Trek or Treat 1. New York Holidays Complete
By Altimexis, in Fiction. 11/01/2018 (Updated: 11/01/2018)
An Occasional Curveball 5. The Chosen Complete
By xTony, in Fiction. 10/17/2018 (Updated: 10/17/2018)
A Second Chance 2. The Island Boys Complete
By ObicanDecko, in Fiction. 07/06/2018 (Updated: 10/15/2018)
Nemesis: Soulmates Never Die 2. Nemesis Nemesisverse Complete
By Thorn Wilde, in Fiction. 12/20/2013 (Updated: 10/09/2018)
Goodbye, Yellow Brick Road Long-Term Hold
By mitchelll, in Fiction. 10/04/2018 (Updated: 10/09/2018)
Parity Melbourne Teens Long-Term Hold
By AusGlitterati, in Fiction. 07/05/2018 (Updated: 10/08/2018)