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Favorite sport

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I wouldn't mind nude cross country running...especially with this guy that's on my team. He's gorgeous. But str8, I think.


Well, there is that. I was thinking that it could increase the spectator value of the sport. :D

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How about nude cross country running? :P


Conner :boy:


While that sounds like a cool idea on paper...I cringe at the thought of running long distances even in boxers. There just ain't enough support. :P Ewww, think of the wrong sort of stretching that would happen.


I pretend to like hockey while I'm up in Canada at school. I value my life too much to say anything else :(

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I know that saying this is blasphemous for a Canadian, but I HATE watching hockey!


Blasphemous? This is paramount to treason. The Mounties have been dispatched...and they always get their man. Hmmmm...maybe that's why you mentioned it? :P


I took squash lessons once. I had trouble hanging on to the racket. As the paramedics carried him away, my instructor made me promise never to play again. :(

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Hmm, well, I know which ones I like to watch: diving (males only :D ) and Pole Vaulting (in the hope that one day the stick will break) but I don't really like to play any sports. I used to like fencing when I was in school, but I didn't have time for all the competitions.

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I like to watch Formula 1, Porsche Carrera Cup, production car races and V8 Supercars, which are like the DTM touring car series in Europe but better, for Americans the closest comparison is NASCAR's that race on proper tracks, none of that oval nonsense :P anyone sensing that I like cars?


I tend to watch Rugby League from time to time, I find Rugby Union boring though, and let

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To play: Sailing (one-design racing), tennis, golf (actually, I play golf about 2xs a year, just to remind me why I don't play more often). I run & swim, but just to counteract the french fries. As a kid, I used to love to play hockey, but then we moved to the South. Snow skiing is also a blast, but, from here, it's a long drive.


To watch on TV: Tennis & golf. I am not very good at either, but I know what it's supposed to look like and really enjoy the big tournaments. Likewise with baseball. I am a Mets fan (yeah, I know....) but they have been so abysmal lately (like, since '86!) that it has been hard to watch. Question, now that Piazza has retired, think he will come out?


To watch live: Went to the Atlanta Olympics in '96. What a thrill. Everyone should go to an Olympics. You owe it to yourself. (To clarify, I went as a spectator, not a competitor...) Among the obscure sports we watched was Team Handball. Basically water polo w/o the water. For some reason, this is a sport. (Sort of like soccer, it is unfathomably popular in other countries...) We saw Croatia (ferchrissakes!) demolish the US something like 32 to 4. It was humiliating. Later that week, the DreamTeam beat Croatia by a similarly lopsided margin, which I tend to think is bad form but not in that instance. (OK, I am not a gracious loser...)

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