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10 minutes ago, Mikiesboy said:

oh that's a great one... i've heard some pple talking about that. NUTS!

The wack jobs were out in force today.  I rather understand how 911 operators feel when they get calls about the store not having turkey at Thanksgiving.  Freaks and loonies asking bizarre stuff today.

sorry you had wack jobs today. i got to spend time answering everybody's questions & not getting my work done i actually heard (via email) i had no idea there was an actual procedure for that.....

at least it wasn't half as bad as yesterday and i'm logged off until tomorrow

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2 hours ago, rickproehl said:

Excuse me Good Sirs and DiC friends.

to say today was different is a understatement. we had a Zoom Meeting and the company is having us work from home until June 1. They furlough a few office people since we are keeping the offices closed. they then outline a few options. so thankful i’m still working. 

just wanting to check in and wish everyone A Good Night And have a Nice Evening 

Stay Safe

we've have 37+ staff across our 3 locations go on furlough, either full time, we'll see you in July, or they're furloughed one day a week.
our CEO sent a meeting invite for an "all hands town hall" meeting for Thursday afternoon. Part of the meeting will be the Q1 wrap up, and there may be more cuts.
but it's out of my hands, and between now and then we have other things to deal with so i've just put it on the back burner.

take care, rick, be well and stay safe

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15 hours ago, Fae Briona said:

The fish market was also an exotic animal shop. You're correct that no one had to eat the bat for it to make the jump, but the market is where it originated (and will probably never reopen).  This precise scenario -- a corona virus making the jump from bats to humans -- has been discussed for years by disease experts looking for where the next pandemic may originate.

One of the worst of the conspiracy theories links the virus to 5G cell towers.  There have been several set alight in the UK over the last couple of weeks.

Wasn't it Singapore scientists who detected the bat DNA or whatever?

Seems selling exotic animals for human consumption is big business in China.

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7 minutes ago, Mikiesboy said:

Good morning... it is spring time in Toronto:


With the world being upside down at the moment, it appears Natty decided to add her two cents, eh? 

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1 minute ago, mollyhousemouse said:

 so happy for you!

thanks ... last few days have been okay...and i've been working some OT... but i have a  few things need doing and well i'll do them over these few days... have to clean the oven, taxes need doing, and the bedroom closet.. i'm afraid to go in there cuz i may never find my way back...LOL

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7 minutes ago, Mikiesboy said:

thanks ... last few days have been okay...and i've been working some OT... but i have a  few things need doing and well i'll do them over these few days... have to clean the oven, taxes need doing, and the bedroom closet.. i'm afraid to go in there cuz i may never find my way back...LOL

Sounds like my pantry

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27 minutes ago, Mikiesboy said:

thanks ... last few days have been okay...and i've been working some OT... but i have a  few things need doing and well i'll do them over these few days... have to clean the oven, taxes need doing, and the bedroom closet.. i'm afraid to go in there cuz i may never find my way back...LOL

Leave a trail of bread crumbs...just saying. ;)

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