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New Year's Resolutions

Jack Scribe

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I have a New Years resolution not to make New Years resolutions. Losing weight is an all year resolution for me (always starting the day after tomorrow).

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...and Diet Cokes!




Seriously, here's to a wonderful 2007. May GA continue to provide the wonderful mix of stories, poetry and good comradeship.


Jack B)


HEY! WTF did you get my picture? I AM ROYALLY PISSED! not! :P


Really, that's soooo gross! How'd you like to sit next to him/her on a plane? It makes me glad that I do go to the gym. I love the pic. Is that a Diet Coke "before" or "after"? :lol:


Actually, this is sad. This person needs medical and maybe psychological help. I've read that overweight like this is called "morbid obesity", and IMO it is very morbid, indeed!


Colin :boy:

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Yes, being overweight is very bad for you. Ironically though it is stress fat that is the worst for your heart...anyone know where that fat is? Think pot belly...yup, stomach fat is the worst for your health, so if you got it watch your heart...and try and get rid of it too!


Then again, lots of things are bad for you, smoking, overeating, fast food, lots of drugs (illegal and legal), not enough sleep, stress ...blah blah blah. Oh well, everything in moderation and keep a health weight and you should be ok. Most importantly enjoy life, cause if you don't...none of the effort is worth it!


Greg (whose new year's resolution is to try at life...not joking)

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I was just at McDonalds and i swear to god, this very bulky woman ordered 2 number ones and then proceeded to get a large diet coke. I busted out laughing and everyone started to stare (no one knew wha ti was laughing at) so i got up and left. It was the funniest thing ive seen all week.


I know it sounds mean but c'mon. Why would you order something like 2 big macs then get a diet coke? Does the diet in the coke cancel out all the fat and grease going straight to your inevitable heart attack? It makes me laugh when people do that.


But yeah, my new years resolution is to find someone to be with, go back to the gym and go see Incubus on February 2nd (the greatest band on the planet btw). If i dont do that last one im going to kill someone....or better yet book them for 2008 new years house party at my place! That would be so hardcore if i could do that.....hire them to work at some random party i throw for no reason.





Ian ^_^

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Well, I've never really made a resolution before but Seb and I are making one together this year. We're going to cut out the short haul flying and whenever possible travel by train instead. The overall pollution reduction is as much as 90%. We fly a lot and there's no excuse except that it saves us money and a day's travel each time or thereabouts. Bugger, if only one of us didn't have a conscience...



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Well, I've never really made a resolution before but Seb and I are making one together this year. We're going to cut out the short haul flying and whenever possible travel by train instead. The overall pollution reduction is as much as 90%. We fly a lot and there's no excuse except that it saves us money and a day's travel each time or thereabouts. Bugger, if only one of us didn't have a conscience...


Hey Jakob, if you dont fly, the plane will simply go without you and there is no pollution reduction :lmao:

Sometimes, to have a good conscience is not a real solution. Better to choose Airways companies which use planes with less kerozene waste (newer planes !)

Old bob

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Hey Jakob, if you dont fly, the plane will simply go without you and there is no pollution reduction :lmao:

Sometimes, to have a good conscience is not a real solution. Better to choose Airways companies which use planes with less kerozene waste (newer planes !)

Old bob


Hmm...but the older plane will still fly without me! Reducing air traffic on short haul flights means reducing the number of paying passengers - fewer paying passengers = fewer planes in the air. If you calculate only my individual effect it might seem pointless but if it turns out that other people make the same decision then the aggregate effect might be significant. It's happened with other things - boycotts can work. Plus, travelling by rail increases revenue to rail services and bolsters arguments for providing resources to make rail travel more convenient and affordable! But finally the real reason...we couldn't afford to fly on any but the cheapest airlines and that means the oldest and most polluting planes!

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Hmmm... I feel very sorry for overweight people, and I sympathize. My BMI puts me in the middle of the "overweight" rating, under "obese", but more than "healthy".


I once weighed 185 lbs and I was only like 5'1 or 2"...... and every day was a horrid nightmare of how much I wanted to lose weight and blahblahblah. I blame society. I really think this notion of having to be thin is very bad for everyone. Sure, being a little chunky might not be so healthy, but think of all the mental damage kids receive... ~nods~ Well, that's just my opinion. I still bristle when someone says fatass or anything like that around me, even if it's not directed anywhere near me... Like if someone called someone a fag right next to you, how'd you feel? Yeah, it's kinda like that.


I'm not as bad anymore. I've recently gained back some of what I lost, so I fluctuate a bit between 165 and 170. :( I had gotten all the way down to 160, leaning toward the 150's, getting taller the whole time. I'm (supposedly...) 5'8" now. I look much better than I did before, and I feel better too. I still want to be thinner, but hey, no one's perfect. I just think it's very unhealthy to dwell on it. If you want to lose weight, make the simple decisions; drink diet, pick the fruit instead of the carb, and park far away. All this extremity in attitude and dieting scares me.





ANYWAY, rant over, I'm done. Sorry, big issue for me. So, my New Year's resolutions have always been horribly unsuccessful. :D Jamessavik, I'm with you. Especially since quitting smoking is quite possibly the worst new year's resolution ever... come to think of it I've only met two people in my entire life who definitively quit.


I had a friend who called the Marlboro company and said they were quitting. The guy laughed at him and said good luck. :P


This year I think I'll pick...


Finding a boyfriend. A decent one. Yeah... I'll make one... it wouldn't be that hard! Just need a few parts... ~cackles maniacally and heads for graveyard~

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Well, I've never really made a resolution before but Seb and I are making one together this year. We're going to cut out the short haul flying and whenever possible travel by train instead. The overall pollution reduction is as much as 90%. We fly a lot and there's no excuse except that it saves us money and a day's travel each time or thereabouts. Bugger, if only one of us didn't have a conscience...




Save time? I took me 11 hours to get from England to here in Germany by plane (train to London, plane to Munich, home by car); with the train it would have only been 10 hours. The real problem is the money. The train costs me about three times as much as the flight.


But you are right, it is more pollution. On the other hand we could save at other things (did I mention English s**k at recycling? I will never understand why they recycle plastic bottles but not plastic bags)



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I'm another one who doesn't make New Year's resolutions so that I won't be disappointed when I break them...


As for the whole plane versus the train debate it depends on where you are. Here in Canada the two major airlines are just about done modernizing their fleets but the train system is still using 1960's diesel technology... plus for me to travel to the west coast would be 5 hours and $498 by plane and 4.5 days and $1200 by train!

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I realise this thread hijacking - of a game of all things! but...


I'm another one who doesn't make New Year's resolutions so that I won't be disappointed when I break them...


As for the whole plane versus the train debate it depends on where you are. Here in Canada the two major airlines are just about done modernizing their fleets but the train system is still using 1960's diesel technology... plus for me to travel to the west coast would be 5 hours and $498 by plane and 4.5 days and $1200 by train!


This example is good! This isn't a "short haul" flight really, I'd call it medium haul at least. The difference in travel time is very significant. The cost of this flight is significant as well - much cheaper than the train but not cheap. Here's an example of the kind of flights I'm talking about (and we make lots of these each year): we fly from London, Gatwick to Nice with EasyJet. The flight time is around 3 hours (and figure that's from gate to gate, not air time) and the cost is around

Edited by sumbloke
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Hmmm... I feel very sorry for overweight people, and I sympathize. My BMI puts me in the middle of the "overweight" rating, under "obese", but more than "healthy".


I once weighed 185 lbs and I was only like 5'1 or 2"...... and every day was a horrid nightmare of how much I wanted to lose weight and blahblahblah. I blame society. I really think this notion of having to be thin is very bad for everyone. Sure, being a little chunky might not be so healthy, but think of all the mental damage kids receive... ~nods~ Well, that's just my opinion. I still bristle when someone says fatass or anything like that around me, even if it's not directed anywhere near me... Like if someone called someone a fag right next to you, how'd you feel? Yeah, it's kinda like that.


I'm not as bad anymore. I've recently gained back some of what I lost, so I fluctuate a bit between 165 and 170. :( I had gotten all the way down to 160, leaning toward the 150's, getting taller the whole time. I'm (supposedly...) 5'8" now. I look much better than I did before, and I feel better too. I still want to be thinner, but hey, no one's perfect. I just think it's very unhealthy to dwell on it. If you want to lose weight, make the simple decisions; drink diet, pick the fruit instead of the carb, and park far away. All this extremity in attitude and dieting scares me.

ANYWAY, rant over, I'm done. Sorry, big issue for me. So, my New Year's resolutions have always been horribly unsuccessful. :D Jamessavik, I'm with you.



This year I think I'll pick...



Okay, I did this a couple of years ago, and well, this past year and this year, my goal has been not to go back to where I was. You see, by 2005, I had gotten to 230 lbs and I'm 5'11. My cholesterol was off the scale, and my blood pressure was stage one hypertensive. My Doctor was ready to prescribe all these drugs to control these problems and I said NOPERS! I'm now 160-165, I work out 2-3 times a week. My Cholesterol and BP are well within normal and I feel like I did when I was ten years younger. My waist size is back to what it was in college -- 31-32. (umm sexual stamina is better too! :D )


I'm not Bragging! It takes a lot of resolve and hard work. God, I miss Burger King. We let ourselves get trapped in unhealthy eating habits. The media and the fast food chains encourage it! We can eat healthy. It just takes a little re-education, determination, and imagination. It's so worth it.


Hugs all,



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