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tis interesting


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tis interesting and a bit hypocritical to complain about this when several political statements over the years have been done...

boycotting an Olympics because another nation was at war for instance...

showing a united country flag before it was ever united....

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I thought Russia would be the bad boy rather than the IOC


any way the O-flag seems to look gay in colors anyway


time to parade out with gay country flags







Edited by hh5
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tis interesting and a bit hypocritical to complain about this when several political statements over the years have been done...

boycotting an Olympics because another nation was at war for instance...

showing a united country flag before it was ever united....


''Of course not,'' the 75-year-old Pescante told The AP by telephone. ''I just wanted to make the point not to let politics interfere with the Olympics.''



The IOC is one of the most political of organizations.  They bend over backwards in some cases to be politically correct and miss the point entirely in others.

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The IOC is one of the most political of organizations.  They bend over backwards in some cases to be politically correct and miss the point entirely in others.

well when you have to pander to several dozen different nations... you tend to be a bit political.

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I know it doesn't work that way, but I have always felt the Olympics should be a time to put politics aside and let the mutual passion for sports bring people together.  Too bad they becomes a soapbox so often.

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I know it doesn't work that way, but I have always felt the Olympics should be a time to put politics aside and let the mutual passion for sports bring people together.  Too bad they becomes a soapbox so often.




Any anyway, all I'm gonna do it watch all the snowboarding events and shout/cheer at the TV.

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I know it doesn't work that way, but I have always felt the Olympics should be a time to put politics aside and let the mutual passion for sports bring people together.  Too bad they becomes a soapbox so often.


I would usually agree with you, but this time I'm actually considering boycotting them... Would have liked to see the ice hockey, but this particular issue just means too much to me.

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Putin is just asking for a disaster with this Olympics. First off, Sochi is normally a Black Sea warm weather vacation town. According to many, its nowhere near cold enough consistently to hold a Winter Olympics. I bet they will have problems with the weather. Secondly, enacting the very strict and brutal anti-gay laws has basically made them a target for Western opposition. Thirdly, there is a very angry Islamic insurgency just several hundred miles away, and you can bet they will do everything they can to kill people at the Olympics in some way. By all sources, Sochi and the surrounding areas has been turned into a police state within a police state, but even that can't stop all things.


In short, Putin is setting himself up for a disaster on the world stage, and I seriously question his judgement for it. 

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I know it doesn't work that way, but I have always felt the Olympics should be a time to put politics aside and let the mutual passion for sports bring people together.  Too bad they becomes a soapbox so often.


When it comes to the basic human rights, I don't think this is something that can just be put aside.

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  • 2 weeks later...

I would usually agree with you, but this time I'm actually considering boycotting them... Would have liked to see the ice hockey, but this particular issue just means too much to me.

Is it really possible for an individual to boycott the olympics... sure you can change the channel or turn off the Telly but that's not boycotting it anymore that it would be boycotting the Superbowl because the Sea Hawks won...


I know it doesn't work that way, but I have always felt the Olympics should be a time to put politics aside and let the mutual passion for sports bring people together.  Too bad they becomes a soapbox so often.

I don't think thats possible, because politics will always play a part in anything as big as this, or having to do with multiple national interests as this does... the original Olympics were just as political in Nature.


Putin is just asking for a disaster with this Olympics. First off, Sochi is normally a Black Sea warm weather vacation town. According to many, its nowhere near cold enough consistently to hold a Winter Olympics. I bet they will have problems with the weather. Secondly, enacting the very strict and brutal anti-gay laws has basically made them a target for Western opposition. Thirdly, there is a very angry Islamic insurgency just several hundred miles away, and you can bet they will do everything they can to kill people at the Olympics in some way. By all sources, Sochi and the surrounding areas has been turned into a police state within a police state, but even that can't stop all things.


In short, Putin is setting himself up for a disaster on the world stage, and I seriously question his judgement for it. 

oh i am sure he is... although maybe he knows something we don't the way this winter has been shapping out.


Or maybe they took down the partition because there was a gloryhole in it. :P

or maybe they just wanted to get rid of the gloryhole idea and just let guys look at each other naked... while they take a pooh :o also throws the anonimity of the Glory hole concept out the window or down the toilet as the case may be. I'd say people are less likely to do that thing if they see the other person's face... however it wouldn't stop sex in the toilets if people really wanted to do it.

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Is it really possible for an individual to boycott the olympics... sure you can change the channel or turn off the Telly but that's not boycotting it anymore that it would be boycotting the Superbowl because the Sea Hawks won...

Sure you can. If I don't watch it, they get lower ratings. They get less ad revenue. Since Sochi is already the most expensive Olympics ever, that matters.

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Sure you can. If I don't watch it, they get lower ratings. They get less ad revenue. Since Sochi is already the most expensive Olympics ever, that matters.

not if only one person does it, it would have to be you and half the u.s. to get really anywhere with that.

on that note, you don't have to worry about me watching it, I don't have TV connection anymore...

although I like watching the figure skaters.... not gay at all... nope :P ... and that's about all i like watching in the winter olympics... The swim teams arent in the winter olympics... right?

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I'm all about sport. Have been all my life. And I know it's valid to say that there are things worth going to the mat for...


But I think about all the Olympians for whom this was Their Shot At It. And I'm glad we didn't deny them that. Because for what? What would we have accomplished over the long haul by a boycott?


I'm glad we didn't. There are more effective ways to register disapproval, I think. Nothing comes to mind, I'll admit, but when I think about the athletes who have trained and strained and dreamed, beginning long before the venue was even announced...to trashbin those dreams for the sake of taking a moral stance is a price I'm glad we didn't pay.


But I'm a jock. Used to be, anyway. So I'll admit to being ridiculously biased on this one.

Edited by Adam Phillips
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I have to agree with Adam.  Not sending our athletes to Sochi would have achieved no lasting results. I think having several members of our committee going over being openly gay may in the long run have a much bigger impact.


That being said, I sort of agree with Thorn as well in that avoiding the purchase of advertised wares would also have a major impact. Simply not watching however only hinders yourself. I suggest if you are of that mind to watch - enjoy - note the products advertised and avoid purchasing those goods and services!

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