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8 hours ago, mollyhousemouse said:

today was good, 
dinner a rousing success, 
time to unplug, i have a book and some cross stitch calling my name

Sirs and friends, good night, sleep well
see you tomorrow

molly i hope you had a good evening and a wonderful Tuesday 

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Not a great night -- joints feeling the rain moving in late evening and overnight tonight - and not a great morning.  Youngest dog had stopped her barking all the time but has started it back up the last couple of mornings. It's driving the two of us crazy, and we're running out of ideas on how to stop it. 🐕

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5 minutes ago, Fae Briona said:

Not a great night -- joints feeling the rain moving in late evening and overnight tonight - and not a great morning.  Youngest dog had stopped her barking all the time but has started it back up the last couple of mornings. It's driving the two of us crazy, and we're running out of ideas on how to stop it. 🐕

Don’t have any advice regarding the dog, but I hope your weather and your joints are better today, Fae. 

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2 hours ago, Fae Briona said:

we're running out of ideas on how to stop it. 🐕

Have you tried a spray bottle filled with cold water? A quick spritz when the offensive behavior starts is usually pretty effective.  Good for everything from barking to house breaking, and has the advantage of working across the room too. Just watch that your siginificant other doesn't step into your line of fire. Had an interesting discussion when hubby stepped into the room at the wrong moment.

Edited by Kitt
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1 hour ago, MacGreg said:

Wishing each of you a day of peace and self-care, to the best of your ability to attain it.

thank You, Sir. The same to You.

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4 minutes ago, Kitt said:

Dont short yourself on me time tim.

That's the nice thing about working from home... i can work ot for the time i usually spend travelling. I've worked more OT in the past month than i have in the past two years.  So I still have lots of me time... and i sleep more than i used to because i dont need to get up at 5 something to be ready to get out by 6:45am .. Now i sleep to 6:50ish... it's great.

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28 minutes ago, Mikiesboy said:

That's the nice thing about working from home... i can work ot for the time i usually spend travelling. I've worked more OT in the past month than i have in the past two years.  So I still have lots of me time... and i sleep more than i used to because i dont need to get up at 5 something to be ready to get out by 6:45am .. Now i sleep to 6:50ish... it's great.

If they offer to make work from home permanent, would you do it?

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16 minutes ago, Brayon said:

If they offer to make work from home permanent, would you do it?

In a heartbeat.  No buses, no uber ... we are saving a lot of money.

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26 minutes ago, Mikiesboy said:

In a heartbeat.  No buses, no uber ... we are saving a lot of money.

tim i agree working from home is a real time saver. it’s been a month and we have only used 1/4 of a tank of gas. since gas is $1 a gallon keeping car on full. 

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1 hour ago, Mikiesboy said:

Okay.. That day is over. Wasn't too bad a day. People have calmed down a little.  They are still offering overtime, maybe I'll do some on Friday.  Hope everyone is doing okay.

good to hear that your day wasn't horrible. we're all doing OK here Number 2 Son may get some relief. where he works applied for one of the Payroll Protection Plan loans form the Small Business Administration, and they got it!

1 hour ago, Mikiesboy said:

That's the nice thing about working from home... i can work ot for the time i usually spend travelling. I've worked more OT in the past month than i have in the past two years.  So I still have lots of me time... and i sleep more than i used to because i dont need to get up at 5 something to be ready to get out by 6:45am .. Now i sleep to 6:50ish... it's great.

i'm finding the same thing here. the hardest part of my commute most mornings is not tripping over the dogs at the back door. not having to get up at 4:45-ish to take Phil to the car pool is great! i'm sleeping until 6:30 or 7:00. 

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2 hours ago, Mikiesboy said:

In a heartbeat.  No buses, no uber ... we are saving a lot of money.

And as it was snowing (yes, I said snowing) and windy today, no inclement weather to deal with. It sounds like your employer would be a winner in this scenario as well. I hope someone realizes that and soon. 

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2 minutes ago, Reader1810 said:

And as it was snowing (yes, I said snowing) and windy today, no inclement weather to deal with. It sounds like your employer would be a winner in this scenario as well. I hope someone realizes that and soon. 

i hope so.. we saw a few snow flakes this way too ... lord.. haha

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1 minute ago, Mikiesboy said:

i hope so.. we saw a few snow flakes this way too ... lord.. haha

I saw more than a few (more like a blizzard :o ) at one point. This world truly is upside down right now.

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10 hours ago, Kitt said:

Have you tried a spray bottle filled with cold water? A quick spritz when the offensive behavior starts is usually pretty effective.  Good for everything from barking to house breaking, and has the advantage of working across the room too. Just watch that your significant other doesn't step into your line of fire. Had an interesting discussion when hubby stepped into the room at the wrong moment.

Tried it once, may have to try it again.  Seems like she regressed a bit the last couple of days and we can't figure out why.


Horrible evening. Had to run a few necessary errands at lunch. On the way home the air conditioner fan went from low  to full blast all at once w/o my touching it and wouldn't adjust. Was going to check a couple of minutes after I got home to make sure the blower motor [whatever that is] had stopped running but got sidetracked w. work [funny how that happens].

We put the furry kids in the car for a trip to the vet a bit before 5pm. Blower fan was still on and battery was dead enough to not even attempt to start to car. Took me 30 minutes to find the correct <beep> fuse to get it to shut off -- then managed to break it getting it out.  ☹️

Assuming the battery charger works (very large assumption), I can drive it into the mechanics in the morning.  The basic physical mechanics of the car are great, even though it's high mileage, but it's little electronic brain seems to be loosing it.

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