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The Drop in Centre


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1 minute ago, Brayon said:

My bad, I just realized I forgot to finish this. This is the SCOTUS case that made Same-Sex marriage legal in all 50 states.

Well, isn’t that a coincidence. Or is it fate? Whatever it is, it’s pretty cool. And, even though I didn’t quite grasp much of what you said, you’ll do it justice. 

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11 minutes ago, mollyhousemouse said:

goodnight Sirs and friends
sleep well
hope to see everyone tomorrow

Good night molly...happy dreams, my friend

It’s good night for me as well, so good night to the DiCers still awake and may you have the sweetest of happy dreams when your turn comes...

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2 hours ago, Mikiesboy said:

Okay ... it has officially begun ... my edited version of ch 1 is sitting in AC's inbox.  I have started on 2 but i think i will go to bed.. mega early appt at the dentist.  Good night, all.

Sleep Well, my Brother.

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21 minutes ago, mollyhousemouse said:

morning Thorn, morning Sirs, morning DiC

achey bones make it hard to sleep in. already started a load of laundry & emptied the dishwasher. going to read a bit, hope to see y'all around later

Seems you’re having a productive day, in spite of the aches. Enjoy your reading! :) 

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8 minutes ago, Mikiesboy said:

i love going to the dentist ... they always have new way to get me to part with our money.   i said to Michael i wish they'd just pull them all (they wont) .. He thought bout that and then kissed my cheek and whispered.. no teeth, eh?  Could be fun.. Hahahaha

Mmm, there is some merit to that...

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