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Biggest regret of your life...

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Hey, I'm being depressed and realized what my biggest regret was so I was wondering whats yours was? Please share your biggest regret with us


Mine was :


The biggest regret of my life was leaving my old school. I went from spoon feeding to working with a butcher knife, from a smile to a frown and the worst from being happy to an emotional wreck. Yes, I have met some amazing people who will accomplish a lot and achieve much more and made AWESOME friends but I miss a lifestyle that used to belong to me... :thumbdown:


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Well, I do regret turning to drugs as a way to escape things and be able to do things I wouldn't be able to do with just my energy alone. It turned into an addiction that tried to ruin my health and family, but I came out ahead, so while it's a regret, I wouldn't change it given the opportunity.

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I can honestly say I have none. I’ve made plenty of shitty decisions in my time, both personal and professional, but I’ll dig out the ole cliché and say that your past makes you the person you are now.


We all make mistakes; we are only human after all. The trick is leaning from them and keeping that lesson for future reference.



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I totally agree with Dragonfire.


I have some things that I look back on that i would prefer not to have happened but i don't regret them. I was talking to someone about this today and I said initially that I regretted the decision I made that led to me breaking my back. But when i thought of it i realised that there are so many good things that would never have happened if I hadn't. I wouldn't be working where I am with all the wonderful people i have met here. I would still be running around trying to find myself instead of sitting still and just being myself. I probably wouldn't be writing or painting and I wouldn't have had the strength I got in fighting my way back from it SO...


I have no regrets

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This is real messed up and I've never talked about it here.


When I was 25 I had a boyfriend that I was crazy about. You know- maybe the one in training. I was fresh out of college and he was still in. He had a little brother that was 6 years younger than him.


Eric was 24 and his younger brother Brandon was 18. They looked very much alike and were there was probably only 10 pounds difference in their weight. Eric and Brandon were highly competetive. The three of us used to do a lot of stuff together.


We were very closeted in our relationship. That's the way those things were back then.


We went fishing one weekend. Our friends owned a house on a lake and we went up to have some fun.


When it came time to go to bed, we all had our own room. Like a dozen times before after lights out my door opened and someone got in bed with me. We started having fun but things were not quite right. I turned on the lights and it turned out to be Brandon- not Eric.


This caused a rift between Eric, Brandon and myself that never really healed. We were all too weirded out and went our own ways.

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Do I dare put this in print? Don't get nervous people. This is a regret, not something I am going to do anything about.


My biggest regret is not making good on my suicide attempt. It's been more than thirty years since I awoke from a coma and I still wish I hadn't.

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I agree with Dragonfire. No regrets but plenty of bad decisions. As long as I have learned from them though, I am happy to move on and live with them.

If I had to pick one though I would say that I would have pushed myself harder through school. I left with decent enough grades but I know I could have done better for myself. My life was chaotic at the time and school was the last thing on my mind.

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When I was 23, I had the biggest crush on a guy, but didn't have the balls to tell him how I felt. He was cute, funny, smart, and I wanted to spend my life with him.


I still miss him.

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While I was in High School, there was one guy that was so attractive I fell in love with the sight of him on the first day of my soph' year, and he still looks like he did his Senior year (I saw him a year ago and he didn't recognize me)....and the sight of him still makes my heart skip a couple of beats. I have two regrets, one: Not telling him I thought he was attractive (a big chance 'cause of the stigma in the late 70's), and two: I was in the HS Orchestra (String Bass), and one of the freshman percussion (drums) boys needed to borrow my shirt (he didn't have one) for the holiday concerts during my junior year (78-79)...I let him borrow for the first concert, but not for the second two days later...(that one is my single biggest regret)...both of these could have resulted in lifelong friendships (or not)...but regrets are for chances lost.

Edited by KJames
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My folks dragged me out of the closet at my 17th birthday dinner and I found out that they were totally accepting of me and of my boyfriend Doug. So my biggest regret is that I didn't come out to them earlier, like when I was around 14 years old.


Colin B)

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Do I dare put this in print? Don't get nervous people. This is a regret, not something I am going to do anything about.


My biggest regret is not making good on my suicide attempt. It's been more than thirty years since I awoke from a coma and I still wish I hadn't.


Oh darling, I wish I could hug you

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One of my bigger (but not biggest) regret is not finishing high school.

I sorta don't regret it because I love working and training with my boss now, but some days I wonder what might have happened if I stuck out high school, especially when I'm working long days and long weeks non stop with hardly a break..... Thats when I start regretting my decision

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Oh darling, I wish I could hug you


You are sweet, thank you. I guess some people have roles to play that are not so fun. Perhaps if there is a next time, I will get a role that I can enjoy more.

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Wasting my 14-17 years doing nothing and being miserable. I wish like crazy sometimes that I could have those years back, but they are gone and nothing but memory. So to make up for it I'm spending the next couple years making up for that by doing everything I've wanted to do. But yeah, I regret wasting my high school years being a miserable closet case.

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I've been recasting my undergraduate experience in terms of penance done for not trying hard in high school. They were, and I suspect will remain, the worst years of my life.


I could have gone to a great university if I had worked hard. I got A's on anything I tried on, but instead of trying played video games and sulked (and masturbated).


The single thing every one of the friends I envy have in common is that they've been working very hard for at least the least few years, and as far as I can tell, they worked hard without measuring themselves up against others to see if they were getting dealt a good hand or not. Unflinchingly they pressed forward until they amassed talents and money and a comfortable future, and now they're reaping the benefits.


I try to think of them when I'm having regrets or feel I'm having an unlucky spell. One of the only clichés I tolerate: hard work beats hard luck.

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I regret my years in collage from the age of 20 to 24.Its a wrong career choice and i missed those wonderful years that will never came back.I regret not making enough friends in high school and collage.I am trying to learn from this this things and making some changes in life.Time will tell how far i am successful.

Edited by jeet01
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Not telling those that I truly care about in Life, how much that I Care and Love them enough. Some times just a few words that you Care can mean so much.

I have now come to realise, not only sometimes can it help them , but help myself also.

Edited by KYE
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This is real messed up and I've never talked about it here.


When I was 25 I had a boyfriend that I was crazy about. You know- maybe the one in training. I was fresh out of college and he was still in. He had a little brother that was 6 years younger than him.


Eric was 24 and his younger brother Brandon was 18. They looked very much alike and were there was probably only 10 pounds difference in their weight. Eric and Brandon were highly competetive. The three of us used to do a lot of stuff together.


We were very closeted in our relationship. That's the way those things were back then.


We went fishing one weekend. Our friends owned a house on a lake and we went up to have some fun.


When it came time to go to bed, we all had our own room. Like a dozen times before after lights out my door opened and someone got in bed with me. We started having fun but things were not quite right. I turned on the lights and it turned out to be Brandon- not Eric.


This caused a rift between Eric, Brandon and myself that never really healed. We were all too weirded out and went our own ways.



What a pity! I think it looked like good to write about a complex story of menage a trois.

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Do I dare put this in print? Don't get nervous people. This is a regret, not something I am going to do anything about.


My biggest regret is not making good on my suicide attempt. It's been more than thirty years since I awoke from a coma and I still wish I hadn't.


omg! Is this serious? Is it real you still feel so bad? It has to be like a course or something. Oh, my!

Thanks god, I can easyly forget my past woes. They are totally erased off my mind.

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I do not remember of any regret. Not I had been perfect or anything. My life has been rather shitty to say the least. Well, not my life, but my childhood mostly. If have had a shitty childhood, the rest of your life can look a little like a paradise.

I was expecting more shit in the future years of my life and it does not happened. Things were improving, for I had not great expectations, but bucks full of shit pouring over my head.

Anyway, there is a proverb in my country that says,

there is not any good or ill that would last hundred years. Neither there is a body that could bear it.

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One of my bigger (but not biggest) regret is not finishing high school.

I sorta don't regret it because I love working and training with my boss now, but some days I wonder what might have happened if I stuck out high school, especially when I'm working long days and long weeks non stop with hardly a break..... Thats when I start regretting my decision


wow! that makes me feel like very lucky. I feel so sad reading your words. Woe!

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Wasting my 14-17 years doing nothing and being miserable. I wish like crazy sometimes that I could have those years back, but they are gone and nothing but memory. So to make up for it I'm spending the next couple years making up for that by doing everything I've wanted to do. But yeah, I regret wasting my high school years being a miserable closet case.


I would like to understand why being closeted could be such a misery.

My life had always been always inside a closet. But I did not feel any need to be open about my sexual life. Neither I was fearing to be discovered and exposed in public for my sex life was not very active. Only occasional acts, when things looked like a sure bet.

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