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"So what is it about guy A and B that makes their collision so amazing?"


They're juicy enough that the end result is literally every square inch of the room being painted in their blood.

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Good news, everyone! (Uh-oh. I don't like the sound of that.) I just finished wrapping up chapter 5, so it'll be set to go on Thursday! (Now if I could only perfect my Death Clock...)

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Ding-ding! NightOwl gets it right! Both have stars and if stars don't cross each other, they collide! Also, I'm pretty sure that owls have no bladder control, so shoo off my shoulder.

AWESOME I GOT IT RIGHT!!!! That is pretty cool, i never get things like this right, I guess bringing out my logicalness side worked for once.


Unlike other Owl I DO have control over my bladder (digs talons into you shoulder) shoo me away NOW!!!!


You know I'm only joking, NightOwl. (Hides stake and holy water) Seriously though, your weirdness is part what makes talking you so much fun. Anyways your parallel makes sense. Both titles may be a refrence to the main charcters crossing paths and how unlikely such an occurrance is.

The closest thing I have to a disease is Sicke cell trait.


So what is it about guy A and B that makes their collision so amazing?


Stakes and holy water won't on me, try silver, that might work lol. I am glad you enjoy talking to me, my wierdness sometimes puts people off lol.




I enjoyed the most recent chapter Young Sage, Nick's obbsession with sex and porn is very funny, I think that above anything else gives him a good depth, makes him more real. I kind of hate you for putting in a cliff hanger though, I mean how can you have dude get knocked out and just leave us there, I'm curious as hell to find out who did it.


Have you ever considered actually WRITING Shooting Stars Collide as an actual story? I mean not as a story in a story but like after Slash Work is over? It could be interesting. I think Caedus's idea of getting the rest of the team involved could have merit. I admit I'm not for a rape or gang scene but maybe having Guy A (Or B ) enlist a sympathetic team member help with sacking Guy B (or A)? i dunno I just thought i would toss out random advice, it's my way. As always in the end it is your story (Stories?) and I look forward to where you go with it ,(them?).




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Another fun chapter..sort of. I like Nicks conversation with Chad, though I'm slightly biased when it comes to him. It would be funny to have Nick out of his mind wasted in uncharted territory (Frat House Kegger?).




Will you be revealing the identity of Nick's stalker/texter/potential rapist secret admirer soon?


I've learned my lesson about begging, so I'll just shower you with praise tongue.gif.



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AWESOME I GOT IT RIGHT!!!! That is pretty cool, i never get things like this right, I guess bringing out my logicalness side worked for once.


Unlike other Owl I DO have control over my bladder (digs talons into you shoulder) shoo me away NOW!!!!




Stakes and holy water won't on me, try silver, that might work lol. I am glad you enjoy talking to me, my wierdness sometimes puts people off lol.




I enjoyed the most recent chapter Young Sage, Nick's obbsession with sex and porn is very funny, I think that above anything else gives him a good depth, makes him more real. I kind of hate you for putting in a cliff hanger though, I mean how can you have dude get knocked out and just leave us there, I'm curious as hell to find out who did it.


Have you ever considered actually WRITING Shooting Stars Collide as an actual story? I mean not as a story in a story but like after Slash Work is over? It could be interesting. I think Caedus's idea of getting the rest of the team involved could have merit. I admit I'm not for a rape or gang scene but maybe having Guy A (Or B ) enlist a sympathetic team member help with sacking Guy B (or A)? i dunno I just thought i would toss out random advice, it's my way. As always in the end it is your story (Stories?) and I look forward to where you go with it ,(them?).





You DO realize that owls are birds, right? That over-species well-known to have bones brittle enough that I can break them by flicking you? Also, please use your stereotypical owly wisdom to ponder this: just WHERE do you think Shawn and Anthony's violent streak come from? Or for that matter, who's brainchild was Ch. 17? Please do not underestimate someone who once considered going into zoology, and thus knows the glowing-red weak points of birds.


Now that I'm through threatening you, onto the rest of your message! I think Nick's obsession with sex and porn is normal for all guys at that age (20), so you probably see a little of yourself in him. You're not the first to say that SSC should be written out entirely, though I never had plans to make it happen. I always have something else on my plate. If it DOES happen, then I'll take people's consideration in mind. Maybe make it another form of audience interaction, where YOU decide what happens next?


And to Caedus, everything you crossed out is more applicable than what you chose to use instead. His identity will be revealed. (Note the lack of noting when.) And begging is always good for a laugh (to me). You never know. By now you know that I DO mix truth and lies into things I say outside the story, so who knows? You may get an honest answer (that you won't believe anyways). But praise always works as well.

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You DO realize that owls are birds, right? That over-species well-known to have bones brittle enough that I can break them by flicking you? Also, please use your stereotypical owly wisdom to ponder this: just WHERE do you think Shawn and Anthony's violent streak come from? Or for that matter, who's brainchild was Ch. 17? Please do not underestimate someone who once considered going into zoology, and thus knows the glowing-red weak points of birds.


Now that I'm through threatening you, onto the rest of your message! I think Nick's obsession with sex and porn is normal for all guys at that age (20), so you probably see a little of yourself in him. You're not the first to say that SSC should be written out entirely, though I never had plans to make it happen. I always have something else on my plate. If it DOES happen, then I'll take people's consideration in mind. Maybe make it another form of audience interaction, where YOU decide what happens next?


And to Caedus, everything you crossed out is more applicable than what you chose to use instead. His identity will be revealed. (Note the lack of noting when.) And begging is always good for a laugh (to me). You never know. By now you know that I DO mix truth and lies into things I say outside the story, so who knows? You may get an honest answer (that you won't believe anyways). But praise always works as well.


Dude you just totally killed my owl/bird/animal joke, harsh. You think YOU have a violent streak? We REALLY need to talk sometime lol.

For future reference I am not obbsessed with porn or sex, and I can say that in complete honesty lol, I swear. I just think SSC has already presented some interesting plot lines and I'm assuming that more will be put out later, just something for you to think about. I don't know how it would work with allowing readers to decide what happened next, you'd have to do it so that you didn't tick off too many readers I suppose. People can be petty, just because you didn't use their idea.

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If I didn't know better I would think NightOwl might be anxious for that rape scene.wink.gif


I agree with Nephy's review(Big surprise right?). I'm not saying you having you have to get all kinky, but some torture would be mildly entertaining, especially since the guy that knocked him out probably isn't all there anyways.


Edit: Not saying that people into torture are crazy. (Looks around anxiously for Nephy.)

Edited by Caedus
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Edit: Not saying that people into torture are crazy. (Looks around anxiously for Nephy.)


Yes you are. You are all terrible, horrible people for wanting poor Nick to be raped and tortured. I, of course, cannot say on whether this indeed happens. A trusted source tells me that the last word in the next chapter is "scar."

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"scar" is very vague, but I wouldn't want anything horrible to happen to Nick. I actually like him(almost as much as I like Chad wub.gif), which is why I think whatever goes down in his apartment, where no one can possible hear him or interfere, will turn out for the best.....eventually? Like a catalyst, this definitely a turning point so I'm excited to read about what happens. Besides no matter how bad you make it won't be anywhere close to the kind of stuff that goes down in Nephy's stories. She goes into way more graphic detail, until you have uncomfortable images searing in your head.


Whatever happens in Slash Work this doesn't mean you get out of doing a rape scene for SSC. mad.gif



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Which is why I don't read Nephy's stories. Good news, everyone! Chapter 6 has just been fully edited and is set to go for Thursday! Also, looking at my chapters, I've realized that I told (yet another) lie to you all. I said before that this series is 12 chapters long. It is actually 11. My mind apparently doesn't like prime numbers. Oh well.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Sorry that it has taken me so long to get here Young Sage, like i said in BSC, things have been hectic here. I liked the most recent chapter, I mean I hated not knowing what was going on exactly but it does male for good reading lol. I don't really have much to offer right now except my desire to know what is going on exactly, I am looking forward to finding it out. You made it seem like Nick told Chad what happened when he first arrived so I look forward to the details.






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People are talking about "who dunnit?!" to poor, sweet, innocent Nick (*giggle*). You know who people on the previous site suspected? Chad. That's right, Chad. He WAS the one to convey the entire scenario to Nick, who can't remember anything. Who's to say he wasn't lying about the entire thing? Others suspect Matt, the hoodie dude. He DID want inside Nick's apartment, assumingly with Nick all by himself. And he DID seek out Nick outside of class, too. Nick, of all the people in their class. Of course, it could even be Simon for all we know. You know what I think? I think it was the university's president! Just look at him, all smug with all his unchallenged power and his fading hairline! CLEARLY it was him!

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I'll ask now in order to spark conversation: who do you think did it? Was it a guy or girl (as someone suggested)? Was it someone I already introduced or someone completely new (you KNOW I'm the kind of guy who would do that sort of thing)? Was the culprit human or some demon spawned/ripped from one of Nephy's works (I'll answer that one right now: human)? Discuss!

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Hey! Quit encouraging people to rip my things. And I challenge you to find a demon in my work :P Vampires, yes; angels, yes; faeries... oh... right... well.. maybe. :P


Whodunnit? Hmm... I can't quite get it from what's happened so far. Can you have him do it again in more detail so that I will have more to go on in working it out?


I'm liking the story in the story but I hope that you're just giving us snippets because it's not very long or cohesive at the moment.

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Hey! Quit encouraging people to rip my things. And I challenge you to find a demon in my work :P Vampires, yes; angels, yes; faeries... oh... right... well.. maybe. :P


Whodunnit? Hmm... I can't quite get it from what's happened so far. Can you have him do it again in more detail so that I will have more to go on in working it out?


I'm liking the story in the story but I hope that you're just giving us snippets because it's not very long or cohesive at the moment.

I don't read any of your stories, so I assumed that since you have vampires and magical things in your work, you wouldn't be above angels and demons either. The SSC tidbits are snippets, pulled from whatever chapter Nick just posted online. No, I have no full-length SSC document lying about on my computer. No SSC story is in the works either. As much as I want to write an elongated version of What Happened Last Night, I can't come up with something off the top of my head, and my mom is in the same room as me at the moment and she becomes suspicious if she hears me rapidly typing away..

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To Nephy: once again, the site won't allow me to post a 2 sentence long reply to your review, so here it is. "Apparently, she (the cat) has a broken nail, but refuses to allow me to pull it off. Also, I already know about the megalomaniacal, based on...'previous experiences.'" Site technicians should really work on that.

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I don't really think it was Chad, the progression would be all wrong. I mean you don't go from attempted rape to innduendo and shy first kisses you know? It doesn't follow the pathology. My bet is on the dude he loaned his notes to. I liked the last two chapters quite a lot, the snippets for SSC were a fun inclusion. I'm looking forward to the goings on between Guys A/B/C and I look forward to what happens between Chad and nick.


Ten bucks says Nick freaks out, whose in?






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Ten bucks says Nick freaks out, whose in?


I'm in, Nick was pretty clueless so this should be an easy win. It's so funny that Nick didn't pick up on any of Chad's signals. The "alone time", buying Nick dinner, lack of personal space... Not to generalize, but that is not the standard behavior for sober American straight guys.


I would be tempted to pay premium for one of those Chad Pillows. What would the scent be on the pillow?

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The pillows would smell like official NFL pigskins and body spray. I just haven't decided which body spray to use yet. I'm currently looking for volunteers for research purposed to see what body spray men like best.

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The scale is for anybody to use. Man, woman, American, African, 15 y/o, 85 y/o, etc. Levels 1, 2, 3, 8, and 9 are SUPPOSED to be universal and cross-cultural, so a man who is level 8 should be rated as such by nearly everyone in the world, regardless of their beliefs. Levels 4, 5, 6, and 7 are in the order that they are in purely by chance, and no one should be expected to think that being Hawt is somehow superior to being Cute. Some people prefer cute over ruggedness. Furthermore, the scale can be broken down further. A person who is just BARELY cute is a 4.0. A person who is cute incarnate is a 4.9. This works on all the levels. Feel free to rate yourselves and others.


How Sex God smells is like what all my characters look like. It's totally up to you. Sex God smells like whatever smell turns you on the fastest. According to a recent Taco Bell commercial, that smell is bacon :2thumbs: .

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Good chapter dude, i like the fast resolution, it was a nice touch. I'm still curious as to who attacked Nick but i suppose wel'll find out eventually. I am curious though, if no one notices Fugly people then why do they have a place on the scale lol?

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