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What is sexy?

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Personality wise, I always like people who are smart and witty. It's nice to be able to keep a conversation going :) I think a great sense of humor can be sexy and confidence is a must. Physically, I like people who take pride in their appearance. If I were talking about my ideal, I have a thing for nerds. I totally dig glasses, curly brown hair, and laugh lines. If I'm talking about girls I especially like feminine women.


My boyfriend is way different than what my ideals would have been, though, and I find I'm actually really happy. I never would have thought about it, but accents, trust, and muscles can be sexy too ;)

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Where should I start? :P


For girls: long, neat hair (colors don't matter), dimples, cheeks that don't make her look like she just sucked on a lemon, a sweet smile, a motherly personality, flirty and playful but not slutty.

For guys: short, messy hair (colors don't matter), defined jaw, warm eyes, dark eyebrows, a sweet smile, some stubble, fatherly and wise, flirty and playful but not slutty.


For both genders, having a sharp wit, good sense of humor, and a helpful, generally kind and caring personality is very sexy. As for physical appearances, everyone looks different, so it depends on the person. Posted Image

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My personal favorites:





Broad shoulders

Strong hands

Strong features (particularly square chins or well-defined noses)

Sense of humor

Height (I like guys who are significantly taller than me)

Age (I prefer guys who are older than I am)

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sexiness can be romantic or the other way around..sometimes i see people and at first glance i think they are sexy but on the second thought i think NOT...for me..defining sexiness is finding the quality or character of the person...this can be achieve by conversations, spending time with that person so that you can get to know him/her personally...i rather know a person first before i can say he/she is sexy or not...thats just me...

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The first thing that attracts me most to a guy is the eyes, eyes that smoulder me with gentle submission.


Second, the smell. I can't stop falling for a guy who smells good...that type of scent that lingers on your nostrils which reminds you of his presence.


Third, I'm starting to become a bear lover these days. Although smooth guys are no exception, I prefer the warmth that a hairy guy generates - but not to the point where he could be referred to as the missing link.


Fourth, the intellect that could actually shut me up while he says the most sensible things that makes my heart thumpety thump thump. A guy who could argue with me for the right reasons. I've only met a select few of guys who could make a conversation that interesting which would make my testosterone levels jump to the exosphere.


Fifth, a man who could admit his faults and who knows his own weaknesses. I would want to meet a guy who could tell me what makes his heart churn in sorrow, lament in his own indescretions, and assert the truth that he has made a mistake. I'll qoute Carl Jung "Is it not an old truth that a woman loves the weaknesses of the strong man more than his strength, and the stupidity of the clever man more than his cleverness ?"


Sixth, I appreciate a man for all the things that makes him unique, that only I could consider him special in my own ways. From the way he puts on his clothes, from the way he scratches his nose, from the simple terms of endearment that bear little of no importance to him but gives me the desire to call him my own.


Lastly, I am mostly attracted to a guy who has the guts to speak to me...that does not envelope me with his ego, but emulsifies his qualities too subtle to be percieved by anyone but me.




Yeah....pretty much that's it. :lol:

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Sexy to me isn't about looks. It's more about attitude. The way he carries himself. The way he walks and talks. Definitely the way he emits his masculinity. Little habits he does, like a flick to his nose, the way he unconsciously runs his hands through his hair, the way his eyes glint with happiness or mischievousness, the way his laughs or cracks a joke, the way he can roll with the punches, they way he creates a sense of security, they way he holds you in his arms, the way he sleeps peacefully, the way he stands his ground when you disagree, and most important the way he is so unconsciously unaware that he is doing all of these habits. That to me is most endearing and most of all 'sexy'.




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Sexy is the guy who helps a person in need when he thinks no one is paying attention. The guy who understands his strengths as well as his weaknesses. Sexy is they guy whose determination to succeed overcomes his fear of failure. The guy whose smile lights up a room, and who smiles just for the sake of it... :)

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I think a musician is probably one of the sexiest people alive. Someone that can sing, play guitar, piano. Not to mention someone that can write his own music. I just find that soooo sexy! Apart from that, a guy that is confident; a guy that allows his emotions to show; a guy that can be romantic; a guy that doesn't care what anyone thinks; a guy that can talk to anyone all of those are sooo sexy! Oh not to mention a guy that is super cultured and sophisticated!!!! *squeals* soo hot.

As far as looks, I really like defined eyes, dark and light eyes are both incredibly sexy. Just like dark hair or light hair can be really sexy. I really like naturally dark skin, or naturally pale skin; its hotter when someone keeps the skin they were meant to have rather then fake baking themselves or drowning in skin creams. I tend to like exotic... Perfection is boring so if they have a flaw in their appearance it can be super SEXY! I also tend to think different nationalities are super sexy. IDK if that's an American thing but I really like the foreign boys, my tops being Germans, Italians, Russians, English, East Asian... etc. etc. etc. :P sorry I have a thing for those foreigners... I'm not a fan of the All-American blue eyed, blonde hair, sporty guys... so someone that doesn't fit the norms is sooo sexy!!!


Now just get me a naked dark haired, gray eyed, German guy with a guitar strapped around his body, singing an original piece, while offering a bouquet of roses and standing in front of a fine dinner; with a single tear running down his cheek as he declares his love for me.... *moan* I think I might just pass out from sexual overload :D

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Its not the same to find someone sexy when you are 20 than when you are 82 like me :D.

For me it's just an esthetical point of view. I like to see people (guys or gals) around me and appreciate their looks, wihout any other intention to "move to action".it is a rather passive feeling, I do not need to get involved. I am at peace with myself.0:).

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Any number of things can be sexy:

I could wake up to Sam Elliott's voice every morning. It makes me sweat.

Jacob Dylan's eyes turn me inside-out.

Jett Li




Oh my... Sam Eliot's voice is spine shuddering, bone tingling and earth shattering...

And Jet Li's... nice pick.


But I'm stil with Goran Viisnjic... dreamy.

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