little guide books that show you what to do, and who to talk to. tongue.gif

I have the guide for Platinum, but I only looked at it if I was stuck, or looking for a particular Pokemon. For Diamond, I'd look up one of the online walkthroughs if I needed to find something. My boys are rather impressed, too, and they won't battle me any more :P It seems that I have a tendency to beat them most of the time, even if they are using higher level pokemon than me 0:) I just have most of the type weaknesses memorised and I just hit them with super effective attacks all the time. I think they consider that cheating :devil:

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Lol. I still like the old seasons but the new ones aren't interesting enough.


I have played almost all Pokemon games and am currently playing Platinum. I don't know if I want to play SoulSilver or HeartGold though. I saw the art (and the opening movie) and...I didn't really like what I've seen so far. Let's see though. Might end up playing.

There is already a nextGen coming up...Pokemon Black and White or something :o

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I loved pokemon, I still pull out the game when I feel nostalgic. Anything after yellow or the original plot line for the series is just blasphemy to me. yugioh came to america after my time, although i did download some of the original mangas and found those entertaining. i think i'll always like the dragon ball series. it's a true Japanese converted american series which means it has adult subtexts that anyone can watch. not like american made series that just have a japanese consultant i.e. pokemon and yugioh

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I watched Pokemon as a kid and DBZ sporadically with my brother. I also watched a girl show called "Sailor Moon" :P and Yu-gi-oh never captured my interest for long.


I still own a giant stuffed Pikachu...it's somewhere in the basement of my house and My first name is particularly pokemon sounding so lots of memories there of being teased >.<

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Oh yes.



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Alright. Stop ta-ta-talking that blah, blah, blah.


It's time to start the theme song.


"Duh, duh duh, I want to the very best..."

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