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Widderkin - 42. Chapter 42

Chapter 42.

The High King surveyed the rush of preparation as the great Courtyard was readied for an outdoor Council.

"Warn everyone that the central area must be clear well before the Dragon makes its landing and make clear that close sighting could well cause paralysing fear.

What do you make of Ranevargar's call for this unconventional meeting, Uirebon? Anything more than inclusion of the construct?"

"An interesting thought, my Lord. It does make the proceedings open to every interested observer. Maybe your son wants all the Realms to hear any decisions."

"I am heartened that he has called a Council. Using the strength he demonstrated at Maynor's Castle we could deny him nothing."

"I am heartened too, my Lord, and particularly by his association with Ranevargar who would, by nature, be a steadying influence."

"Yes, there was great joy shown at his release."

Despite knowing the arrival was still minutes away, Uirebon scanned the sky. It was hard not to with almost every elf gathered at the Courtyard sides doing just that.

"What do you make of that moment when Maynor dropped to his knees?"

"Beyond the shock of an act so much against his nature and position? Yet another mystery, My Lord, but a very powerful mystery whatever its nature. Maynor made no apparent effort at resistance."

"We could well be subject to the same treatment."

"I don't believe so my Lord. The manner of Keryth's call for a Council implies a degree of respect for our forms of governance. As does bringing Maynor to face a formal Council."

"I wonder ... What other matters might he bring to the Council?"

"Our actions regarding his treatment and his companions you mean? I hope Ranevargar has advised him of the Court’s attitude to Widderkin and the wisdom of discretion."

Aglaron shook his head.

"The authority he can command renders discretion meaningless and he has always been strong to act on his convictions."

"We don't know that, my Lord. He reacts with the persona Maynor gave him."

"Maybe, but his actions against Maynor were not those of any human."

"You think he might challenge the long established conventions of our Courts?"

That brought a strong reaction.

"Challenge! That is laughable, Uirebon. He is a new force in the Realms. Maynor's Court knelt at a glance from the Dragon and ours would do the same. For all we know this High Council meeting could be his platform for a formal challenge to my position."

After a startled look Uirebon shook his head.

"He is too young, My Lord, and he has no experience. Your plan after Maynor's conditioning was for four hundred years of carefully developing management skills and expertise with every Court in the Realms. I don't believe he will consider it."

"I would agree if we faced Keryth, but almost from the beginning this persona of Maynor's has had strength and determination beyond our ability to manage."

"... I see. Yes, there are too many unknowns. We can only ..."

The clarion call of the warning bell peeled from the highest Watchtower, cutting every conversation and turning every eye to the sky. Lesser bells from the multitude of other towers and Castle spires joined with a riot of ringing. Shaking his head against the sound, Aglaron sent a call for silence and raised an arm to indicate the direction of approach. Watchers in the towers observed the approaching phalanx with growing incredulity, and so much alarm, that Aglaron had to make a call for calm.

"Quell your fear. Despite their appearance these visitors are welcome guests, arriving under the aegis of the High Court."

A monstrous form swept across the sky, shocking Aglaron and Uirebon, who'd already seen it, with no less force than the host of gathered elves. Truly monstrous. A hasty probe faltered against a glowing aura and failed.

"This is not the real Dragon, Uirebon. We saw it in Maynor's courtyard."

Uirebon could only gasp because the passing of the Dragon revealed formation after formation of countless flying Guardians, filling the sky.

"This is a display of power, my Lord, some kind of projection. That Dragon would not fit in three of our courtyards and to my knowledge Ranevargar supports a population of some 200 flying Guardians. Can you see any flow of energy?"

"... Yes, centred on the Dragon’s back, a flood of energy."

The Dragon returned, slowly descended with outspread wings to the Courtyard, and steadily diminished in size till it landed and folded its wings. The four flying Guardians which landed in its wake, a spectacle of great wonder with the increasingly rare occasion of a visit from their Realm Lord, held but a moment of attention as every gaze returned to watch the glowing creature cast its eyes in a careful scan of everything around. The huge golden orbs rested for a moment on Aglaron, switched to the five power adepts arrayed behind him, then switched again to the silent Fetches each was controlling. A deep but soft rumble passed a message of recognition and warning.

"My Lord, alert everyone to look at the Dragon's eyes with no more than a passing glance lest their minds are caught."

"Maynor's people weren't caught till the Warrior directed it and the Dragon added intent to his gaze ... Ranevargar dismounts."

Maynor and his Power master were also dismounting but once again attention turned to the Dragon where the blue aura was suddenly brighter and flowing with a strange impression of life. A figure appeared and looked purposefully round the courtyard in much the same manner as the Dragon had. Four more figures appeared and made their own survey, this time with nothing more apparent than ordinary curiosity.

The first figure, clearly Keryth despite the clothing which emphasised a curiously human aspect, held both arms wide and, astonishingly, levitated to glide smoothly to meet with Ranevargar beside the flying Guardian. Aglaron looked for Uirebon's reaction.

"Another blatant display of strength. One of my Centres studies this ability with rare application because of the profligate call on power."

Aglaron nodded, wondering how Keryth could possibly have become a master of yet another extraordinary ability.

The four remaining figures made a more normal descent, scrambling with the confidence of familiarity from the Dragon's back and moving to join Ranevargar. The Warrior briefly rested a hand on the old Realm Lord’s brow then, curiously, turned with Keryth to do the same thing to the flying Guardian.

Uirebon spoke softly.

"My Lord, it has the appearance of a minor ritual but I think we just witnessed the laying on of hands. Ranevargar’s incarceration would have been a sore trial for any elf. He couldn't support himself after his release and he now stands steady."

To Aglaron's mind the degree of recovery was yet another puzzle for consideration. The old elf had transitioned from apparent frailty to capably flying from Maynor's Castle, but there was also something different about his general demeanour, a subtle air of confidence and vitality. Uirebon must be right ... But what of the Guardian? Why would it be singled out for a healing?

Maynor, holding himself with a degree of dignity, moved with his representative to join Keryth's quiet approach. Aglaron gave him a piercing gaze but was distracted by the actions of the Guardian when, with a cry of what must be satisfaction, it launched with partially spread wings past two of its companions and lunged for one of the carcasses attached to the fourth. With a display of ravenous hunger the flesh was rent and rapidly devoured.

"High King Aglaron, I thank you for calling this High Council and making accommodation for the needs of my friends and colleagues."

The formality of this greeting from his own son filled Aglaron with a sense of wrongness and great unease, and at the same time brought the realisation that he was indeed about to treat with an unknown personality.

"Under the aegis of the Council I welcome you here in the interests of harmony and resolution. My own welcome is personal and unconditional, with a deep yearning for understanding ... How should I address you?"

"Yes, that is a confusion. Call me Kieran."

His voice softened and became personal.

"I am more than one person, my father, as you well know. Your actions have brought complication to all levels of our lives. Before the Council convenes, and in complete privacy, I have important knowledge to share with you and Lord Uirebon."

Aglaron, affected and conflicted by the mix of personal and detached, watched Kieran change his stance and project his presence through the Courtyard. Aglaron managed to resist the impulse to take a backward step of deference in the face of so much authority.

"Know that by the working of this ancient Realm Stone the Lost Realm is no longer lost. The Unordered Realm is now ordered and under my Stewardship. For the harmony of all Realms the High Council should recognise my place at this table as that of a Realm Lord."

The mantle of authority dropped as bewilderingly as it appeared and into the astonished hush came a conversational request.

"I and my party have urgent need of amenities and refreshment. May we take advantage of your hosting?"

Aglaron hurriedly gestured for escorts and watched all eight visitors guided through the main entrance.

"That was somewhat unnerving, Uirebon, but also reassuring."

"More than somewhat, my Lord. Having to call him Kieran rather than Keryth will be a complication. Every Court in the Realms will seek an explanation. That assumption of authority, and it's almost instant casting aside was more than unnerving, and was, in my mind, another message of hidden power."

"Hidden? Every elf present recognised its force. I could barely contain my impulse to show deference."

"Yes, My Lord, but I have a sense it was wielded as a mere tool of the moment. We were shown a glimpse of great knowledge or experience."

"Again, you understate, Uirebon. Not only has he announced Stewardship and Restoration of the Lost Realm, that artefact he wields is the instrument which realigned the Nexus."

Uirebon stared at his liege in great wonderment.

"Keryth ... I mean Kieran, is part of that? My Lord ... I am lost."

"Yes. But along with that unnerving authority he also showed a clear intention for harmony."

The Warrior and the Dark Child reappeared and, after a backward glance and survey of the Courtyard, moved eagerly to the food laden tables at one side. The Warrior turned to stare intently at Aglaron, then deliberately dismissing him, shared a chunk of honey bread with his companion.

"There was aggression and displeasure in that look, Uirebon."

"Yes, but controlled and rather overridden by his interest in the food."

"Look at them, Uirebon. That is more than ordinary hunger and the Guardian was almost desperate. There is a story of hardship. I wonder how long they were in the Unordered realm?"

Two more companions appeared and moved quickly to the tables.

"Long enough to require rationing their food supply it would seem. My Lord, have you considered your approach with Maynor? He has been brought here to answer for his actions."

"My immediate reaction is harsh but not considered, Uirebon, and the protection he has been granted is a puzzle. It limits the consequences available and more importantly means we lack the information to make a proper decision. We will learn more, either from the private communication or in full Council."

Keryth/Kieran appeared, accompanied by Lord Ranevargar and, with a look indicating his purpose, joined his companions. Maynor and his attendant also appeared and after a question to their escort, were guided to a place at the formal Council table.

"Maynor appears subdued, my Lord, and clearly concerned by the presence of the Dragon. His head turns toward it constantly."

"And then returns to Keryth with even more concentration. I have images, from the memory of the triad eyepiece, of Maynor's Castle Wards flaring and collapsing to nothing when the Dragon forced its way through them. Maynor is constrained by powers beyond him. Of course he is subdued. I watch the Dragon with much the same wariness ... Do we know anything of its abilities?"

"Apart from it being Ranevargar's final attempt at creating a construct, very little. It has been hidden for over 600 years in the Lost Realm."

"You must have something stored in one of your study Centres. It's effects when it was active were significant for every Realm."

"There will certainly be historical notes about those effects, but I doubt there will be knowledge of the Dragon itself. You know how guarded Ranevargar has always been about his skills of life mastery. I ..."

Uirebon stopped speaking, held by the Dragon's direct gaze till its head abruptly lifted.

"It knew we were discussing it?"

"Maybe, Uirebon, but something distracts it? Look, Keryth is also distracted."

And indeed, the young elf was suddenly frozen with concentration. His arm lifted and a glowing blue layer appeared above the length and breadth of the Courtyard. Understanding came to Aglaron as he recognised the all-too-familiar emanations of a Chaos Incursion. While he frantically called for defensive Nexus power he watched the blue layer enfold the Incursion like a living net then steadily contract till it became a single point of brilliant light which disappeared completely.

Every disbelieving eye rested on the young figure while the glow at his chest dispersed and his concentration turned to immediate awareness. The raised arm moved to point at Maynor.

"Your influence over Lady Narello manifests with a display of her displeasure at your reduced situation, and annoyance for the exclusion of her physical presence.

Inform lady Narello that despite this ill considered outburst her position in this Council is a right and a responsibility. Further, inform her that I will facilitate her presence."

Maynor nodded and in the strained silence Keryth spoke to his companions, gathered an assortment of food from the table, linked arms with the Ranevargar in a curiously significant way and looked to the High King.

"Stand with me, Uirebon, while I return the Nexus energy I called. Keryth approaches for an informal discussion."

"Of course, My Lord, but how should we treat with him? With every minute that passes I feel more inadequate as a Lore master."

"As do I in my role of High King."

A certain dryness in Aglaron's tone helped Uirebon repress his feelings of inadequacy.

"He commands the situation, Uirebon, so we follow his lead and treat as he treats ... Ranevargar looks tired and withdrawn again."

Keryth and Ranevargar paused, turned toward Maynor momentarily, then finished their approach.

Keryth passed his assortment of food to Ranevargar and, brushing his hands clean, extended both arms for a full double wrist clasp. He smiled at its completion, repeated the action with Uirebon then reclaimed his food. Quite casually he bit and chewed the corner of a piece of honey bread while he watched Ranevargar make the double clasps.

"We have been eating Ranevargar's travel bread for days now, father, so honey bread is extra delicious. Rhys's stomach started rumbling when he saw all the good food."

Taken aback to be talking about a rumbling stomach, as well as the easy setting of a relaxed conversation, Aglaron looked to the four companions.

"Rhys is the name of the Warrior? ... He certainly attacks his food with gusto."

"Warrior? Is that what you call him?"

"Ever since he suffered hurt to protect you from Maynor's challenger."


"His name is ... Geston. Maynor did not expect the challenge would be expressed with physical violence and vitriol."

"Father, your description touches a chord in my heart. You do not know it but Rhys saved all of us by facing an Unordered monster with nothing but a Spook rope ... A restraint cord."

This was not the time for disbelief but the expressive pause while Aglaron tried for acceptance did just that.

"... How can that be possible?"

The High King, as well as Uirebon, reeled with shock as they shared the memories now projected to their minds. Aglaron had confronted these monsters himself, on several rare occasions, but always buffered by distance and powerful wards straining to keep him protected. The images of this first-hand encounter, frightful as they were, paled beside the cruel emotions of horror, fear and desperation that came with them. Aglaron shuddered and without thought reached to touch Keryth's arm.

"Through all the Realms your companion, Rhys, is now formally titled The Warrior."

Keryth nodded.

"Thank you. It is fitting.

Curiously he now laughed.

"When he finds out he’ll probably call you a twit."

"A twit?"

"It is human for idiot ... High King, the Council is delayed for a time till Lady Narello arrives. We must speak privately."

Aglaron looked to Uirebon but all he saw was shared puzzlement.

"Lady Narello?"

"Maynor informed me she readies herself. Her representative here will take her aspect."

"I see, a mental link combined with a projected image?"

"No, Lord Uirebon, a more elaborate process with all the properties of a physical as well as a mental presence."

"I don't understand."

"Lost knowledge from Lord Ranevargar, Lore master. One of your study Centres will have it stored in a dusty tome … Lord Maynor is searching for ways to influence the outcome of this gathering so spare me a moment while I instruct Maurice to keep an eye on him while my attention is here."

Uirebon voiced more puzzlement.

"Maurice? One of your companions has an alternate name?"

"Ranevargar's name for my Dragon is almost two sentences long so Rhys renamed him."

Keryth turned slightly and Uirebon blinked when the Dragon directed its attention toward them … then wondered why Ranevargar's construct was also referred to in terms of ownership.

Maynor rose to his feet, stared at the Dragon, then stood motionless for several seconds.

"Will you accept a temporary shield while we speak? I have information you will prefer to hear in private."

"My privacy shields have never been passed but please add your own. Uirebon will be even more fascinated than I to experience the puzzle of your shields ... Kieran."

A hint of amusement, and more improbably, understanding came through the mental link.

"Your shields have been passed, High King.

… Father, I know myself as Kieran and understand I am Keryth. You know me as Keryth but understand I am Kieran. Address me as you will in private but for now I am formally Kieran."

The unsettling comment about his shields joined with all the other unanswered concerns when a curious structure imposed itself on the improved personal shield Uirebon had so recently developed. The background hum of Castle-wide mental activity cut to a silence deeper than that of his personal sanctum. Slightly uneasy, Aglaron felt Uirebon's disbelief as he tested the impervious shield.

"This feels like a mental prison."

"Yes, Lord Uirebon, but you can dissolve it at will with this trigger."

The trigger appeared. Aglaron felt Uirebon’s smile of regret as his curiosity had to be dampened for more pressing concerns.

"Please understand that I see and feel your care and concern, father, but I cannot return the bond that has been taken from me. Indeed, until I reached Lord Maynor's Castle I was exceedingly angry with the forces tearing at those I care for, and wanted only to return to my home and be left alone. With Lord Ranevargar's assistance I saw that the harsh judgement I made against you I should also make against myself."

Uirebon felt the need to intercede.

"Your father intended only the best for you, Keryth. You should not judge him harshly."

"How I judge the High King is for me to decide, Uirebon. For the matter of my conditioning I now hold him blameless."

This announcement, given with powerful conviction and an iron will, registered clearly with Uirebon ... And Aglaron.

"His mind was manipulated, Lord Uirebon as was yours, and as was mine. All of us succumbed in varying degrees to Lord Maynor's subtle art."

Aglaron broke the short mental silence.

"All of us, Keryth? Uirebon knew of the influence and cleansed himself."

"Yes, all, father. Barely out of my basic training I was easy prey. Uirebon may be cleansed but, as with you, Maynor has pathways to influence he can still access."

"Are you sure?"

"Certain. When has a High King shared the keys to Nexus power with anyone but the Lore Master? Why does Lord Maynor's Realm receive more energy assistance than any other?

Other matters demand I leave the High Realm when the meeting finishes but before I go I will work with Lord Maynor to ensure all his controls are cleared."

"Keryth! Must you leave? This alienation saddens me."

Kieran wasn't in control but the strength of his father's concern warranted an intrusion.

"Ranevargar, can we stay for a while? It's more important to him than any of his ruler stuff."

"Yes, Kieran, his concern is deep but you need time free from scrutiny to consolidate your position and consider your own needs. I suggest we offer him strong reassurance."

Ranevargar was right, as usual, and Kieran returned to observing.

"Pardon, father. I was thinking. I cannot stay, but know that you are welcome to visit at the earliest opportunity."

"Visit? Yes, I will, as soon as possible."

"My Lord, the Realms require attention and such a visit will make heavy demands on your time."

"... We have a new Realm Lord, Uirebon. It is incumbent on me as High King to foster the best possible relationship with the High Court. This is my priority."

Ranevargar/Kieran reacted instantly.

"Wonderful! Let us meet at Ranevargar's Central Grove one week from now."

Aglaron gave immediate agreement. Uirebon puzzled at the practicality.

"My Lord, re-enabling portal travel would take power from vitally important repair and recovery needs, and a company of steeds would take at least five days of forced journeying to reach Ranevargar's Central Grove. It would be wiser to meet as we do now."

"We will travel by steed then, Uirebon. My Court will undertake every necessary task."

Ranevargar/Kieran intervened again.

"The portal system has collapsed beyond any simple repair, and re-establishment will take years of rebuilding. Till then, Lord Ranevargar offers you seven of his Guardians to provide transport throughout the Realms. The journey to his Central Grove will take an hour, not days."

Aglaron turned to Ranevargar, standing quietly beside Keryth while the private conversation continued, spoke his gratitude and received a simple nod of agreement.

A clear and very expressive laugh sounded through the Courtyard, turning every head to the food tables. Keryth looked then smiled.

"Maurice likes to make Rhys laugh."

"You can know the Warrior's mind through this shield?"

"Of course, Lord Uirebon, I will not be cut off from my companions for any reason, not even while Maurice guards them. Father, you should know that when the Court convenes Ranevargar intends to ask that I be formally titled as High Lord so my place at the table is beyond question. It matters not at all to me, but Ranevargar insists that your support for his sponsorship would set a harmonious tone for everything that follows."

Aglaron marvelled at what he was hearing.

"You feel the need to ask? With Maynor's Challenge ended, a Realm restored, and the Nexus a new wonder, my support is complete and unquestioned. Lord Maynor will recognise your standing whatever displeasure he holds. He has no choice after giving you submission. Lady Narello might equivocate from lack of knowledge and your youthfulness. What say you, Uirebon?


Copyright © 2018 Palantir; All Rights Reserved.
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Stories posted in this category are works of fiction. Names, places, characters, events, and incidents are created by the authors' imaginations or are used fictitiously. Any resemblances to actual persons (living or dead), organizations, companies, events, or locales are entirely coincidental.
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Chapter Comments

With all this shilly shallying about the ax of justice must be terribly blunt for it to take so long to be wielded, however that then becomes our advantage because we get more tale  to read.  I have a feeling that court politics is about to get a shake up with the court of the new Realm Lord being established.  The fledgling that was released has returned and behold it is now a mighty Eagle.

Very well done my friend another excellent chapter to entertain us and leave us pondering the perambulations of your authorship as we eagerly await the next parcel of mana from your penmanship.  Thank you very much.

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21 hours ago, Daddydavek said:

Court politics...I guess it's necessary but not really my thing and I think Kieran has to rely on Ranevargar's judgment because he would give it all up if he could....

Absolutely correct. Kieran has given his complete trust to Ranevargar  for the handling of the High politics - and even for the very personal communications with Aglaron. 

  • Like 4
20 hours ago, Philippe said:

Lord Maynor needed the protection to win his non destructive submission, but once he is sanitized and stripped of his many deceitful tools, he deserves his full rewards for such traitorous activities against the realms and it’s people; despicable is only the first of many layers required to describe him.

Hmm! He's got the protection but I don't think it's through any deliberation of his own. He may not even have a clue about why it's been given.

'Sanitised'! - lol.

  • Like 3
52 minutes ago, ColumbusGuy said:

I'm glad to see that Kieran isn't going to give in to his father's wishes so far, and that no one seems to grasp the extent of his power. 
I think I need to read this again to get the events around the chaos interruption...was that Maynor's doing or Narello's?

Hate politics--come on Kieran, clean house and kick faerie ass.  :)

Lol - a swift kick is something that Rhys might enjoy administering.

Lady Narello sent the Chaos Incursion -  but Kieran states that it was through Maynor's influence.

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