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Stories posted in this category are works of fiction. Names, places, characters, events, and incidents are created by the authors' imaginations or are used fictitiously. Any resemblances to actual persons (living or dead), organizations, companies, events, or locales are entirely coincidental.
Note: While authors are asked to place warnings on their stories for some moderated content, everyone has different thresholds, and it is your responsibility as a reader to avoid stories or stop reading if something bothers you. 

Twist of Fate - 20. Chapter 20

Thank you to everyone that read my latest chapter. It warms my heart to know that you like it... Are you ready for another chapter? :D 

Chapter 20


Aiden’s Pov


A few weeks have passed since I made up with Jason. I still didn’t tell him what I wanted to do and I wouldn’t until time came for him to know. In another few weeks it will be Christmas and one of our friends is throwing a Christmas break/new year’s party. At that time I will make Jason prove to me that he is truly sorry. But until then, I am just going to have to keep him on his toes.

Walking out of the schools building, I waited for Jason. He was supposed to give me a ride home, since he picked me up this morning. Glancing around the parking lot, not a lot of cars are remaining. Peaking behind me to see if Jason was coming, but of course he isn’t. Probably chatting up his friends about something or another.

Going over to his car, I leaned against it. Crossing my legs, I grab my phone out of my back pocket, quickly swiping it and unlocking the screen. I tap the facebook button and start scrolling. Facebook is kind of boring if I don’t say so myself. All my friends are posting stupid memes or updating their silly life’s. Telling people their day to day things. Or like my friend Candice who, loves to post selfies almost every two hours. That girl I swear is a camera whore… SHHH don’t tell her I said that.

“Hey!” Someone yells beside me, I scream holding my hand over my chest. As my heart to tries to restart

“What the fuck, Jason!” I bend over to pick up my phone from the ground… While he just laughs hysterically. I end up smacking him in the chest.

“OW!” he exclaims, “That hurts. Say you’re sorry.” He pouts as he rubs his chest

“Awe is the pansy going to be okay?” I fake concern for him, “That serves you right for screaming me and making me drop my phone. You’re lucky that it didn’t break asshole.” He just wraps his arms around me and kisses my neck. I love being in his arms. I feel safe and comfortable. I’m still little pissed at him, but eh I’m a sucker for anything dealing with him.

“If the phone would have broken I would have bought you a new one, babe.” He smiles into my neck, making me shudder. Biting my lip I turn my head and kiss Jason on the lips. Upon opening my eyes I look into his and let me tell you right then, with the way his eyes shined with the sun, had my heart skipping. Biting my lip again, I leaned against the car. My hands gripped Jason’s waist to pull him close, lightly pecking his lips. Smirking into the kiss, I licked his lips asking for permission. He granted it immediately. Damn this boy knows how to kiss; a moan escaped my throat as the kiss turned into intense passion. I wanted him. Squeezing his waist I pull him more against me, as he grinds our dicks together. We groan out together, practically dry fucking each other in the open at school. We eventually part due to having to breathe, damn stupid requirement. Jason leans his forehead against mine, as we pant trying to catch our breath. “That was fucking hot.” We laugh together.

Sighing, I peck his lips once more before lightly pushing Jason away. “C’mon lets go do something.” Jason opens the door for me like a true gentleman even though I was more than capable of doing myself. “Thanks.” I smile towards him. Jason runs around the car and gets in. He looks at me, smiling. Leaning over the center console, he places a kiss on my cheek.



Later on that night, I lay in bed thinking of Jason. I know he didn’t really fuck up, I know that I blamed him and it was stupid honestly. Maybe I should just forgo the proving he means it. The love I have for him, and the way he shows it. Ugh, why does he have to popular? Why does he have to HOT? Ha, if he wasn’t as hot or his body didn’t have those muscles, especially that stomach of his. I don’t know if I would be into him. I know call me whatever you’d like but my man has to have the looks and not including the body. What I’m 17. Give me some credit. I’m horny teenager. Don’t judge!

My phone dings from beside me, reaching for it, I see its Matt. Great I mean, he is a good friend. But Jason already blew a gasket the last time I hung out with him. This time I don’t think Jason will be as forgving. But whats the harm in texting?

A; Hey Matt, whats up? M; Not much just chillin. A; sweet sounds like fun M; Hah yea wanted to see if you wanted to hang A; I mean I would but Jason wouldn’t like that very much M; why A; last time we hung out he saw you naked and I was stoned out my mind M; yea I see his point… well damn alright dude A; I’m sorry Matt. You are a good friend M; thanks bro but hey ill let you go ttyl A; yea bye

Well fuck, I think I just lost a friend. But, if that’s all he wanted was to hang I don’t see what’s wrong in that. Except I will not put my relationship with Jason in jeopardy.

Shaking my head of the non-sense. I try to figure out why those people kidnapped me in the first place. What was their purpose? Why would they do that? I don’t go around making enemies; I don’t think I do at least. There has to be a reason for all this madness. It’s been what a week since that incident and nothing has happened since. Maybe it’s a freak thing you know? Maybe they kidnapped the wrong person. I laughed at that. They wouldn’t have done what they did if they kidnapped the wrong person.

No, there has to be a reason. Maybe somebody knows something. People don’t go around kidnapping people for the fuck of it. What if it involves my father? Would whatever he did, result in kidnapping and abuse? I would think not, but he hasn’t been the same in awhile. He’s never home anymore, my siblings aren’t home either. Mainly it’s just my mother and me.

I will find out one way or another. I hope I don’t find something that will destroy my life and my families. Well what’s left of it any way?


I woke up with a start. My heart pounded in my chest, as I try to think about the dream that I just woke from. It was literally out of this world. The dream seemed so vivid. So life like. Shaking my head I look at the clock and see that it’s 8 am… “Fuck!” I groan, as I flow the covers off me and go for a shower.

What to wear, what to wear? I search my closet for something cute to wear to school today. I want Jason to compliment me on my appeal and maybe make out with me in front of everyone in the halls. Shaking my head, “No you dumbass! What will people think then? Hmm…’ I was thinking that people would leave him alone if they knew that he is dating someone. You’re an idiot. People will judge you then. People will make fun of you. They will eventually catch you alone and kick your ass. I don’t think it will come to that… You’re an idiot. Why did the gods have to put me in your body? Hey, I’m not that bad. I just want to be happy. Happy? You want to happy? Well if you out yourself to the school what do you think will happen? That you and Jason will happily ever after? This isn’t a fairy tell to numbskull! God why am I arguing with myself. It’s stupid, and now I have a headache. But it does make sense why ruin my reputation and ultimately destroy what I created? HA! What reputation that’s hilarious.

Going with a plain white V-neck t-shirt, and black skinny jeans, with my checkered DC shoes; I grab my beanie and set out towards the kitchen. “Hey, good morning Mom…” I pause. What where is everyone? I ask, “Hello?” No one responded, “Hello?” I question again. But I was met with silence. Maybe they had something to do this morning. Shrugging. I grab bread and toast it, and grab the jam.

After breakfast I place the dishes in the sink. Grab my bag, keys, and lock the door once I’m outside. Sitting in my driveway was a car that I didn’t recognize immediately. Tilting my head to the side, I stood there waiting. The opens up and reveals Jason. I smiled instantly.

“What did you forget about me already?” He laughs

“Of course not. I just didn’t recognize the car…” I pause, “Who’s is it?” I ask

“It’s my mothers. She had to use mine for some reason. Anyway, c’mon we are going to be late….” Well later than we already are. The Mercedes suv looked sexy. Dark grey, led headlights, a cargo rack on top. The interior has white leather, a navigation system, with a medium size touch screen, the dash looked awesome, bright blue color for the lights, darker blue for the trims, and under the dash. I felt special. To be honest. But there were so many buttons.

“Do you like it?” Jasons asks, he smirks

“Whats not to like honestly?” I ask

“Well maybe I should get one. Maybe then youd at me like you are the car…” He laughs

“Babe! You are way sexy than this car. I can hug you, kiss you, and possibly make hot passionate love with you.” I blushed at that, bowing my head. I peak to the side of me and look at Jason. He’s blushing just like me… “I mean if we get to that point…” I pause, “My point is though, I cant possibly do everything to a car that I could do with you. Or any other human.” I say

“You’re mine! No other person is going to have you as long as you’re with me.” He sternly said, he pushes a button on the dash and the car fires up. It’s so quiet you’d have to look to see if its actually running. Unlike Jason’s car where you can hear the car rumble to life and a soft purr of the engine after. Clearing my thoughts I look at Jason as he backs out of my driveway, and drives towards school.

“I’m sorry. I didn’t mean it like that. I just meant that I couldn’t do all the human things to a car. And I’m glad you’re mine as well. I honestly don’t like the thought of you with someone other than myself.” I reach for his hand and entwine our fingers. Jason brings my hand to his lips and kisses it.

“Good!” He smiles once more.

“Why does it feel like something is off?” I ask Jason as we pull into the high schools parking lot.

“I don’t know babe. Maybe something will happen later today. Don’t fret about it. It will go away. Just concentrate on the tests today.” He smiles once more before getting out of the car.

“Yea… Wait there’s test today?” I say in a low voice. Jason chuckles.

“You forgot didn’t you?” He says from beside me.

“Um well you see. I haven’t been like here lately.” I say as I bow my head

“What do you mean you haven’t been here lately?” He stop and touches my arm.

“I have been spacing out a lot lately. I didn’t even know that we had tests today.” I’m going to so tank these tests and my parents are going to be so fucking pissed at me.

“Don’t worry about it. If you fail a test, I think your parents will be okay with that…” He says, “At I think.” He kisses my cheek

“Thanks babe. Anyway, I will see you in 3rd.” I kiss his cheek and we go our separate ways.

As I was walking away, my body slams into a locker. Looking up I see one of the basketball players. He has a sneer on his pretty face. “Hey faggot.” He says

“What do you want Jarrod?” I say sarcastically. He slams me into the locker again and I groan

“I don’t like you.” He spat. As he slams me into locker again. That’s going to leave a bruise

“You don’t even know me. So how can you not like me?” I ask innocently enough. I guess that wasn’t what he wanted to hear because he ends up punching me in the gut. I groan out as the air rushes out of my lungs. He lets go of my body and it slides down to the ground. Jarrod kneels down in front of me and says, “I don’t like the way you look. That’s reason enough.” He scoffs kicking my foot as he walks away.

I hope you like this chapter. Please tell me in the comments. I think if you look at it a certain way and think about it long enough. You'll question the voice in his head? Maybe :gikkle: 
This story belongs to the Author. Any characters or places said in the stories is coincidences. (2016) (Remijay) All Rights Reserved
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Stories posted in this category are works of fiction. Names, places, characters, events, and incidents are created by the authors' imaginations or are used fictitiously. Any resemblances to actual persons (living or dead), organizations, companies, events, or locales are entirely coincidental.
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Chapter Comments

😎…………...Say What!!  Some 'basketball kid' named Jarrod comes out of nowhere and attacks Aiden?  This is still strange, I mean is Jason on the level or is this just retaliation from the schools jocks who think that Aiden turned Kason gay or something?  There is a lot here that doesn't make sense in this story, is Jason on the level or is he playing both sides of the field leaving Aiden at the 50 yard line? I'm honestly confused, which is strange for me in a story.  But every time there is a fuck up with Aiden, Jason is just out of reach and a minute late!  It doesn't add up.  Great chapter!  Something is not right!

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10 hours ago, Benji said:

😎…………...Say What!!  Some 'basketball kid' named Jarrod comes out of nowhere and attacks Aiden?  This is still strange, I mean is Jason on the level or is this just retaliation from the schools jocks who think that Aiden turned Kason gay or something?  There is a lot here that doesn't make sense in this story, is Jason on the level or is he playing both sides of the field leaving Aiden at the 50 yard line? I'm honestly confused, which is strange for me in a story.  But every time there is a fuck up with Aiden, Jason is just out of reach and a minute late!  It doesn't add up.  Great chapter!  Something is not right!

I dont have control over my characters. I'm just the voice for the person. As such, i think it's just typical bullying. Or it could be another person that kidnapped Aiden. LOL i do have to agree with you though everytime Jason leaves him to go do something, Aiden gets some form of beating or punishment. The name of this story makes perfect sense. Aiden's fate has certainly twisted from the way he thought it would be. Thank you for commenting Benji

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My hands gripped Jason’s waist to pull him close, lightly pecking his lips. Smirking into the kiss, I licked his lips asking for permission. He granted it immediately. Damn this boy knows how to kiss; a moan escaped my throat as the kiss turned into intense passion. I wanted him. Squeezing his waist I pull him more against me, as he grinds our dicks together. We groan out together, practically dry fucking each other in the open at school. This is as far as I have gotten in this chapter, and I have to comment. At my age, I realize memories dim, but why don't I remember kisses with my girlfriend/fiance/wife this way? If that's a question for a forum, please direct me. I'm new here. Back to the story.

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As many of you, I grew up in the 50's and 60's. Graduated from HS in1963. But I never experienced this kind of hatred and homophobia. True, I didn't know any guys that I would identify as queer, but I still never saw this kind of behavior. Being raised in a metropolitan city in West Virginia, I never experienced any racism, either. Maybe I lived a sheltered life. Anyway, this kind of behavior makes my blood boil. And so much of it can be blamed on the parents. Maybe that's why I get so angry. As a humorous sidenote, my dad spoke more poorly of Catholics than he did blacks or queers. 

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