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Okay, another facepalm moment... (Please, no cream. My shame is enough, PkC.)




Georgina shut him up. Of course. A lady never kisses and tells. Or so I've heard...


Edited by Puppilull
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What innuendo? The man sat there and said 'dick' as soon as he opened his mouth. LOL I think the friendly concern and the virgin bit came through just fine, though. Besides, when you're busy trying to figure out how to handle a shadowee it's hard to stay focused on everything. 

And silver wouldn't look good with fabulous? :P


Diamonds are forever...

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I'm not sure the White Wolf Pack would approve of such flamboyant outfits ...


Too true. But Pup isn't part of the pack, either. ;)


Anyway, I'm going to go stand in the corner until my tangent line is far enough away from the circle that everyone feels safe. :P

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Too true. But Pup isn't part of the pack, either. ;)


Anyway, I'm going to go stand in the corner until my tangent line is far enough away from the circle that everyone feels safe. :P


I so want to make a science joke now, but I'm a lawyer who studied language... :(

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Well we sure have had some interesting things happen within Meta the last 2 weeks... First we have some Prompts

Prompt Iraq we finally got see when Prime almost died on his first deployment which was for the Fall of Baghdad and happens to fall exactly on Colt's 13th Birthday. The first things that come to mind is the attack on Prime itself. Who was shooting a Silver Bullet at him? Was it a Queen or was it an Owl? If it was an Owl I really want to know the reasoning for this shot, does it some how effect what happens later on in the chapter? If its a Queen I want to know how they even know about him and his potential to be in the WWP.

The next big thing is obviously that while racked out Prime somehow connected to Colt's 'currently vacant' body. That is at this moment his spirit isn't in his body which is failing due to the 'spiked alcohol' and 'normal pills' which Prime is able to evacuate from the body mostly before collapsing back and being in his own body again.  How is Prime able to connect to Colt's body and control it the way he did? This is very similar in theory to how shadowing works but still how is there a connection here? The way Mrs. Parker acts is so telling if how bad she has been as a mother, she doesn't even realize that it's been Colt's birthday and he is now 13 instead of 12.

Prompt Blow oh how I don't know what entirely to make of this prompt. It seemed really innocent as a chapter a talk between two people who happen to have a mutal friend in common. But that final reveal that Rob is shadowed causes a lot of questions to form. Just how long has he been showed? Is it Cotherby that is shadowing him? If it is Cotherby then the first time we know of Rob and her getting together was back in Prophecies when Bradley had a date with that one jock and nothing came of it. So if it is Cotherby then Rob has potentially been shadowed for over a year now.

On the question of shadowing I'm now again thinking about who is able to shadow people? Back in Origins we were told that “Supposedly, very strong vampires can influence the behavior of weak humans, a little bit like telepathy." This is from before we knew Queens existed so after that we assumed it was only queens that could but could it be that others can as well? At this time there is only one queen in MaryAnn and she is keeping very very far away from the pack or any wolves right now trying to 'win' the prophecy and become the new Lord. Cotherby we had previously lined up as being on the side of the Owls as she helped to create the Pack by helping to causing CE and Prime to meet yet she is also known to be talking with and sharing information with MaryAnn right now. So could some of the Owls be strong enough vampires to shadow people?

What is the purpose of shadowing Rob? What has it accomplished? Could this shadow be responsible for having Bradley and Rob meet in the first place? We know Rob was almost throwing Bradley at Colt at that first meeting. Now we know he has been 'helping' Bradley to hone his skills in some arenas. Then here he was oh so open with Colt and talking up Bradley. If Rob wasn't shadowed how long would it have taken for Bradley and Colt to meet and go out? So many questions...

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Now for the main chapters...
In chapter 11 we had two big things. Bradley and Gavin respectively

Bradley comes out to his parents resulting in yet another very bad familial reaction causing Bradley to just up and sever his ties opening him up more easily to join the WWP later on which per Pulp we can be pretty sure happens. We really don't know anything about the Carolina Pack that Bradley is from beyond knowing that his Mother is super controlling and that it has seven wolves who are dying of the cancer. We have no knowledge of what kind of Alpha is running this pack. If Bradley would have been able to join the WWP easily out of his own desire to do so without his Alpha having an issue with it like Leo's Alpha had. Also just how did Colt know that Bradley's coming out with his parents would go as bad as it did or was it simply a precaution and then timed to roughly when one would expect 'dinner and discussion' to be over with or was there some other means of knowing that the room and flight were needed? We know that Colt and Bradley knew that something like this 'might' happen. Colt also knew that when it came to the families of every other pack wolf there were bad breaks with their family and pack so I guess you could say he expected the Nollen's and the Carolina Pack to be no different. I greatly dislike Bradley's mother for all the guilt tripping and laying of blame on Bradley that she did. His father isn't much better as he just ran off. His sister I'm not sure what to make of as we barely even heard about her.

We knew that Max was going to be looking for a good Alpha to be for the Feldburg pack and my first thought was Gavin but it caused questions and concerns. Back when a potential Wolf for the WWP encountered Colt they would basically get addicted to his scent. This was seen primarily in Sam, Isaac and Al but we know Gavin has had the draw for a long time and unlike Isaac and Al he was around to get 'hits' of Colt's scent a lot at different points of time. We know that Al staved off his need for it by going into chain smoking and kinda stalking Colt until Haliburt got on him outside of Colt's dorm one day. We also know that with Al this wasn't really working to well as he kept wanting it. With Isaac he was an active Marine and got deployed shortly after meeting Colt so his scent need wasn't as great as others but it did get mitigated by care packages that had his to be pack's scent on items. Sam we all know had major scent addiction after he was bonded to the point that one week without some form of the scent was putting him on the brink of death, this was mitigated and extended the same way it was with Isaac by having items with the scent to help deal with the need. Yes with Sam and any other bonded wolf this was the most dire case and Gavin isn't bonded and hasn't had any Colt Steroids yet to amp up the addiction beyond the constant draw and desire to be near colt from the scent addiction yet. Gavin has also been able to make due while he is an active Marine but again it probably has been mitigated at different times by 'pack scent' items he has or was sent coupled with getting near Colt when he has been able to. So how would Gavin be able to deal with this if he were to accept the Alpha role of the Feldburg Pack? Would Colt suddenly have two packs to be the Meta of?
This discussion is also going on with the full knowledge and ok of Prime which one would think would also mean that Colt knows as well. So what is going on here with regards to that. Are they really willing to lose Gavin to the Feldburg pack? If Gavin takes this job how is he going to manage to get out of his comission with the Marines to take it or does Col Lunn have enough pull to influence Gavin's posting to be at a base close to the Feldburg pack?

Its really interesting that Max is the 'fall back' alpha for the Feldburg pack but in a way its not surprising since he was offered it before they went looking for another alpha. I suppose as with the offer to Gavin that the Feldburg pack would use its means to sire pups for Max if he were to take the position given he is gay. I wonder if the WWP should do such a thing for its own IC given how good they all are at their respective Alpha, Beta and Enforcer roles.

With Endings 12 we get to finally see the pack itself after the vote back in 10. We knew that somehow they would end up back together but not just how it would come about. It's good to know that all the IC agreed they wanted Colt back but still it won't be perfect for a while. I'm actually happy for Colt to have done what he did. He didn't go back and accept them and let everything be exactly as it was before he 'died' and was then 'kicked out'. He went back and is working to repair their relationships now that the scent is fully gone for the wolves and Colt only has the general Major/Minor scent of each of the IC wolves. On top of that Colt at least had been hurt a lot by the 'Lack of Scent Kickout' while the wolves have a 'Lack of Scent Shyness' with their reactions. Colt wants to know in his head and feel that both he and they want to be together and aren't doing it out of obligation and duty. On top of that adjustment period this is Colt we are talking about he to some degree wants some payback so there is an aspect of that in his choices now.

I like that Jett and Bradley got a little bit of time to talk but I really want more than this with them. These two have been friends for a year and a half and Jett has been holding out on Bradley that entire time even after the Alistair. If I were Bradley I would want to punch Jett for that alone. Not even getting into the fact that Jett has been informing on him and Colt's activities since Bradley first bowled Colt over. And the revelation of Jett being embarassed/ashamed over his Inner Circle and his own lack of taking part in their great works. Then the fact he is jealous of Gavin and apprehensive of Bradley now that he know he has scent for Colt. Then there are Jett's feelings towards Colt that we've seen before and have evolved since. It is cute that for the rest of the school year Bradley is officially on 'Colt Protection Detail' while on campus. Poor guy during MW1 it was split between first 3 then 4 wolves, now it is all on Bradley's shoulders. Sadly I think it's going to be necessary at some point going by what Betsy first told him during their Shaman Reading Appointment back during MW5.

I found it nice to see Chris and Colt's pseudo dinner/date. It was nice to see them having kinda a good time while clearing the air and seeing Colt's reactions to the different pieces of information of his past with the wolves. Chris seems like a ncie guy with no ulterior motives beyond 'I like this guy and want to take a chance while I can' since we know he is redeploying sometime after the school year ends. I hadn't at first thought of there being anything fishy with the stories and honeslty on Chris end there didn't seem to be it was more the figure depicted that was. This of course being Amanda who is both Dean Haliburt's secretary and an Owl. So what does Colt figure out here. Something clicked with him over Chris' reactions to the 'second guy' which I took to be Bradley. I saw this as Chris being protective/jealous at having a rival for Colt already when he just found him again and is taking his shot which I found understandable. I really hope there isn't some secondary motive than the obvious as there has been so much of that in Colt's life already. Then there are the thoughts Colt had about the 'dean scene' he knows already that Haliburt has something to do with the supernatural aspect of things and that his assistant probably does as well since she has crossed his own path multiple times. He couldn't know for sure that Amanda is an owl like we do but he could be thinking over the prophecy and the heir.

The prophecy read as MaryAnn could understand that odd language from India: ‘[… h…]is Fate: A boy will be born every li generations in Kubera’s realm, to lead a loyal army of strength to victory over the Lord of Darkness. When he also kills his rightful heir, he will take his rightful place, in time, for the new cycle.’ We know this is being translated into english so there could easily be errors in it, words that are translated as one thing but are really another. Given that I don't know sanskrit and thus don't know what two words either look similar or could be translated as alternate meanings its going to be hard to theorize things off the pure english translation.  But if the section on the heir is correct  then just who's heir is this being talked about? Is it the Lord's Heir, the boy's or some other 'his heir'? If it is the Lord's heir then who could that be? Could it be MaryAnn the last queen, Haliburt the supernatural we don't know what he is, a half vampire/shaman the Lord was the father of? If it is 'the boy' then we first have to know who the boy is. The description on the boy is vague to the point that it is either Colt the Meta or Prime the Alpha as both 'lead a loyal army of strength'. If it is Prime then the heir could be Forest but if its Colt the White Wolf then just who is. There could be another mystery party in the 'his heir' that would be dependant on knowing more of the prophecy to figure out who that heir could be.

There are also his final troubling thoughts what he has interpreted from the prophecy text be it different or the same as MaryAnn had somehow has led him to think that all of his wolves would die going forward but somehow the 'pups' should live. Whoever these pups are considered to be. He also has to talk to Chris but about just what is it going to be? His revelations regarding Chris or his getting back together with his 'ex'?

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I'm still a little apprehensive about Chris.  Like I said before, it just seems like too much of a coincidence that he's there right when Colt is.  Plus, his last name carries too many negative associations.  A "fink" is an informer.  Amanda was the one interviewing him during his Metaview, and very pointedly asked him about Colt.  Someone could be using that connection to gather intelligence. 


As for Rob, is it possible for a person being shadowed to believe they're having a relationship with and seeing someone without ever actually having to do so?  Maryann could have control of Rob from afar, making him go wait somewhere, thinking he's hooking up with "Gee" (who could very well not exist if Maryann is that good).  And we know that Jeffrey can affect an English accent, so why not his mother?

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