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Poor Man's Son Music Recomendations

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Chapter 25


-When Gathan and Kristen talk at her parent's house.

"I Don't Care" by No Question


-When Will and Berton confirm that they're into each other.


Holy shit. I had no clue that guy was JC Chasez. All these years later and I find out that it's the guy from N'Sync. I guess it serves as a great example of how being a white kid who imitated the black style was really, really popular in the late '90's/early '00s.


I think I'll go with Tommy and An Evening in Roma... ha ha

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Chapter 26


-When Will and Berto start hooking up.


-When Kristen admits that she chose being with Gathan over living with her parents.


"Most Girls" by Pink


Yes! I was finally able to get some Pink in here. God, I can't wait 'til I have an opportunity to use "Just Like A Pill".


-When Zach gets burned. Badly. Way to go, Gathan.


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Chapter 26 for Will and Berto.






Como e' bella ce' la luna brille e' strette

strette como e' tutta bella a passeggiare

Sotto il cielo di Roma


Down each avenue or via, street or strata

You can see 'em disappearing two by two

On an evening in Roma

Do they take 'em for espresso

Yeah, I guess so

On each lover's arm a girl boy I wish I knew

On an evning in Roma


Though there's grining and mandolining in sunny Italy

The beginning has just begun when the sun goes down

So please meet me in the plaza near your casa

I am only one and one is much too few

On an evening in Roma


Don't know what the country's coming to

But in Rome do as the Romans do

Will you on an evening in Roma


Como e' bella ce' la luna brille e' strette

strette como e' tutta bella a passeggiare

Sotto il cielo di Roma

Don't know what the country's coming to

But in Rome do as the Romans do

Will you on an evening in Roma

Sott'er celo de Roma

On an evening in Roma


Edited by PrivateTim
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Chapter 28


-When Will and Berto continue to enjoy each other.



-When Gathan gets arrested for statutory rape. In a state where 17-year olds can consent to sex.



As a random note, I posted a thread to fan forum message board wishing Mila Kunis a happy 17th birthday. This guy posted the lyrics to this song, I think. (Back then all we had were midi files.)


-When Gathan teases Kristin after her parents and their lawyer leaves.







Edited by methodwriter85
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Tiffany has a big gay following, apparently. She's a regular on the Pride circuit. I'd never heard of her until I saw "I Think We're Alone Now" on Pop Up Video back in the late '90s, and her Behind the Music Special. I liked Tiffany's spunk and her admitting to being a pothead. I do remember Debbie Gibson, however. Her career was similarily short-lived, but much bigger. She had a perfume called Electric Youth that my sisters had.



So, basically, pretty young jailbait dancing while singing pop tunes about boyfriends never goes out of style. Even when people were all grunge, we had

. Edited by methodwriter85
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Chapter 29


-When Will enters the gay club.


I'd never heard of this one, but it sounded pretty appropriate for a Euro club scene. And it hit number 1 in Italy in 2000, so I imagine it must have been on a lot.


-When Will dances himself to a happy ending.



Center Stage for the win!


-When Will and Berto help out their roofied friend.


"Right Here, Right Now" by Fatboy Slim

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PMS Chapter 30


-When Will says goodbye to Italy, and to his summer fling.



A*Teen. Geez. You've got me really exploring the whole barrel of circa 2000 pop here, Mark.


-When Kristin explains the broader reasons for her rebellion against her parents.



-For the court scene and the resulting melee.


"Cherry Bomb" by the Runaways



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For some reason, this song reminds me a bit of JP, and his tendency to give sleeping dogs a swift kick in the ass.


And in the course of finding this video, I wandered through a lot of older country and rock, such as "Me and Bobby McGee," "Ode to Billy Joe," "Where Have all the Flowers Gone," "Driving Ole Dixie Down," "Stand by Your Man," and "Crazy." Damn but I love a lot of these songs, and so rarely hear them. Thank you internet.

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I try to keep the music contemporary(which would be about 1997 to 2000 at this point), or the music something that the kids would have grown up with. I'll use older music occasionally, especially if we've got an old man like Robbie talking about his youth in the mid-80's. I used to have a strict rule that I would not use music that didn't come out within three years previous to the year the story is taking place- like for Be Rad, 1977 to 1980. But then I found it was really hard to stick to that, especially once Mark stopped having multi-year skips in the storyline and he started writing stories that went beyond forty-some chapters. I can't only use the music of the era if we've got three stories- Bloodlines, Millenium, and Poor Man's Son that are all taking place within 1998-2000. (The Letter was set in 1999 but was really a 1940's story.) I've been forced to get creative as a result of it- sometimes using old music, repeating music, sometimes using musicals or tv theme, etc etc. The only rule I've stuck to and have been dead-set on is not using music that didn't exist in the year in which the story is taking place. Like, I would really like to start using Alicia Keyes, but I can't because her album didn't come out until 2001. It can get really frustrating, but I think it works.


What's frustrating now is that 2000 was such a dry year in pop music. It was a transition year, and there wasn't anything particularly innovative going on. There was Eminem, Moby, and much later in the year Linkin Park, but that was about it. I've noticed a pattern- the first year of a decade tends to see music stall a bit...I noticed that in 1980, in 1990, and now in 2000. And going by my experience, I think 2010 music wasn't as fun as 2011 music, which got a BIG boost because of Adele.


I'm looking forward to using this for Will:



"Slave 4 U" would have been absolutely perfect for the strip scene, but it wasn't out until 2001, damn it. LOL.

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Chapter 32


-When Will meets his new bodyguard, Pat, and tests him to see how far he can go.



-When Will and Robbie talk, who talks to him about how messed up he was at 22. And that Will very likely wouldn't have been born if Robbie hadn't been arrested.


"Broken Wings" by Mr. Mister

-When the guys drive out to Bakersfield, blasting Darius' totally beast sound system.

"Still Dre" by Dr. Dre(featuring Snoop Dog)



-When Darius tells them why he's going to Santa Clara University.

"Put A Little Love In Your Heart" by Jackie DeShannon

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Chapter 33


-When Gathan and Kristin talk on the cliff. Naked.


"Meet Virgina" by Train


- When Will goes into a teenage angst mope session.


"Misery" by The Moffats


-When Gathan and Kristin have an incredibly awkward family dinner.


"Anthem Part 1" by Blink 182


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I try to keep the music contemporary(which would be about 1997 to 2000 at this point), or the music something that the kids would have grown up with. I'll use older music occasionally, especially if we've got an old man like Robbie talking about his youth in the mid-80's.


See, I think you need to worry less about what was popular at that exact moment and focus on what song fits the most. Songs that are classics, everyone knows. I know all of James Taylor's songs although I don't think he ever had a hit after I was born.



That would be a perfect song for Will and Berto walking down the beach in Malibu, hand in hand and it is a song everyone knows. The same thing with Beach Boy songs, the Beatles, disco songs that never went away in the gay community, and shows like Malcolm in the Middle, which was a big hit in '99-'00, would have made some mid 1970's songs popular and noticeable and what gay boy didn't love Reece??

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Matt, I see what you're saying, and believe that I will use some oldies, but this is mainly about re-creating the mindset and feel of a given era. Music is a big part of that. The era is now the late 90's/beginning of the 2000's, and I do what I can to try and reflect what was the popular music at the time, and also what some of the more obscure stuff was at the time. I'm trying to use my music picks to reflect the popular culture of pre-9/11 America, when Britney Spears was in her prime and boybands dancing in synch got people really going, and the outsider kids rebelled by listening to poppy punk like Blink 182 or real punk like NoFx. This was a United States that almost feels foreign today- a United States still riding off the high of the 90's economic boom fostered by an administration that actually created a governmental surplus, and had no idea the horrible decade that was awaiting it.


The feel of the music picks often ties into the story itself. When I did picks for A Summer Love, set in 1991, I used a LOT of happy tail-end 80's pop tunes at the beginning of Marcel and JP's relationship, then switched over into bummer alternative rock like the Pixies and eventually Nirvana as Marcel broke up with JP and he(and us) moved into the 1990's.


That said, I have been using a lot of older stuff because of the fact that 1.) Mark doing four stories set from 1998 to 2000 means I can't just focus on music from one area because I've basically exhausted late '90's music, and 2.) 70's nostalgia was still around in 2000, and 80's nostalgia was beginning at this point, and 3.) There have been a lot of call-backs to Man In Motion, which I've reflected in using some circa 1985 tunes.


Was the scene with Berto and Will walking down the beach in Malibu something I missed?:D Also have you somehow forgotten that I've used Beach Boys before?

Edited by methodwriter85
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Eh, my favorite scene is the one where JJ goes on a 3-day bender in New York City for his 25th birthday, still haunted by the disapointments of Torino and Vancouver. Then gets picked up by the cops when he's found wandering around Battery Park completely incoherent while hopped up on painkillers and vodka.


This basically scores it.


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Chapter 34


-When the family waits around in the E.R. for J.P.'s surgery.



Goran Visjnic and Erik Pallendino. Goddamn.


- When Will goes on his "Save The Environment" youthful idealism speech.





Opening Theme from Captain Planet /


A '90's childhood definitely included a lot of t.v. about how we needed to save the whales and such. I loved that Will absorbed all of that. It sounded straight out of the Fox Kids Saturday morning lineup.


Time for an admission: In 2nd grade, inspired by Captain Planet, I took a pair of toy handcuffs and cuffed myself to the Jungle Gym to protest whaling. My teachers could barely keep a straight face. I was one incredibly precocious child who wanted desperately to be Wheeler.


- When the kids ride through the West, and pick up Cole, Matt's best friend.


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Chapter 35


-When Gathan talks on the phone with Matt about Cole, then continues driving.



-When Will continues his moping around about Berto, and is offered another trip to Hawaii.


-When the gang gets to Las Vegas.



-When Gathan makes the stunningly good decision to spend a lot of money at Vegas.


"Big Pimpin'" by Jay Z

God, I've been waiting for a place to use "Big Pimpin." It's not my favorite Jay Z track, but it was very big circa 2000. And it was featured rather prominently on an episode of Real World: New Orleans (2000).

Edited by methodwriter85
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Chapter 36


-On the ride back, where Gathan realizes he's 70k in debt.



-When we meet up with Scott Slater, who is now living in Hawaii.



-When Will realizes he's been dumped again, and Scott tells him to snap out of it.


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That would be a perfect song for Will and Berto walking down the beach in Malibu, hand in hand and it is a song everyone knows.

So, now you get why I wouldn't use something like "How Sweet It Is" for Will and Berto. I pretty much had figured that they weren't more than a fling. That song is for a couple that is mature and been through a lot, not for a couple in the rush of new love that might or might not last.


I learned my lesson after using "He's So Shy" for Jake(yes, for Jake) in Be Rad to be a little more careful and thoughtful about the music pics. There is seriously a method to the madness here.

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Chapter 37


-When Will puts on a show for a curious JJ.


"Longview" by Green Day


-When Will meets Tony Carbonne, falls head over heels, and schemes to get with him.


"Sexy Boy" by Air


-When Gathan goes over his financial plans with Stefan and JP.


"When I Grow Up" by Garbage


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Chapter 38


-When Will trips over himself to try and impress Tony, the hot college boy from St. Louis.


Mark, you have nooooo clue how much I've wanted to use this song. I honestly never thought I'd get a chance to use it because it didn't seem like the kind of song that could apply to Will, but thank god you chose to go this route with this chapter. I've been in love with this song since I was fourteen years old; THANK YOU!!! THANK YOU!!!*Gives Mark a big bear hug and a kiss on the cheek*


-When Will shows off his marine life knowlege to Tony.


- When Tony decides to cook dinner for his hosts.


"Be Our Guest" from Beauty and The Beast




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