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Who else reads stories at work?

Hamen Cheese

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If you are using the internet to access those stories, you shouldn't and I'll tell you why:


If the company does any sort of computer security, and most of them are heading that way, they can print out web URLs and attach them to the computer that is accessing them. This also applies to wireless connections.


You can easily get fired for accessing anything that the company considers "pornographic"- even if its only in add content. I warn you that even here with the gay add exchange on the front page, GA could get you in trouble at work.


I know people that have been fired for accessing 365gay (a gay news site with racy adds) and the advocate online which is more of a magazine with some questionable add content.


I don't need to tell you that some people have built in biases. If the site has gay in it at all, it must be pornographic, right? If they can't prove that you are looking at a pornographic web site, they can still claim you were looking at non-job related sites on company time and still fire you.


If you are fired for this, there's little or no recourse and it's very damned hard to get a job that requires you to use a computer afterwards.


I'm not posting this to be mean or obnoxious. I just don't want to see any of you guys get jammed up.

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If you are using the internet to access those stories, you shouldn't and I'll tell you why:


If the company does any sort of computer security, and most of them are heading that way, they can print out web URLs and attach them to the computer that is accessing them. This also applies to wireless connections.


You can easily get fired for accessing anything that the company considers "pornographic"- even if its only in add content. I warn you that even here with the gay add exchange on the front page, GA could get you in trouble at work.


I know people that have been fired for accessing 365gay (a gay news site with racy adds) and the advocate online which is more of a magazine with some questionable add content.


I don't need to tell you that some people have built in biases. If the site has gay in it at all, it must be pornographic, right? If they can't prove that you are looking at a pornographic web site, they can still claim you were looking at non-job related sites on company time and still fire you.


If you are fired for this, there's little or no recourse and it's very damned hard to get a job that requires you to use a computer afterwards.


I'm not posting this to be mean or obnoxious. I just don't want to see any of you guys get jammed up.


sad.gif...............Sadly, very true, this happened to me! I was forced to retire, although I only accessed GA mostly for chat a few years ago at work! Add one more thing to this, if someone sends you a racy or even a near nude pic, delete it immediately from your computer. I forgot to do that and it was the nail in my forced retirement. Of course everyone at work was doing 'everything' under the sun on the company computers at work, but the management got rid of the two most senior workers, and warned the others.

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If you are using the internet to access those stories, you shouldn't and I'll tell you why:


If the company does any sort of computer security, and most of them are heading that way, they can print out web URLs and attach them to the computer that is accessing them. This also applies to wireless connections.


You can easily get fired for accessing anything that the company considers "pornographic"- even if its only in add content. I warn you that even here with the gay add exchange on the front page, GA could get you in trouble at work.


I know people that have been fired for accessing 365gay (a gay news site with racy adds) and the advocate online which is more of a magazine with some questionable add content.


I don't need to tell you that some people have built in biases. If the site has gay in it at all, it must be pornographic, right? If they can't prove that you are looking at a pornographic web site, they can still claim you were looking at non-job related sites on company time and still fire you.


If you are fired for this, there's little or no recourse and it's very damned hard to get a job that requires you to use a computer afterwards.


I'm not posting this to be mean or obnoxious. I just don't want to see any of you guys get jammed up.


That's some good advice James. It's sad but true unfortunately.


sad.gif...............Sadly, very true, this happened to me! I was forced to retire, although I only accessed GA mostly for chat a few years ago at work! Add one more thing to this, if someone sends you a racy or even a near nude pic, delete it immediately from your computer. I forgot to do that and it was the nail in my forced retirement. Of course everyone at work was doing 'everything' under the sun on the company computers at work, but the management got rid of the two most senior workers, and warned the others.


That totally sucks. People can be such jerks.


I am very fortunate where I work. They know all about GA and one or two of them are actually reading my stories. There are definitiely some advantages in being a full on freak :) After one look at me no one gets surprised by anything i say or do :)

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There are definitiely some advantages in being a full on freak :) After one look at me no one gets surprised by anything i say or do :)


I nominate Nephy to be our queen. :king:


:worship::worship: :worship: :worship: :worship:

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0:) I read stories on my cell phone almost every day I am at work. My boss knows I'm practically glued to my cell phone and doesn't mind at all. I guess she would if she knew what I'm reading....;)
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I nominate Nephy to be our queen. :king:


:worship::worship: :worship: :worship: :worship:



:wub:I don't know about that. I'm already the Queen of Evil... can I be Queen of GA too :) Don't want to spread my Queenliness too thin now


I do so luv u james :wub:

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My employer has proxy's in place to keep up from going to certain sites. Facebook is definitely one of them. In fact, the new Facebook activity section on the forum page is blocked. What surprises me is that GA isn't blocked but Fort Family Forums is.

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The company policy where I work is that they recognise that people will use the Internet for personal purposes. The policy requires that this not interfere with the work they are supposed to be doing for the company, does not place an excessive strain on the company resources (ie. no downloading GB's of stuff like movies), and no pornography, etc. The company also has an anti-discrimination policy that explicitly lists sexual-orientation as a protected attribute.


I don't generally read stories while I'm at work, but I do try to check GA and a few other sites if I can, in case there is something going on that I need to do.

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Company policies vary... Some companies will fire you for using the internet for ANY non work related reason while on the clock.


I used to know a guy who worked for an ISP, and he told me that their policy was so strict that even customer service could not access USENET at all, even to help a customer with a tech issue with the ISP's own Usenet feed. Also, only customer service could access the internet at all, and only for tech issues when helping customers. The company did this because employees were wasting paid time on the 'net. However, they went way too far; having a tech support department that couldn't access parts of their own services to troubleshoot it for a customer soon made them a laughing stock. They went out of business about a year later.


My advice; check the company policy before surfing from work.

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At my job we deal a lot with confidential information (HIPPA rules and company policy) so out Internet use is limited. However because I work in an apartment complex (I work in a supportive living setting) some of the apartments I work in have neighbors who don't protect their wifi ;)


But while I can access it, I try not to except to check email (and when I have some down time I'll read a story lol)



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Gah I wished I had that kind of freedom but I don't. I barely have time to text my friends at work. I work for the state and I'm just swamped with paper work and I'm only a part time employee. It sucks. If I fall behind at all at work, I basically screwed. But I like the job, it's fast paced, the people are nice, times flys and I don't have to stress about work when I clock out (<I'm not stress because I use the time at work to actually do work, so I'm not ever behind... heh) I do wish at times though where I can sit at my desk and read a chapter or two.

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  • Site Administrator

Gah I wished I had that kind of freedom but I don't. I barely have time to text my friends at work. I work for the state and I'm just swamped with paper work and I'm only a part time employee. It sucks. If I fall behind at all at work, I basically screwed. But I like the job, it's fast paced, the people are nice, times flys and I don't have to stress about work when I clock out (<I'm not stress because I use the time at work to actually do work, so I'm not ever behind... heh) I do wish at times though where I can sit at my desk and read a chapter or two.



I so agree John, I don't seem to have time to go to the bathroom except when I am on lunch. I guess I push myself though so that I don't have down time. Luckily my work only has a intranet, no internet, so even if I had time to get online to do some reading, or check the boards, there is no way to access them. Probably for the good.


My heart goes out to you Benji :( I remember an episode of QAF where Ted was let go for watching online gay porn while all his coworkers were watching straight porn. I was shocked about that, but it left a impression on me to never use work to do anything 'harmless'. You would just be giving them something to let you go for if you did that :(

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Our day has considerable built in down time - our workload is designed so that we can still complete it in a worst case scenario (people on vacation and a busy day), since us missing even 1 deadline can cost the company more than it costs to add 20 full time employees. As a result, we're allowed to use the internet, but it's heavily censored, mainly focusing on games - they don't want anyone losing track of time, basically. To be safe, I stick to boston.com, fivethirtyeight.com, news.google.com, espn.com, and on a particularly slow day, a story from the Baen Free Library.


edit: typo

Edited by BlueSoxSWJ
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I nominate Nephy to be our queen. :king:


:worship::worship: :worship: :worship: :worship:


I second the motion haha.


Yeah, this is kinda true. on a side note, I had a friend who had a friend who worked in P&G and she used the internet for non-work related stuff. Apparently they were monitoring those things and at the end of the semi-annual report, her statistics showed 99% of her time on the internet was spent browsing non-work related sites and she visited over 1,000,000 sites in 6 months! lmaosmiley.gif


I usually download the stories at home. Never at work (primarily because of biases yeah). At work, I'm a co-head in the I.T. dept (more on the management side than technical) and we decide what sites can be visited. We know about people visiting farmville, frienster, and all these other social networking sites but my policy is that as long as they get the work done it's fine by me. Heck, I even find flash games installed in their computers! I recognize the fact that the work can sometimes be boring especially for the clerks so a little reprieve from the monotony of work never hurts. tongue.gif


The only times I've ever reprimanded them was when I found Kazaa installed and one of the critical computers was infected with a viruses that automatically closed any application that opened. I wanted to ban the employees there from touching any computer in the office starting that day!

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