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What is sexy?

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Oukkies guys, I'm interested. What is sexy to you?


Is it the looks? The behaviour? The intellectual skills? Certain assets? Please, the more details (no gore stuff) the better.



I appreciate physical beauty as anyone. Typical and classical beauty is in itself really boring to me. Beauty with something off in it, and you get my attention.


What really really gets me most is a combination of high intellectual capasity and overflooding imagination ( both can manifest in many ways). I guess I'm attracted to the brains then. I also find the types that don't follow the central line in life sexy. The ones who color outside the lines even sexier.

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Ok, I’m on a roll tonight. My guy totally does it for me. He’s intelligent, good looking, dynamite in bed and is perhaps the most thoughtful man I know. He’s passionate in his beliefs, and is without doubt the most stubborn man I know. When he gets mad about something he just oozes sex appeal. (sigh).

So yeah, brains, sex appeal, a little arrogance with humility rocks my boat.

Damn, I have it bad! lol

Edited by Sir Galahad
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Oh my my my! He has to be smart first and foremost. Personality wise, he has to be adventurous, funny and kind. He has to match my wit and be able to keep up with me. I want to be challenged.


Add to that a cute smile and warm eyes (the kind of eyes that show their emotions) I want to know when he is mad or brooding or horny just by looking at him :wub:


I think physical attributes are a plus, but that’s not the first think I see. Don’t get me wrong I love strong arms, broad shoulders and gorgeous chest but that’s just a bonus!

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are we talking about our ideal man here, or what we think is sexy? For example, I think the pic in Maria's signature is sexy. I think men in uniforms are pretty sexy, especially those marines! mm. :P I didn't used to think hairy men were particularly sexy, or men with long hair, but I've since changed those opinions. I love brown eyes on a man, too.


I have two left feet, but I think that dancing is sexy. Richard Gere is sexy. I think that Jessica Alba is very sexy, too. I'm not a fan of sweat, but I like looking at a sweaty man, does that count? ^_^

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To be honest looks always play an important part of the equation. I have to find him at least somewhat physically attractive, - period. He doesnt have to be a 10, or 9 or an 8. But he has to be a 5 at least to me or it wont go any further.


Then there has to be something that catches my attention in some way to set him off from the crowd. Something than moves a guy who is a 5 in the looks department to a 7 or an 8 on my personal perfect guy scale. Maybe he has a great voice at a kareoke bar, or an amazing smile, or fierce eyes, or a deep sexy voice, unique sense of humor, similar interests, etc.


At that point with time his total personality and all the other parts of him can turn him into a 10 for me and ill have eyes for noone else. in the same way a 10 in the looks dept can move to a 1 after a few conversations.


Thats the way it works for me. It does start with the looks.

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are we talking about our ideal man here, or what we think is sexy?


Both, just push the boat out and live a little! :P


What turns you on in a lover? Is it brains, cute ass, conversation, ability in bed; in other words describe your ideal partner or what you look for in a guy/gal.

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Both, just push the boat out and live a little! :P


What turns you on in a lover? Is it brains, cute ass, conversation, ability in bed; in other words describe your ideal partner or what you look for in a guy/gal.


I was just wondering if we were answering the original question, is all.

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What i think is sexy is exactly what i look for in an ideal man. So i wouldnt know how to answer one question without the other. If that makes any sense. I guess if there were things that one was attracted to that one would not want to marry then the questions would be different. For me they are the same.



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Ok, I can see Dark's point.



Sometimes those can't be parted like said above. Personally I wasn't talking about ideal mates. Things, not only people, can be sexy, moods can be sexy, thoughts can be sexy. I'm throwing out some examples too.






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I think there's a difference; i.e. one can be physically attractive (sexy or sexual attraction) without being romantically attractive.


The ideal man for me would have both, of course. :wub:

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I think there's a difference; i.e. one can be physically attractive (sexy or sexual attraction) without being romantically attractive.


The ideal man for me would have both, of course. :wub:



If I say I find how someone's brain works sexy, for me that does not yet qualify as romantic interest :P I do hope you'll find a whole package!

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well there are some characteristics that i find sexy and which my ideal mate would have if i was creating him from scratch but which i would never use as criterion to reject a potential guy. So i can see what dark was saying as well now that im thinking more clearly after a glass of wine. they include...


long reach

pronounced adams apple

propensity to sweat buckets

strong male scent

rich voice (not necesarily deep but a voice with overtones)

Reticent rather than talkative

Overly serious

bright eyes (color unimportant)

Sings to me in restaurants or bars when a familiar song come on

Striking appearence (could be elfin pretty or ruggedly handsome/part chimpanzee doesnt matter)

classic features that will still look good in 30 yrs, perfect nose, square jaw line etc

A mysteriousness about him, maybe even an element of danger

cold white skin (opps sorry thats my vamp thing kicking in)


oh well. mas vino!

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Hmm... well, here's what I'm attracted to:


Brain required. I like a girl who's smart without being pretentious, and has a witty sense of humor. Also, someone who can take being teased without getting all riled up, but can be serious when the situation arises. She'd be more of the submissive type. Something I find sexy is a certain quality of innocence about a girl, but she can still throw a good punch to defend herself. Physically, I like girls who are shorter than me, not that that's going to happen anytime soon, with a figure that's attractive but natural. Seductive, but classy. Athletic builds are nice, but not overly muscular. Oh, and big eyes and lots, lots, and lots of hair! Posted Image

Hygiene, too. That's a requirement.

And perfume. And lace. And... yeah.

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I think your signature is sexy Maria, but honestly i have always been attracted to peoples minds, stimulating emotional well thought conversation is something that i find appealing over looks, behavior and material things.

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I think your signature is sexy Maria, but honestly i have always been attracted to peoples minds, stimulating emotional well thought conversation is something that i find appealing over looks, behavior and material things.



Hihihihi... I think my signature is sexy too! Now the ultimate reason for starting this thread is coming clear... :P


And I totally agree with you Cailen on the rest of the post too!

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What is sexy? Well along with everyone else, is a bare back with a dragon on it.


And then Anya's too its my fav porn guy and I have the pic, it came from so oh yeah thats sexy .


But as for a partner? A gentle mind, intelligent yeah, but also one that cares, that can show emotion.


The eyes that can tell a thousand stories and look back at you with a naughty sparkle and a look of love.


The hands that can touch with such tenderness, but bring so much pleasure your heart stops,


A mouth that can turn a kiss into a love affair.


Hahahaha I better stop.... Great thread Mars :wub::boy:

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ok a few physical attributes. I love long arms, I love for someone to wrap me in their arms to kiss me so I find long arms sexy. I also prefer people taller than me.

I find eyes sexy like some people above have said. I think it's sexy how you can convey so much through your eyes and also find it sexy if my partner can tell straight away what im thinking or my mood just by gazing at me.

Personality wise, I find someone who is gentle and caring outside the bedroom yet can turn on the assertiveness/aggressivenes in the bedroom to be sexy :devil:


mmm any more I think of I'll add later :P

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To me sexy can not be defined or described. You can give examples, but you can't quantify it. To me, defining sexy is like that famous Supreme Court 'definition' of pornography given to us by Justice Potter Stewart - I know it when I see it.


'I shall not today attempt further to define the kinds of material I understand to be embraced within that shorthand description ["hard-core pornography"]; and perhaps I could never succeed in intelligibly doing so. But I know it when I see it, and the motion picture involved in this case is not that. [Emphasis added.]'


[Okay so I confess to being something of a nerd citing Potter Stewart in a thread on sexy - sue me :P ]


To me sexy is something of an attitude, that rakish, biker bad boy attitude is sexy, the boorish Philistine pig ignorant type is not.


You can look sexy until you open your mouth and ruin it, just as you might not be totally sexy until you speak.


Yeah I'm so precise today. So to end, here is something more definitive -


A great ass in pair of well fitting jeans is almost always sexy 0:)


provided they don't ruin the look by wearing flip flops, scandals, mandals, or the like.

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Well, I think there is no definitive answer to this question.

It's very much one of those subjective things and is different for each person.

It varies with mood, situation, age - any factor which has an influence on perception.

Even having a personal set of criteria isn't reliable as you can walk round a corner (figuratively speaking) and there is someone who totally wows you and they don't fit any of those criteria.

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It totally depends. If I'm looking for a hookup and strictly sex, then all that really matters is looks. I don't really care if they are a good/bad person, etc. So what's physically sexy to me? Well, my tastes vary a lot. For the longest time, I was all about boyish looking twinkies. My tastes has since varied, and I like everything from hunky dominant macho men to the before mentioned twinkies, depending on my mood.


Now sexy in a relationship is something totally different, and for me puts less emphasis on physical appearance. My boyfriend is living proof that I prefer guys who are relatively different then me. He's much more intellectual then me, level-headed, and more artistic. He's also more outgoing and friendly then I am. All those things I find very attractive about him, and thats probably because they are different qualities then I posses. He is also hot. ;)


But as far as physical features go: (Generally)

- Dark brown or black (especially black) hair.

- Darker colored or tan skin. Like cream or light to medium light brown color. Yum. :P

- Eye color I could care less.

- Someone who is built physically smaller then me.

- Big, thick cock (come on, who wouldn't?) :P

- Nice, hot ass.


I don't really have a solid definition of sexy. Andy said it best with his SCOTUS quote. "I know it when I see it".

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I think that sexy is a combination of things and is different to each individual person.


I personally find confidence an incredible sexy thing. If the person is confident to say what they think and be who they are... I just can't look away :wub:

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