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Headstall's Paddock

CoTT 2 House of Cards


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Okay, now my head's hurting. Think I'll go for a walk down the country lanes for an hour or so to try to clear it.

Catch yous all later, gang!

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6 hours ago, Albert1434 said:

Aloha All :hug::kiss:

Hey, Bertie.   :kiss:    :hug: 

4 hours ago, dughlas said:

G'day y'all. Took the pup for a walk on the beach this morning. No seabreeze today and with the strong sunshine it got hot.

Evening, Dugh, Mum, and Thistle.  :hug:    *scratches Thistle on his belly*

5 hours ago, Marty said:

I'd be more inclined to call him a wannabe likkle tyrant... :whistle:

Hey, Marty.  :hug: 

4 hours ago, clochette said:

Oh right, no dentures. I guess it's easier no need to watch out for teeth

Hey, Clo.  :hug: 

7 hours ago, Bucket1 said:

Ummmmm... yeah well... you might find a visit here a bit stressful. Although saying that most of our animals are nocturnal so you might see the cute quokka on Rottnest Island or kangaroos at sunset but the rest are safely sleeping (usually).

Hey, Buckie.  :hug: 

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2 hours ago, dughlas said:

I'll have you know you silly flutterbug that I have an excellent set of my own teeth and can leave an impressive a set of teethmarks if I choose.

"flutterbug"!   :gikkle: 

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7 minutes ago, clochette said:


Hmm... 2 gentlemen "innocently" both going for "a walk in the woods"... Yeah... -_- :rolleyes:


I'm back from mine. Got sidetracked, checking on the kittens in the wall, and ended up replanting some mini roses I bought. They are in tin pails now, and I think I'm going to try wintering them inside this year.  We finally made it out into the woods for some stick throwing. :) 

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2 hours ago, Albert1434 said:

Since the weather peeps cant get a weather prediction correct it was 42 F this am

It takes about 10,000,000 calculations to make a one-day forecast, so I wouldn't be too hard on them. They can't be perfect.   :yes: 

2 hours ago, Marty said:

Or, to put it another way...

I prefer bare faces to bear faces.


2 hours ago, dughlas said:

I like bare butts ...

Same.  :gikkle: 

1 hour ago, Marty said:

For Albert's sake, I hope the questions are all multiple choice....



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1 hour ago, dughlas said:

Of course, without multiples there would be no choice.

Multiples?! Is someone having a three-way?!   :D 

26 minutes ago, clochette said:


Hmm... 2 gentlemen "innocently" both going for "a walk in the woods"... Yeah... -_- :rolleyes:

A rendezvous in the bushes can be fun.  ;)  Just put down a blanket, and beware of poison ivy and oak.   :rofl: 

Edited by Page Scrawler
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21 minutes ago, Marty said:

Back from mine, as well. It was a gentle walk down quiet country back lanes, where I dawdled looking at spring flowers in the verges and hedgerows (including buttercups, lady's smock, vetches, herb Robert, dog daisies, and wild strawberry), watching lambs gambol in the fields, and listening to the birds (the cuckoo was noisy this evening).

Of course I couldn't resist taking some photographs, in spite of the fact that it was drizzling rain most of the walk.

Here's a photo of some of the dog daisies:




And here's one of some wild strawberry flowers. I can't wait till the fruits form next month. They may be small, but their taste is exquisite and put cultivated strawberries to shame.




And, towards the end of the walk, the clouds obligingly parted just sufficiently to allow the setting sun to make itself known...




A perfect end to a perfect day! :) 

Looks lovely, Marty.   :yes:   I love making strawberries into jam, and I have a recipe for strawberries and rhubarb stewed in balsamic vinegar, which is excellent on top of ice cream.  :D 

13 minutes ago, Marty said:

How about ya, Page! :hug: 

(Said in a very thick Belfast accent....)

We're doing well here, thanks. Salisbury steak and potato gratin were had for dinner.

Edited by Page Scrawler
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