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Ninjas or Samurais what do you prefer?



both are warrior and both were Japanese but what do you prefer.


Samurais: Both samurais and ninjas were warriors that lived, during ancient japan that have been immortalised throughout the years.

  • Samurais were noble men who followed the bushido code whilst fighting.
  • samurais are warrior that serve the ruling emperor or shogunate without requiring a fee for there service.


Ninjas: Both samurais and ninjas were warriors that lived, during ancient japan that have been immortalised throughout the years.

  • Ninja belong to the lower socio-economics status of Japanese society and adopt and unorthodox style of fighting.
  • ninja are hired mercenaries hat would be willing to serve anyone who was willing to pay there asking price for there services.


but which do you prefer.


Yours by Scotty94





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I'm assuming you're asking this about a story? I think this largely depends on the plot and the characters. It won't be ideal to pick one above the other without being aware of the plot line, or something... For reference, Twilight...

Anyway, I like Samurais better. I've read some novels with Samurai characters and I like every single one of them.:)

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Well, I don't know much about Japanese culture. But from the little I know, they seem to be different things.


For me, Samurais are the noble warriors, out in the field of the war fighting under huge metal armours. But Ninjas are the stealthy assassins working in the shadows of the night, quick and deadly. (Please don't consider this as reference. These are just my opinions.)


So are you asking this for a story? I don't think it's a good idea to write about Samurais or Ninjas because people like them better. Like Michael said, it all depends on your plot and characters. 


If I have to pick one, I'll go with Ninjas. (Though I love the sword-fighting style of Japanese Samurais.)




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I'd have to say ninjas.


I grew up watching a lot of badly-dubbed Japanese TV.


Monkey and The Water Margin were both insanely huge in the 1980s here in the UK.

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To me, I would have to say I like both equally and don't have any prefference of one over the other.

I'd rather be the Damio with both ninjas AND Samurai in my service... muhahahaa! :evil:

In my service in more ways then one I might add :P

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Oh Cele...naughty :)


I prefer Samurai over Ninjas. I find the Katana (or any type of sword, really) to be my favorite out of all medieval weapons.


I would love to learn how to use a blade properly ^_^

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Samurais were the asshole police forces of ancient Japan who think they were the shit and could rape and plunder because they had so much power. "Honor" was something they could fall back on to excuse their cruel deeds. 


That said, I think they have pretty cool swords :3

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Oh... The Shinobi (ninja) definitely.


They are the assassins of the 14th century feudal Japan - definitely could pawn you for good. The fact that so little is known of their origins; it makes you assume a lot of things in retrospect to their culture and system of warfare.


If you want a more diverse tackling of this genre, I suggest you proceed with ninjas. Not only can you create a fire breathing ninja, a poison totting ninja, a disfigured pageant queen ninja, a turtle-head sleepy ninja, a sexy conjoined female cyclops ninja . . . the list is endless.


Wherein with Samurais . . . Yeah, they have a sword that could split you in half. But seriously, can they backflip while in mid-air, spit poison while releasing a ray gun out their mouths, while bombarding you with shurikens? (Defend that you boring samurai!)


Ermm . . . I don't know. I'm biased against samurais, since Samurai X or Rurouni Kenshin has pretty much donned everything about samurais. And honestly, the anime series has even utilised the use of shinobis, just to make it interesting.


Most samurai literature has focused on the discipline of the code. Ninja stories are more diverse and has that my-imagination-is-crazy-so-you-better-prepare-for-it kind of style.


Well, to each their own.

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I like stealth, so ninjas are awesome. But there's something to be said for the whole Samurai honour code thing, and the upper class culture of ancient Japan is quite fascinating.


I wonder, have you read Shogun? Really quite brilliant book, if you don't mind them epic.


Also, there's a really fantastic three-episode anime OVA called Winter Cicadas, about two samurai, each on different sides of the fight during the Meiji revolution, who fall in love. Well worth a look if you're into that sort of thing. Contains some nudity.

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Ninjas.  Though Taboo was an amazing movie, I'd highly recommend it to anyone, there's just something to be said about the secrecy and mystery surrounding the ninja.  In my opinion, they've been seriously over-popularized by media lately, but if you step back adn really read about the history and the culture of ninja society, it's really quite fascinating.  Not to say that the bushido code isn't fascinating, I just prefer the ninja cup of tea a bit better.  I think my heart was sold on the ninja when reading Across the Nightingale Floor.  Also, highly recommended.

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Ninjas.  Though Taboo was an amazing movie, I'd highly recommend it to anyone, there's just something to be said about the secrecy and mystery surrounding the ninja.  In my opinion, they've been seriously over-popularized by media lately, but if you step back adn really read about the history and the culture of ninja society, it's really quite fascinating.  Not to say that the bushido code isn't fascinating, I just prefer the ninja cup of tea a bit better.  I think my heart was sold on the ninja when reading Across the Nightingale Floor.  Also, highly recommended.


My friend who studies Japanese tells me that's a brilliant book, but I haven't read it myself. Probably should. :)

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Samurais. That is mostly fueled on by my obsession with the concept of seppuku and overall their Bushido honour code. 


Yet they were like most men heavily flawed. They are fascinating to say the least.



Edited by wildbricks
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Ninjas... Cause they are freakin awesome!

who doesn't love an evil ninja in some bad taste sorta Japanese movie?!


And samurais are just warriors with long swords right? :P

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mmm Ninja Turtles, lol ... who needs Samuri Turtles


I wonder if ever the Samurai ever tried to disband the ninja's after feudal times?

perhaps not, since power and money has always been an evil ,,, the practice lives on

lol, china has their own ninjas ... they put up a good battle against the americans in the 1800s


lol, aren't ninja like the special forces we have in our military?

I doubt we ever would stop having them unless peace prevails and we return back to a time where it was just ninjas 


that be boring ... and thats why we love star wars so much ... the galaxy is always corrupt, lol

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yeah looks like ... around 1900-1901 ... towards the end

1900: A year of disasters

gosh some of them were of muslim decent

you might like the movie "55 Days in Peking"

are you talking about the Boxer Rebellion in China HH5?

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