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How many people love to have great smelling hair?


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I am what most consider a manly gay. Though I am sensitive and I love more "gay" music, I also fix cars and get dirty and shoot guns/hunt. However, I love to have me some great smelling hair. Strawberries, vanilla, lavender, peaches. Love it. So my question is how many other gay men/women love to have great smelling hair, and if so, what kind of "gay" are you?(I know this might seem a little offensive, but just humor me.)

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Snickers. I'm bi but married to a man. I do wash my hair every day and I do lean toward fruit scents for my shampoo but I don't care brand or any particular scent. It just depends on what is on sale and what smells good when I buy it. The last shampoo I was using was a melon-y scent but the current one is apple. I do use coconut conditioner once a week or so, I like that. I'm not froofy though so I just don't worry about it as long as I don't smell bad! :P

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I don't wash my hair every day, it's not good for it, but I do every other day. I use cheap shampoo, I'm not picky, and most of it goes down the drain. I can't stand greasy hair though. My bf, Chris, has amazing hair, he's such a girl about it. <3

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I agree, if the alternative is bad smelling hair...well, I think know which one I'll chose.


If you mean, perfumy or flowery smelling hair? I do sometime. I like Apple and melon, but most the time I like darker scents like sandalwood or white sage or **gulp**...I hate to admit it but I like patchouli scents (and no I'm not a hippie Posted Image )


I do love to smell good!

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**gulp**...I hate to admit it but I like patchouli scents (and no I'm not a hippie Posted Image )


I am TOTALLY not a hippie but I LOVE patchouli. I like it in incense, bath oils and perfume. I don't use it to wash my hair though. I have never seen shampoo with patchouli or sandalwood in it.


One of my favourite smells in any form is vanilla. If I had my way my house, clothes, hair and everything else about me would smell of vanilla. Of course I wouldn't want the whole WORLD to smell of vanilla because there are so many other great smells out there... just saying.


As for my hair it mostly smells of tea tree when my son is in school because he has thick curly hair and he tends to get nits easily. We both rinse in tea tree and every couple of days I soak his hair in tea tree and lavender and go through it with a nit comb. It seems to work.


My favourite smell for my hair is coconut. I have to condition well because I've been so horrible to my hair to get it green :)


As for what kind of gay I am..... hmm... well I guess I'm the same kind of gay as i am everything else... weird

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Mine usually smells like a mix between Head and Shoulders and Suave. My shampoo is more bout making my hair look a certain way (dandruff free and straight,lol) than the way it smells. I would love a strawberry/vanilla smelling shampoo though.

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Who doesn't like good smelling hair? I use suave shampoo, I think it's ocean breeze or something. And chamomile conditioner.


I like the smell of several of shampoos by suave, but Ocean Charge has to be my favorite! (I went and checked the name - how gay am I??? Posted Image ) I could sniff at that all day!

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I have sensitive skin, so no perfumes for me! Posted Image But, I'm not a person who enjoys scents on people, except I have this fascination for Old Spice. ../..//public/style_emoticons/default/blush1.gif My dad still wears that stuff, so I guess it's a holdover from my childhood. When I could smell that aftershave, it meant my dad was home.

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Who doesn't love great smelling hair indeed :P


I'm currently using a shampoo that smells like orchids and coconut and I love it. I especially like scents like, vanilla, strawberry and lavender for my hair as well XD

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I bet you would smell great after a dip in the trough wash too Princess Anya :wub: and me? I use a bar of green Fairy soap LOL will change to something more smelly and attractive when theres someone here to sniff it LOL :)

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I bet you would smell great after a dip in the trough wash too Princess Anya Posted Image and me? I use a bar of green Fairy soap LOL will change to something more smelly and attractive when theres someone here to sniff it LOL Posted Image



I have no idea what green Fairy soap is? Posted Image As for me I found this really great Green Tea shampoo and conditioner. It smells wonderful and strips away the dandruff too. :)

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um great smelling hair...how do you smell your own hair again? unless it's long enough to reach your nose, i can't....

I like good smelling shampoo but that's entirely different from goods smelling hair, after all it is a soap which reacts to water...etc...

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Since when does appreciating the smell of someone's hair have anything to do with gayness? o_O the more you know...

On me I like very neutral/delicate scents because I have a pretty sensitive nose--I get headaches from someone walking into the same room with perfume on. On other people I really like very soft fruity or floral smells, especially raspberry or cherry blossoms.

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I'm weird when it comes to hair products. I work at Walmart in the backroom inventory area. Whenever i have to audit something from the health and beauty section, I stand around smelling things. Currently I am using Ausie shampoo and conditioner and Tone bodywash.

I love the smell of Garnier products but I've used them for years so i wanted to switch it up. I first picked up Herbal Essence because it was the best smelling stuff in the world at first. Turns out the stuff smells like chemicals now. I REFUSE to use a chemically scented item to CLEAN my hair. Just seems wrong to me.

I am a mix between a flamer and a manly gay. I have my moments of both. It's rather confusing.

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A lot of these products actually damage your hair and other parts of your body over time.


Popular shampoos contain toxic chemicals linked to nerve damage. http://www.naturalnews.com/003210.html


I tend to use more natural hair wash products, does the job well, feeling squeaky clean & fresh Posted Image

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A lot of these products actually damage your hair and other parts of your body over time.


Popular shampoos contain toxic chemicals linked to nerve damage. http://www.naturalnews.com/003210.html


I tend to use more natural hair wash products, does the job well, feeling squeaky clean & fresh Posted Image


To tell the truth, half the products we use and the things we put in/on our bodies are poisoning us. If you ask me, in this day and age it's hard to avoid harmful chemicals besides living in an Amish lifestyle. I like modern convenience a tad too much for that.

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To tell the truth, half the products we use and the things we put in/on our bodies are poisoning us. If you ask me, in this day and age it's hard to avoid harmful chemicals besides living in an Amish lifestyle. I like modern convenience a tad too much for that.


I agree, and I wouldn't label myself as an health freak or such, but I do try and limit myself to such exposure, after all I only have one body, I might as well try look after it the best I can.

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Note: for those who want a cheap, safe alternative to shampoo, a baking soda scrub is awesome. I use that more than regular shampoo (and I'm using a soap a really health-conscious friend gave me that's basically scentless) and it feels cleaner than after using shampoo! I'm just using shampoo right now because my aunt bought it for me. Still use baking soda and vinegar half of the week though. Tempted to put a little lemon juice in the vinegar to start getting some red tones back in my hair.

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