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Games with Irrelevant (or just less important) Stories


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So we've talked about games that have great stories that draw you back.  What about the other side of the spectrum?  What are some games that you simply enjoy for the gameplay and the story/universe it's set in doesn't really matter much to you?


One of the games/universes that fits this for me is Destiny (and now Destiny 2).  I know there's a backstory to a lot of things.  There's several alien species, bosses with story arcs, and the traditional story quest type things, but overall, I don't really care about most of it.  I simply enjoy it for the gameplay (fighting different types of enemies, the mix of PVP and PVE, the leveling system, general combat, etc.).  I played through much of Destiny and the main story of Destiny 2, but know very little about the universe it's set in.  And yet, I'm pretty content with that and enjoy the series anyway.


 So, what games do you enjoy playing that have no story or that you just don't care about that part?

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I think most first person shooters are covered here.  When there is a single player campaign, it's pretty story light.  Titanfall also falls into that category, but with bigger toys. lol

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Ummmm...Counter strike global offensive. 

But mostly play something that has a story... Like the Diablo series. Or Decision 3(that's a flash game... and maybe it falls into the "less important" story category.)

Oh well. GTA SA was a good old classic. Not really in to these flashy new stuff on the market.

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18 hours ago, Myr said:

I think most first person shooters are covered here.  When there is a single player campaign, it's pretty story light.  Titanfall also falls into that category, but with bigger toys. lol

I agree the most FPS probably qualify (though the Modern Warfare series will always hold a special place in my gaming heart).  There are also things like the Crash Bandicoot series, which although I enjoyed the play of years ago, I have no idea what the story is or why things are as they are.  


As expansive as the Destiny universe seems to be (with codex and whatnot for the races, histories, etc.), I just can't seem to make myself care too much.  I love the fighting, but don't really care about the logistics of why I can revive, why I fight specific enemies, who lives on what planets, etc.  They put some work into creating a pretty neat universe, but I guess it was lost on me.  Doesn't stop me from enjoying the game though!

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So every game in the Dark Souls universe counts here, I think.  Though I guess I do care about the setting, but with the story, I basically have no idea what's going on at any given moment.  Especially with Bloodborne, which was the first game I played that was by the same company with a very Dark Souls feel.  There's all kinds of story to be told, but it's never actually said outright in the game.  You basically have to read all the little notes left everywhere, read the descriptions of the items you pick up, that kind of thing.  And then even then, there's a lot of blanks to be filled in with your own imagination.  Or you can just play through the game killing stuff and not read any of it, or even care.  I do that most of the time, though I pay a tiny bit of attention to the story.  But it's almost entirely secondary.  

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