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Biggest regret of your life...

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I have done some bad things in life, but the biggest regret would probably be not giving my ex-best friend a chance to become my best friend again after he betrayed my trust. I guess I was just really hurt for what he did. That and 'trust' is a big thing with me in that it's easy for me to trust a person, but it's also easy for me to lose that trust. Anyway, after that, I just didn't let myself be that close with anyone. I have a few close friends, but I can't think of anyone I can call a 'best friend' anymore.

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In the end you did the right thing for her as well as yourself, - cant beat yourself up too much over that. Also, its not like ortonville is exactly the most comfortable place for a gay man to be himself. Im originally from Madison Heights not so far there so cut yourself some slack :)





I biggest regret is not accepting myself for who I am. I'm gay but denied it long enough to get married just to prove that I could be str8. I'm sorry I hurt her and her family.


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Eh, I don't really believe in regrets. The past is the past and it suited its purpose at the time. The present and the future are the only things worth stressing about.


If I'd have to pick though, I say that broadly I regret the things I didn't do, not the things I did. A missed experience or opportunity is vaguely worth regretting, but a 'mistake' is just a learning experience...and half of those are too fun to trade away ;)

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  • 3 weeks later...

I have encouraged my sons with the addage that life is full of regrets most are things we did not do.... so do something you might regret... This I shared after they were grown.

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Actually thinking about it, I do regret taking up smoking. I was thoroughly against smoking during most of my teens, even though I had my first smoke when I was only eight, and a few smokes inbetween.

Then, when I was about 16 I started smoking regularly for some stupid reason and haven't been able to stop since. I plan on quiting though. Thing is I like a smoke. Money's not an issue either. The main reason I want to quit is for my health.

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