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Women Fans of Male Homoerotic Fiction

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I've always been curious as to why there seem to be so many girls/women who are fans of gay male erotic fiction ... any ideas?


Here in Taiwan, young Taiwanese girls love Japanese gay manga (comic books) ... I've asked them why, and their only response is that they think it's "cute."


Anywho, I'm really curious about this ...

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:lol: This topic seems to come up all the time around here. I have a sister who thinks it’s “wicked hot”


And I completely agree with her and I have no idea why :lol: I've tried to explain it before (and even to myself lol) but I never seem to come up with an answer. :blink: I'm a 19 year old straight girl and i've been reading gay fiction a lot more than straight fiction since I was 14 I think. I've always had gay friends during high school and of course I think it's adorable so maybe that's why I got in to it? Maybe because all my gay friends always seemed to have more stable relationships than my straight friends and I always admired that so of course i'd want to read about that.


I started writing it during high school and I have an easier time writing gay fiction than I do writing straight fiction. Maybe I should be worried? lol



Edited by Kat
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Yaoi is the term the use in Japanese. (It's an acronym for no climax, no resolution, no meaning). I've been a fan of gay erotic fiction since I was fifteen as well. There's actually a convention in California called YaoiCon and it focuses on gay porn. (I'm going to be there in October! (if anyone cares :2thumbs: ))


I used to think that maybe its the equivalent of straight guys liking lesbians, but as the genre is growing, I realize that perhaps gay erotic fiction has the potential to appeal to a larger audience. One of the main reasons why I like it is because it has a nice balance of sex and plot. Reading/watching porn without plot doesn't interest me. Maybe that's why most girls (I think) don't watch straight porn that much. It's all badly done. Gay erotic fiction, on the other hand, has the sensitive romance that girls like, but it also has the sensual and carnal aspect that women have been denied in the past.


The Japanese mangas and animes are very well done. Even my straight guy friends are willing to watch/read them because the plot is intriguing.


I'm not sure if I answered the question................

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Okay, so I get asked this question a lot... A LOT! My only answer is this...


I like boys, men, males, whatever... Two has to be even better than one right? Besides, I love to read and I love romance and love stories, even ones that are all inclusive with angst and drama... and if I have to read one more time about heaving bosoms and burning loins, I swear...


Anyway, I think we can all agree that guys are awesome! :P

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Guest tyler100

Ok, so this is my first post on here as usually I just read what everyone else has posted but I thought that this was something I could relate to.


I'm a totally gay guy who has a wonderful boyfriend and one of my straight female friends just LOVES it. I mean she practically has her tongue hanging out when we kiss. It literally turns her on. I don't know why and she can't really explain it either but any kind of gay erotic fiction or porn gets her excited. :devil: She loves the love stories and thinks they are 'cute' or 'sweet' and cries at romantic stuff.


She will sit and read through all the stories me and my boyfriend read without any problem. It's like having another gay friend which is weird. I mean don't get me wrong, she isn't obsessive or anything but it's just unnerving sometimes. All my other female friends don't feel this way.


Anyway, I just wanted to have my say. :2thumbs:


Tyler (and Sean) xxx


p.s I love this site and all it's authors :worship:

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I like boys, men, males, whatever... Two has to be even better than one right? Besides, I love to read and I love romance and love stories, even ones that are all inclusive with angst and drama... and if I have to read one more time about heaving bosoms and burning loins, I swear...


Probably the same reason why straight men enjoy lesbian... err... 'erotica' and I can actually enjoy straight stuff, even though I'm gay. There is always at least one person involved whom I can enjoy watching (unless he's wearing one of those dreadfull pornstaches ;) ). Lesbians on the other hand do absolutely nothing for me.

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in my opinion singling out women just because they are women and not men who happens to like reading stories with gay males is mean. i dont think it really matters. sex is just sex. or a story is just a story. meant for every one who would like reading the particular story, gay, straight, bisexual, men, women whatever.. i like reading stories about gay women. hell i even wrote a story about one lol(not going to post it cause i dont have an editor lol.). and i would get offended if i was singled out in a gay female forum just because im a guy and not a girl.

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in my opinion singling out women just because they are women and not men who happens to like reading stories with gay males is mean. i dont think it really matters. ...


I don't think anyone is being single out or are being 'mean'. The question that LittleBuddhaTW asks is something that many of us (both men and women) are curiousity about. It has been asked and answered in a very friendly and respectful manner.


I can't think of a better place to ask these types of questions.


Take Care,



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There seem to be a few reasons for it.


Like someone's already pointed out, a lot of straight women do get off on seeing two guys go at it, the same way that a lot of straight men get off on seeing two women go at it. (Though it's not just straight women -- I know one lesbian couple with quite a stash of gay male porn. Go figure) I think there's a generic "seeing two people of my preferred gender making out is hot" reflex in people.


If you take a good look at the yaoi stuff, as well as some of the written stuff (though not generally the flat-out pr0n), there's usually a big difference between the stuff drawn/written by men and the stuff done by women. There's crossover (as the recent discussion here about underthehoodster's stuff has shown :) ) but the stuff done by women tends to be a lot more touchy/feely and the guy stuff is more action oriented. Not always, certainly, but often. The men in yaoi done by guys are a lot less effeminate, too, and in general the guys in stuff done by guys are more... guy-like. Anyway, often what you'll find in the yaoi stuff is guys who behave the way many women want guys to behave rather than the way they actually behave. The gender stereotypical behavior of the guys (one acting very much in a feminine role, the other in a kind of softened masculine role) is kind of interesting when you look at it that way too.


Thirdly, and this one is a total hand-wave, I think there may be some escapism in there too. Gender roles seem pretty strictly delineated, and some of the stuff I've seen falls into the "I want to do X, but only guys can do X, therefore I'm there as a guy" category. I dunno, maybe not.


Personally I think it's mostly just "watching two guys go at it is hot". And who am I to disagree with that? :)



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The first time I ever read gay fiction, I'd found my way to Nifty completely by accident. I was sort of curious and thought I'd read a story or two (and luckily I didn't give up after the first really, really bad one I came to). I thought it was interesting that just by the nature of the subject, there's a lot of built-in conflict in most (good) stories. Most of the straight stuff you can find online is very contrived and, like I think viv said, a lot of heaving bosoms, and it's only really good to read if you need a laugh. And yeah, two guys together is hot and all that, but really for me I just appreciate a well-written story, which we have quite a few of here. :2thumbs:



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I appreciate all of the replies so far, I've learned quite a bit. As a social scientist at heart, this is a really interesting topic for me, especially since my academic career revolves around homoerotic literature (albeit pre-modern Chinese homoerotic literature).


I too have read some really good gay male erotica by women writers, and at first it surprised me how well it was written, and how they seemed to be able to get into the psyche of a gay teenage male so well. What would really be interesting if there were any gay male stories out there written by a straight guy (and I don't mean "sorta straight," but a legitimately straight guy) ... now that would be fascinating.


I'm a little offended that Bao thought my original post was "mean," but thank you to naper_vic for pointing out that that wasn't my intention at all. I think it's a very valid question, and one that many people have obviously been curious about ... and none of the women here who responded to it seemed to take offense at all.


Anyway, thanks for all of the responses so far, and I look forward to hearing more!

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I appreciate all of the replies so far, I've learned quite a bit. As a social scientist at heart, this is a really interesting topic for me, especially since my academic career revolves around homoerotic literature (albeit pre-modern Chinese homoerotic literature).


I too have read some really good gay male erotica by women writers, and at first it surprised me how well it was written, and how they seemed to be able to get into the psyche of a gay teenage male so well. What would really be interesting if there were any gay male stories out there written by a straight guy (and I don't mean "sorta straight," but a legitimately straight guy) ... now that would be fascinating.



Anyway, thanks for all of the responses so far, and I look forward to hearing more!



Well the answer the original question, for myself, I had a friend who was kicked out of their home because of being gay. That started me on my quest to find out what it is to be gay, well as best that I could being straight that is. I did some online searches when I had some time off and found Nifty. And I loved the stories. For me it started as support, but I don't know, I think it is hot to read about guys being together. Also, some of the stories are a really good read. For straight "erotica" or "romance" novels, there are only so many times that you can read about some studly well hung man saving some unspoiled pouty mouthed too beautiful beyond description damsel.


I also read HP slash fanfiction, and have come across some stories by guys who very much claim to be straight. Though a majority of slash is written by fangirls. The impression I get from them is that there is a desire to be the filling of a Harry/Draco cookie, if some of the comments are to be believed. Fantasy fulfillment, I guess.

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Even homophobes and people who have a favorite NASCAR driver???

Well I was mostly just in a goofy, good mood when I wrote that. But yeah actually; some of my best friends have been "homophobic" (they just didn't know I was homo at the time so they weren't phobic). People can be horrible to each other, and do horrible things. But for the most part I think everyone more or less "means well", and I think everyone has a good side (somewhere). People make mistakes, they're ignorant, selfish, stupid, and misguided.......but they're not so bad really.


Nor would they want to. ;):D




Just the other day I was having this conversation with a friend of mine, and she was saying how she thought Brokeback Mountain was really hot and how it was turning her on. She's really teriffic though, later someone asked her what she'd do if her boyfriend left her for her gay best friend (not me). She laughed and said she'd be really upset and hurt, but on the bright side she'd be glad for her friend because he can't find anyone and her boyfriend is a great guy.


Anyway, I guess I can't really answer the question myself, not being a woman...but I usually find any sort of love story/romance to be really touching and great! I've had several lesbian friends and I'm always really happy and pleased about their relationship. Also, I think there's something about it being two guys - who are traditionally less romantic and "sweet" - who are so in love or into each other that they're willing to "fight the system" or whatever and stand up for how they feel. And yes, I think it is partly seeing people of the desired gender behaving how one might wish them to behave.


Anyway just my thoughts, have an awesome day everyone and take care!


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Having a female roomate obsessed with gay fiction, it's not so strange a concept for me. Anyways, this is one the conversations I've had over e-mail regarding the subject...everyone's explanation is different.


:P it's my pseudonym so people don't find

out that....shhh...i'm....a GIRL! scary, huh? :o


I'm not surprised...a lot of guys I know get off reading lesbian stuff

x_x why shouldn't girls get a kick off of two guys kicking it?


i think it's really odd how many homophobic guys there are that really get

off on two girls going at it. i wonder how they make that work in their

heads? :o lesbian erotica isn't quite as much fun, to me. maybe because i

think most words for (female organs) are really really icky. and lesbian

porn...well, sure. but how do you know they actually like it? they mostly

look bored, i think. bleh. girls definitely need to be live.


girls generally kiss better than boys. :Pbut yes, when it comes to

erotica, there definitely has to be at least one boy involved. they're

just more fun.



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I've always been curious as to why there seem to be so many girls/women who are fans of gay male erotic fiction ... any ideas?

To piss off my aunt.



No, I'm joking. Though seing people go through my collection of books and mangas can be funny and quite informative.


I like love stories. Good love stories. No matter who they involve. But even more if they're off the beaten tracks.


I like mature contents. Because I'm not a little girl who thinks love is the stuff dreams are made of.


I don't like to be unconsciously shunted in a role who doesn't fit AT ALL my own nature. When two people of the same gender are involved, I can freely choose which one really match me the most and identify myself to them.


I also can't stand helpless damsel in distress with heaving bossoms. I like relationships to be set on the idea of "equality". Even if things are changing, it seems to be easier to get that feeling when the characters are of the same gender.


And last but not least, even if I've read some very good stories with lesbian characters, I'd rather read stories about men. What can I say ? They're highly interesting creatures. X)

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Japanese gay manga or anime ---> YAOI


My friends like it too... it's because they like MEN and they think seeing two men together is cute xD or that they also watch gay porn which is odd.. xD yeah they like men alot ....which is confusing because they always push me into guys i dont know that they think are hot... uhmm those weirdos..some how this all ties together xD


i think... 0:)

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I don't like to be unconsciously shunted in a role who doesn't fit AT ALL my own nature. When two people of the same gender are involved, I can freely choose which one really match me the most and identify myself to them.


I also can't stand helpless damsel in distress with heaving bossoms. I like relationships to be set on the idea of "equality". Even if things are changing, it seems to be easier to get that feeling when the characters are of the same gender.

I agree with this 1,000%!! The thing I find most appealing about gay relationships is the potential for a high degree of equality and the dissolution of gender stereotyped roles!...well that and boys are hot! :boy:

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