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Fear us, the mighty descendants of Celts and Vikings and Greeks and Romans :P .


... oh wait, I forgot; you have just the same ancestors than we. Darn.


In all honesty, it may be because in most countries around Europe (except the big ones like France and VB and Germany - and yes, there's other countries than those here ;D), being 'gay openly' and having special places just for queers is something we people are only getting used to :) .


I was surprised when I saw GA for the first time - I mean, we have one or two 'gay-friendly' bars here in Slovenia, and several online forums for the LGBT population, but having a forum /just/ for gay /fiction/? Wow. Awesome.


c: Beware, we're following you into the post-industrial age!

Edited by Zenny
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I'm a dedicated ninja stalker of corvus :ph34r: , so I kinda followed him onto GA to read more of his works ^^'.

Wow, did I know about this? :P Did you follow me from fanfiction.net? Anyway, cool, welcome to GA, hope you're liking it here. :)

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If you knew, then Zenny would be a bad ninja stalker. You'll only know when they want to tell you :ph34r: that's how they roll.


I love ninjas :)


And I'm relatively new around here too..like...12 days ago I think I joined, so i decided that's it's still not to late for me to actually say Hi





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Wow, did I know about this? :P Did you follow me from fanfiction.net? Anyway, cool, welcome to GA, hope you're liking it here. :)

Yeah, ff.net it is :3. Neheheh. Heheheh... Hehe... HEHEHEHEHEHEHEH.




... I mean, thanks! >:3 :ph34r:

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  • 3 weeks later...

Hey, I'm Phoenix. I've been reading the site for quite a while, and signed up not that long ago. I started writing myself back in June or so of 2008. This is a really great site, IMHO with some really fantastic authors. Oh, and I live in Canada. Ontario to be exact.



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Hello :)


I'm WriteByMyself. I'm an author who is currently at AwesomeDude, DaBeagle, and CodeysWorld. I already know quite a few of you here -- I recognize some names.


Most of my stories are here: http://awesomedude.com/wbms/

My sorry-ass web page is here: http://writebymyself.tripod.com/ (yeah, I know, it's tres lame)


I like to write though most of what I write, I don't bother to post. I am a perfectionist and much of what I write doesn't meet my own requirements for seeing the light of day.


I figured since this is the place to say "HI" that I should say "HI," so: HI.


That was very exciting. Please, hold your applause until the end. As you can see, I have an odd sense of humour, but those who know me will attest to that. And the rest of you lot will figure it out. I'm still playing with getting the settings here right. ::rolls eyes::


And that concludes my second random post. Future posts will be made, but a small charge of

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Hello :)


I'm WriteByMyself. I'm an author who is currently at AwesomeDude, DaBeagle, and CodeysWorld. I already know quite a few of you here -- I recognize some names.


Most of my stories are here: http://awesomedude.com/wbms/

My sorry-ass web page is here: http://writebymyself.tripod.com/ (yeah, I know, it's tres lame)


I like to write though most of what I write, I don't bother to post. I am a perfectionist and much of what I write doesn't meet my own requirements for seeing the light of day.


I figured since this is the place to say "HI" that I should say "HI," so: HI.


That was very exciting. Please, hold your applause until the end. As you can see, I have an odd sense of humour, but those who know me will attest to that. And the rest of you lot will figure it out. I'm still playing with getting the settings here right. ::rolls eyes::


And that concludes my second random post. Future posts will be made, but a small charge of

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Hey, I'm Phoenix. I've been reading the site for quite a while, and signed up not that long ago. I started writing myself back in June or so of 2008. This is a really great site, IMHO with some really fantastic authors. Oh, and I live in Canada. Ontario to be exact.



Welcome Phoenix! :)


Hello :)


I'm WriteByMyself. I'm an author who is currently at AwesomeDude, DaBeagle, and CodeysWorld. I already know quite a few of you here -- I recognize some names.


Most of my stories are here: http://awesomedude.com/wbms/

My sorry-ass web page is here: http://writebymyself.tripod.com/ (yeah, I know, it's tres lame)


I like to write though most of what I write, I don't bother to post. I am a perfectionist and much of what I write doesn't meet my own requirements for seeing the light of day.


I figured since this is the place to say "HI" that I should say "HI," so: HI.


That was very exciting. Please, hold your applause until the end. As you can see, I have an odd sense of humour, but those who know me will attest to that. And the rest of you lot will figure it out. I'm still playing with getting the settings here right. ::rolls eyes::


And that concludes my second random post. Future posts will be made, but a small charge of

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Or are you here just to propagate your bunny :unsure:

It's posts like this that piss me off. My first day here, and my secret plot has already been foiled. Espionage is so damned hard without having your secrets blabbed. I have hired the death ninja to snuff out the counter-spy... :ph34r: I just met NaperVic, and now I must kill him.



PS: I got the Avatar figured out -- thanks Graeme.

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  • 2 weeks later...

*Looks around furtively :unsure:


Ummm... I haven't posted here before but I was stalking the raccoon and he came in here. :wub:


Hey, I recognize some of you people! :2thumbs: Hi!


I'm a scribbler (I don't classify myself as a writer) and you can find my stuff at iomfats or the CornerCafe.

I'll work on a better avatar. This one's kind of an old photo. :rolleyes:

Now, where is that wascaly waccoon?


*tiptoes out of the room

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