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This Week's Gay Short Film 7/26/12


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Well I guess the clue was in the title Posted Image


OK, for anyone who needs cheering up after that here's a really sweet gay short from Argentina ... and nobody dies!!! Posted Image

Oh, and stay for the credits - the track written for the film is well worth hearing


Edited by Zombie
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Though the technical aspects fall shot in places, the emotional content is there, which is difficult to achieve when making a short film, or a feature-length film of any kind. Though it's kind of sad, it's still a beautiful piece. It would be interesting to see the film that was made right after this one, or any other ones up to this point.


Thanks for posting this! It's reassuring that there is a life for short films after they've made their festival circuit. It's hard to find them sometimes, as there's no real 'proper' venue for shorts, though like the writing world, they can be just as compelling (if not moreso) than feature films.

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thank so much for the comments, you guys! :)


And always remember that there is a ton of other gay short films on the Comicality YouTube account! So if you're looking for more, I try to add a new one every week. Check the 'Gay Like Me' section when you get a chance....


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