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"Y'all from Joisey" is so wrong.


Reminds me of my cousins from Georgia who moved to Joisey. Strangest sounding humans I've heard. They've been back in the South for over 20 years now, so they're back to sounding like normal people again.

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I'm too ugly and could break your screen.

nah.... I don't think so! Anyone with as much wit as you would definitely have to be a cutie, cides they let me put my pics on here (And I think i've broken a couple of screens so far)

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I'm too ugly and could break your screen.


nah.... I don't think so! Anyone with as much wit as you would definitely have to be a cutie, cides they let me put my pics on here (And I think i've broken a couple of screens so far)

I agree with Eric. :D


Except for the second part! Your pics didn't break my screen! Mine even shines from it! (That could also be because I cleaned it to see your pics better :P )


Com'on, Eric, give us another pic!! :sheep:


And Twolf, even *I* dared to put on some pics... I'm not as cute as they say though, so no worries ;)

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Heya guys...


Posting a new pic of me, because...


... I coloured my hair today! :lol:

Sorry, lol... I suspect most of you have already done that a LOT, but for me, this was my first time, and I did it all by myself as well, so I'm kinda proud :P



Anywho, here's the result:


Posted Image



As you can or cannot see, I dyed it black with a blue shine on it... As a result, I'll have this faint blue colour on my fingers and ears :P

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Omg yay hair coloring!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I'm working on getting my natural color back... but I totally know that in a month or so I'll be doing some random insane color. :D Cute picture, Zilar!!!!



Oh, got piercings... lip and eyebrow... totally gonna post pictures soon, I think they're pretty. :)

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Omg yay hair coloring!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I'm working on getting my natural color back... but I totally know that in a month or so I'll be doing some random insane color. :D Cute picture, Zilar!!!!



Oh, got piercings... lip and eyebrow... totally gonna post pictures soon, I think they're pretty. :)

Thanks... *Blushes*


I wanted to do it blue first though, but I didn't find that colour anywhere... :( So I kept for black with a blue shine...


My plan atm is to let it grow out, but I might colour it again... :P


And yea! You gotta post some pics!! :P

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