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a new world


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imagine a world were being gay is the norm you have guys dating guys, girls dating girls. If you were the only straight person around how would you feel, I always say that to people who thinks it funny to bully and tease LGBT people they should put themselves in our shoes and see the problems they cause from saying words like fag, queer and poof. I know that being gay is becoming the norm and a lot more people are coming out, just certain section of society think it is still wrong the likes or religion and the elderly. Don't get me wrong I have nothing against them but the era they grew up in and what has been put in there heads sort of influences they way they think of certain things and the way they feel about certain things. We don't bully them or tease them about there sexuality so what give them the right to do it us. please give feedback on this topic and all replies are read and appreciated.




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Your words reminded me of this comic from The Oatmeal, it has cuss words so I apologize in advance for that.





I think, with time and depending on the area of the country/world you reside, guys dating guys, etc. will become part of the norm. I look at it kinda like interracial relationships, most people you run into don't care either way but you will come across those few that think it is wrong and will judge the couple unfairly.

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It seems to be a human failing that never changes.  There are always those who find it necessary to belittle or denegrade others to feel better about themselves.  If it isn't race, it's religion.  If it isn't religion, then it's intelligence or where you live or your sexuality.  Once that is no longer a popular target, they find something else or go back to one of the earlier targets and start in on them all over again.  The more things change, the more they stay the same. 

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Maybe this is already starting to happen? 




I discuss this in the later half of my blog (I know, shameless plug :P )

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I think Bill Was is right there will always be something. Think back to just in America. You had the controversy between Native Americans and the people who came to America.  Now move ahead to the Yankees and the southerners, then the black and white issue. Now you have the Gay verses the straight. There will always be something , when the computer age came how many people were up in arms about that. Irregardless of the ticket it comes down to a lot of people have their own comfort zone and don't like leaving it.  Some literally are dragged out of it kicking and screaming but eventually once people realize it really isn't that bad the majority do accept it.  Now there will always be naysayers and even violent protesters but for the most part people move on to the next new thing and get up in your face about that.  think of it like a stone dropped in a pool of water, it causes ripples that disturb the surface of the water.  But eventually regardless of the size of the stone, the ripples die down and the surface calms until the next stone is dropped. The gay stone just created a few more waves but eventually they will die down as well.

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I think Bill Was is right there will always be something. Think back to just in America. You had the controversy between Native Americans and the people who came to America.  Now move ahead to the Yankees and the southerners, then the black and white issue. Now you have the Gay verses the straight. There will always be something , when the computer age came how many people were up in arms about that. Irregardless of the ticket it comes down to a lot of people have their own comfort zone and don't like leaving it.  Some literally are dragged out of it kicking and screaming but eventually once people realize it really isn't that bad the majority do accept it.  Now there will always be naysayers and even violent protesters but for the most part people move on to the next new thing and get up in your face about that.  think of it like a stone dropped in a pool of water, it causes ripples that disturb the surface of the water.  But eventually regardless of the size of the stone, the ripples die down and the surface calms until the next stone is dropped. The gay stone just created a few more waves but eventually they will die down as well.


And just like with many of the issues Daithi sighted, the reverse discrimination is beginning to show.  Blacks spent years in putting down whites, and after so many years of seeing homophobia as I was growing up I am now seeing hetero-phobia. Why must the human psyche go to both extremes before things finally settle into a semblance of reasonable? Just as the color of someone's skin should not make a difference- neither should ANYONE's choice of a bed partner.

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It's a natural phenomenon for any groups to exclude/ostracize the different because it's been seen as a threat. It often happens unintentionally in the beginning and sometimes they're even right. People do this, animals do this. It's one of the reasons for mobbing also.


To overcome this 'natural reaction' you have to use your brain, actively see there is no threat, be open minded. How many people complain about being ostracized by a group, but do the same in their own group without noticing? When we use the word 'normal' what do we mean? Do we exclude someone by using this word? It's the small things we have to be careful of, like using normal or not normal around kids, if we want it to become better.


And then there is always revenge: they did this to us now we do it to them. Illogical, stupid but human unfortunately. Another thing we have actively not to do.

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unfortunately, humans as a species are adversed to change and scared of "the new and different"


also, while the human species main drive to compete and fight for existence is to breed, that world will never exist, even if there ae other ways. the urge to procreate is just to strong. at least, this is what the science tells us.


but things are better. by and large, the kids these days are better by leaps and bounds than they were when i was at school rather than teaching in one, and while that may only be in the soft and affluent South (of England, our South is very different from the American South), it's still better.

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Change for many is a scary issue.  Therefore, some people do whatever they can to maintain the status quo and hold on to whatever positive feelings they are attempting to cling to. 

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