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[LittleBuddhaTW] Why "Someday Out Of the Blue" rules

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I just wanted to publicly thank Little BuddhaTW for writing Someday Out of the Blue. No matter what happens, no matter who (if anyone) dies, I want David to know that he'll always be one of my favorite writers, and trust me, that's a short list. I love every character, and I love the way the story has gone. I know I get mad about the way Ryan act's, but Ryan's just a character and I think it says something about David that he can make a totally loveable person become dispicable(in my opinion) and selfish so smoothly.

I think Little Buddha deserves mad love for writing a realistic and beautiful story for all of us to enjoy. So anyway,




Thanks LB

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For some one so young, you are wise beyond your years! I agree with you 100% about LB. It is a wonderful story and I am eager to see how it unfolds. It is like life, you do not know what is around the next corner or how it will turn out. The worste things can happen and you have no power to change them. LB has done a fantastic job!


No young man, (I can say that because I am much older than you). You will learn a hard lesson one day when you fall in love with a Ryan. I did and I know what is going on inside his head. Don't be mad. You should be sad for him. Realize one thing, he is crying out and he knows no other way to do it. A.D.D. can do that to people. He is hurting more than anyone else and has no idea how to process it. You will learn this in time. You will also find out that people like Ryan, are in it for the long haul. He has a bad way of showing it, but believe me he love Connor and he knows Connor loves him. He is trusting that the love between them is strong enough to see them through.





I just wanted to publicly thank Little BuddhaTW for writing Someday Out of the Blue. No matter what happens, no matter who (if anyone) dies, I want David to know that he'll always be one of my favorite writers, and trust me, that's a short list. I love every character, and I love the way the story has gone. I know I get mad about the way Ryan act's, but Ryan's just a character and I think it says something about David that he can make a totally loveable person become dispicable(in my opinion) and selfish so smoothly.

I think Little Buddha deserves mad love for writing a realistic and beautiful story for all of us to enjoy. So anyway,

Thanks LB

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No young man, (I can say that because I am much older than you). You will learn a hard lesson one day when you fall in love with a Ryan. I did and I know what is going on inside his head. Don't be mad. You should be sad for him. Realize one thing, he is crying out and he knows no other way to do it. A.D.D. can do that to people. He is hurting more than anyone else and has no idea how to process it. You will learn this in time. You will also find out that people like Ryan, are in it for the long haul. He has a bad way of showing it, but believe me he love Connor and he knows Connor loves him. He is trusting that the love between them is strong enough to see them through.







Maybe in real life, but to me he's a character in a story, and I like to add my own past that the author doesnt...ie, Ryan kiddnapping Connors mom and giving her a mind altering drug to make her his assasine). I think about something that hasnt happened in the story and twist it around to fit my own twisted plot line 0:)0:)

Anyway, I'm glad you agree with me about LB though, because he really does rule

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Dude you are so right about SOOTB and LB's skill. I would like to add that I have been incredibley impressed by your ability to capture the feel and mindset of a preadolescent in What's the Difference. I feel you have not gotten alot of recognition about this probably due to the squish factor of the age(just speculating). Anyway I want to say here in this more read forum that I hope you get back to What's the Difference.. Nearly as much as I want to find out what happens in SOOTB. Pax Steve Sevilla.

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Someday Out of the Blue is one of the best new online stories to emerge in a long time. I'm hooked on it. It really is excellent!


A standing-O to Little Buddah and his editor Kitty. :worship:


Little Buddah has got to be rookie of the year.



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Yes, I guess I was, Jack. :*)


Leave it to someone as sharp, intuitive, and direct as you to point this out! With your straight-talking, call it like you see it attitude you should go really far! Have an awesome day! :D:2thumbs:

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I'll take ass kissing over death threats any day ... ;)


But I'm still not giving your spoilers, Nicko! :P





:(:(:( But I love you 0:)0:)0:)0:):P:P:P



BTW, I never kiss ass......Oh wait, sometimes I might, but not in the way your talking about 0:)0:)0:)

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  • 1 month later...
I just wanted to publicly thank Little BuddhaTW for writing Someday Out of the Blue. No matter what happens, no matter who (if anyone) dies, I want David to know that he'll always be one of my favorite writers, and trust me, that's a short list. I love every character, and I love the way the story has gone. I know I get mad about the way Ryan act's, but Ryan's just a character and I think it says something about David that he can make a totally loveable person become dispicable(in my opinion) and selfish so smoothly.

I think Little Buddha deserves mad love for writing a realistic and beautiful story for all of us to enjoy. So anyway,

Thanks LB


I couldn't agree anymore with you, little buddha could have passed this off as a real story, I mean the adoption/guardianship/fostercare is a tad off but overall extremely realistic (comes from having to goto house visits with my aunt being a social worker.. la.. talk about having mixed emotions watching her take, and place people in different homes..)


Overall I couldn't truly argue with anything about this story it's fantastic. Really keep up the good work, one of my favorite stories so far! :)

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I couldn't agree anymore with you, little buddha could have passed this off as a real story, I mean the adoption/guardianship/fostercare is a tad off but overall extremely realistic (comes from having to goto house visits with my aunt being a social worker.. la.. talk about having mixed emotions watching her take, and place people in different homes..)


Overall I couldn't truly argue with anything about this story it's fantastic. Really keep up the good work, one of my favorite stories so far! :)


do you think Ryan and Connor will get back together?

i realy like the story i read it 55 times and look for clues and other things like the title were he got it and so on i found a lot of answers by resurch

Edited by an editor
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  • 4 weeks later...

There are many reasons I love this story. I can't write them all, the post will be too big and I will be kicked out of the forum. Here are just a few.


1. Attention to details. Small details like the smell of Irish Spring soap that Connor senses every time he hugs Ryan. These details make a difference between a good story and a great one.


2. The complexity of the characters. Each of the main characters has so many facets, conflicts and contradictions. We have been posting different theories about their behavior and with each chapter something new comes up. God knows I

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