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35 Things You Will Never Again See in Your Life


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I was watching the Power Rangers up until the season where the rangers were all turned into children, and after that year I lost interest. By 1997, I had switched into being into shows like Daria, the Real World, and Buffy the Vampire Slayer.

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I love Daria.... Maybe because I was like anti-establishment (but I am a conservative anti-establishment). And of course, My So-Called Life. No, I don't own any Power Ranger stuff. I don't own a lot of toys. Usually toys were earned by self-imprisonment in the bathroom and crying. No..., it's too taxing to my health to do that all the time, so I didn't have many toys. I was a computer nerd, so most of my "toys" were computer games.

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I started getting into daria around '99, it was my first MTV show :D


You guys were older than me, when it came out, so you got to enjoy the anti-establishment wall flower feel earlier.


Come to think of it, when was the last time MTV actually showed music after 90's? My first music video was Christina Aguilera single, Genie in a bottle that's how I remember my first trip to MTV.


Number 36:


What happened to MTV having music videos?

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Aww.. I like remembering my youth, I miss the 90s, it was a good time to grow up, I think. lol. Although, I do hate AOL, I never hid in the clothing racks. I didn't watch a lot of Television, least of all Nickelodeon, Boy Meets World, and I believe All That. I never was a game show fan either. I had most of the toys. I hate sugary chewing gum so I never had the powder gum or the Skittles gum, can't remember that skittles ever had gum. I remember collecting a lot of those Spoons from the cereal boxes and I won the balance bird at a carnival.. lol, it amazed me for like five minutes. I think I still have it in my "memories" box that is in the bottom of my closet. HI-C and the Berry Sprite are the only drinks I tried from all of those. I hate Oreos, so I never had the cereal. I hate Doritos, so I never tried the 3D, they look disgusting. I had the Witch Halloween bucket! And I remember that sad part from Dumbo, but overall the movie sucked... but I hated that he was separated from his Mommy.. :( I was addicted to Land Before Time though. Sophie was scared when I showed it to her the first few times, but now she likes it. Those rubber poppy things were big in school when I was little, I believe the teachers had to take one from someone at least once or twice a week.


Overall I do miss my childhood.. :( Some of that junk seems really silly now.. and I wondered how it ever took hold, but I'm not really sad that some of it is long gone.


Some things I do think needed to be on there though:


Those ugly Friendship bracelets that looked like funky shoe strings tied in a knot around the wrist. Those Pop Rock candies, I believe they were taken off the market because of a choking hazard though, but they were big at the time.

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Okay, they still do those minute time tests in school-my daughter brings home 2 a week. She also has one of those pop half-circle things and plays with it regularly. Mondo juice bottles are still sold at the dollar store, they both like to hide in those circle clothes racks all the time and my son has one of those car carpets-but his is from IKEA. LOL

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  • 3 weeks later...
  • 3 weeks later...

   You will never see a children's tv show cover issues like this again, no way in hell. Parents are way too anal-retentive these days. Baby Boomer parents were far more relaxed than Gen Xers are.


Edited by methodwriter85
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   You will never see a children's tv show cover issues like this again, no way in hell. Parents are way too anal-retentive these days. Baby Boomer parents were far more relaxed than Gen Xers are.


I missed Captain planet and old fashioned propaganda :P


Don't worry Method, Gen Y'ers or Millennials are laid back and open to provocative angry protests like the baby boomers. Instead of Vietnam war and Great Society, we have 9/11 and a Great Recession.


In my opinion, Millennials will be less corny and much more graphic, when we take over such productions. Gen X'ers don't have the stomach for the reality of the world. Too many Yuppies :P

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In my opinion, Millennials will be less corny and much more graphic, when we take over such productions. Gen X'ers don't have the stomach for the reality of the world. Too many Yuppies :P


*Looks at Private Tim and Matty K in the corner over there* Hello, Gen Xer yuppies.


Anyway, this is a reference that is way concentrated to people my age. You'll never see Nickelodeon be this cool again:



Pete and Pete was sooooo steeped in the quirky grunge mentality of the 90's. I can't see it ever working on present-day Nickelodeon- all the current Nick shows are about kids who want to be famous, or are famous. There's nothing on  there that's about quirky, interesting kids who see the everyday life in a different kind of way.

Edited by methodwriter85
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