Cid (working title) Complete
By stephanie l danielson, in Fiction. 01/31/2018 (Updated: 03/28/2018)
Over The Rainbow - Georgetown Book II 8. C. J. Boomers, Gen Xers, & Millenials Complete
By Carlos Hazday, in Fiction. 02/02/2018 (Updated: 03/23/2018)
NB New Direction 2. New Beginnings Complete
By quokka, in Fiction. 03/06/2018 (Updated: 03/20/2018)
Embracing the Tension 2. Between the Tension Complete
By Hudson Bartholomew, in Fiction. 01/05/2018 (Updated: 03/18/2018)
Soul Music: Love Encountered 1. Soul Music Complete
By northie, in Fiction. 07/21/2017 (Updated: 03/16/2018)
Wild Card 2. E-P-I-C Long-Term Hold
By Dayne Mora, in Fiction. 08/01/2016 (Updated: 03/12/2018)
Home To Roost 3. Homestead Pride Complete
By Fantasyboy69, in Fiction. 05/12/2016 (Updated: 02/14/2018)
Wisecracking Across America Complete
By RichEisbrouch, in Non-Fiction. 09/29/2017 (Updated: 02/10/2018)
Deep Space Journey 1. Deep Space Complete
By quokka, in Fiction. 12/04/2017 (Updated: 02/03/2018)