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One Direction. Real deal or just hype?


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    Pretty cool they're still having top 10/top 20 hits:



     They definitely dodged the 1-hit wonder bullet...which sadly looks like it's going to be the case state-side for The Wanted.

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    Because 1D is still relevant going into 2014 as they had two big top 10 hits this year with "Best Song Ever" and "Story of My Life"?


    "Best Song Ever" was a pretty funny video:


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    Because 1D is still relevant going into 2014 as they had two big top 10 hits this year with "Best Song Ever" and "Story of My Life"?


    "Best Song Ever" was a pretty funny video:




urgh..... but I do ship them all with each other, and zayn has nice eyes.

and a nice face.

and a nice everything.

maybe I'll marry him.

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   Zayn's pretty hot although I'm not too wild about all of his tats. It's funny how they looked like squeaky-clean 14-year old school boys back in 2011/2012, and now they're all grown men covered in tats. (Except for Niall, who still looks like a choir boy.)

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  • 2 months later...

"said her name was georgia rose and her daddy was a dentist, said i had a dirty mouth" 


lmao sorry couldn't help myself there as that song is rather catchy. I actually like some of there songs especially Little Things it';s really cute and quaint and very well written as theirs "little things" in everyone that we don't like about ourselves and try to hide from our partners. If some guy seranaded that to me i'd be like "DAMN He's a Keeper!". The tatt's though that's the newest trend with these boybands today full full of ink trying to be more tough and Badboyish they wouldn't last a day on the mean mean streets of Harlem.

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Man, I gotta get their new CD!


They're coming to Jersey in August and I was begging my thirteen-year-old niece to take me with her! lol

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  • 1 month later...



     I'll give them this- I don't feel like they've made the same video over and over again. Simple, intimate concept here that really works.


     I'm not really happy with Liam Payne's beard or haircut, though. LOL.

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