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Stories posted in this category are works of fiction. Names, places, characters, events, and incidents are created by the authors' imaginations or are used fictitiously. Any resemblances to actual persons (living or dead), organizations, companies, events, or locales are entirely coincidental.
Note: While authors are asked to place warnings on their stories for some moderated content, everyone has different thresholds, and it is your responsibility as a reader to avoid stories or stop reading if something bothers you. 

Widderkin - 35. Chapter 35

Chapter 35.

"Ten more Power Masters will reach Maynor's Castle within the next two hours, my Lord. He discarded every measure against our observations a short while ago and it is now clear that each party consists of one Power Master and an escort."

"He flaunts them, Uirebon, and seeks to daunt my resolve with the knowledge that each arriving Power Master will augment his strength. The onslaught last night with the aid of the two early arrivals was designed to instil despair. He believes I will quail before his power and surrender, Uirebon, but with all my strength I must hold the keys of control."

"He will take them, my Lord. We held the High Castle last night, but at great cost. His full-strength will overwhelm all our defences."

"It will, Uirebon, but 1400 years of just rule will only end when it is torn from my mind."

Uirebon regarded his liege with dismay.

"My Lord, what of your Realm? His terms allow you to hold it."

"Never, Uirebon. Without power purloined from its proper use Maynor is no match for me. He will not leave a Stone of Power with a mind stronger and more capable than his own. That would be folly. No, he will make the Gateway Realm his own."

"He will bind your mind, my Lord."

"So be it. I will resist, and in the meantime I wish you to seek some way of wresting the free Nexus power from him. You know more of its function than anyone."

"I don't hold much hope for any success with but two hours left to us."

"Hope is all we can hold, Uirebon. Gather your helpers for the task."


"What is it, Woorawa? You've got the best eyes."

"No I haven't, Rhys. Krol's are better."

"I think it might be the ruins of a castle or some big building. Check through Krol, Kieran."

"Maybe in another ten minutes when the light’s a bit stronger, Rhys. The Monsters are stirring and I’m more concerned about them."

"When are you going to start drawing them away? We’ll be there in about an hour."

Woorawa paused in his lead position to stare at the features appearing ahead.

"Rhys’s right, Kieran. Did Ranevargar say anything about a structure close to Maurice?"

Kieran called up Ranevargar's mind map.

"It might be, Woorawa. Maurice is inside a sort of big cavern and some of the piles of rock near it could be fallen down walls. It's definitely the right place ... and I’m going to wait till we’re a lot closer for the Monsters, Rhys. I don't want to use any power just yet."

"Has anything new happened with Ranevargar?"

"It's just turning daylight, Mr B. The usual pattern is for at least another half-hour before he wakes up. He's safe though, because I’ve been sneaking power into his reserve all night."

"You what? You said that was too dangerous."

"It was, but I figured out how to send a non-stop trickle that's too small for Maynor to notice."

The old road was no longer looking so old and for almost an hour they’d been tramping their way along a pavement of white stone which was in relatively good condition.

"How long will it take to wake Maurice once we reach him?"

"It’ll be a while, Mr B, because of the different stages and all the energy transfers. Ranevargar didn't give me a time-frame."

"Can you start now to save time? Maurice must have a link to the Pearl network like all of Ranevargar’s creatures."

"I wish! Then I could have woken him as soon as we came through the Boundary Wall. This link only activates when I'm physically there with him. It's a kind of precaution I think."

The high ground behind their destination lit up with the first rays of sunlight.

"Hey! You don't need to look through Krol's eyes. I can see the castle shape myself now."

"It makes sense when you think about it, Rhys. No one's going to build a road to nowhere."

Tan spoke up.

"I think it's the other way round, Mr B. The road starts there and goes away. The structure must have been a really important place and that's why the road’s better close-up."

"That makes complete sense, Tan. I wonder if it was a castle like Maynor's or the High Castle Ranevargar told us about? It's extra proof that Dead World wasn't always dead too."

The burst of conversation stopped and for the next half hour everyone pretty much kept their thoughts to themselves. This was really in response to Kieran's concentration and the quietness only ended when Kieran himself spoke up.

"It's action time, everyone. Form up and get your Spook ropes ready. I’m about to start using power."

"Do you think we’ll need them, Kieran?"

"Not really, Rhys. I’m going to select groups of two every few minutes because Krol can handle that with hardly any effort."

"Have you noticed they’re not acting normal, Kieran? They’ve been awake for over half an hour now and not a single one has come this way."

"Hey, Woorawa’s right. What’s their movement pattern, Kieran?"

"Hmm! ... They haven't really got one ... but that's about to change."

Two Monsters lit up with power instead of light, directed power so they’d be instantly aware of the source and know exactly where to go. With his senses alert Kieran watched them rise above the others, head this way then, inexplicably, turn and retrace their course.

"That's weird! They started towards us then headed back."

"Did you use enough power?"

"Tons, Mr B, but I'll try again with more."

Changing the power and then the target Monsters made no difference. Kieran stopped in his tracks and everyone gathered close.

"What are we going to do? We can't survive twenty Monsters in one go."

"We can't give up, Rhys. Kieran will think of something. He always does."

Tan broke the protracted silence.

"Make Krol's aura a lot stronger and we can walk underneath his wings. You already know how because you made it three times as big when Ranevargar first showed you."

Everyone stared at him ... Then at Kieran.

"Would that work?"

"The aura part’s just lots more power, Woorawa. Making sure Krol can cope with extra is the tricky part."

"Work it out now, Kieran. You need to have it properly set up so you get a clear go if something else goes weird."

Kieran was already in communication with Krol and gathering energy from the Opal.

"A big change, Krol. I want to turn your aura into a fire of death in case the Monsters all attack at the same time."

The great head lifted in anticipation and, along with unquestioning acceptance for whatever Kieran wanted to do, Krol sent a query about what ‘all’ represented.

"It's why I have to make you stronger, Krol. There are twenty of them and they might all attack at the same time."

Krol's wings spread wide and every one of his body feathers lifted in a strange display.

"What did you say to him?"

"I'm calming him down, Rhys. He’ll never give up but his mind’s telling him twenty Monsters is too much for any Griffin."

"You mean ...?"

With a great yell Rhys leapt to comfort his special friend and companion. The fierce beak stooped to rest for a tender moment against Rhys's back and Kieran stared in wonder as the feathers all sleeked and Krol's head lifted proudly.

"Stand back, Rhys. He’s ready for this experiment now."

"No way! He’s too proud to let you know but he likes me here. I can tell ... and ... If we’re going to walk under his wings we have to know the aura won't hurt us."

Kieran had been surrounded by the aura without harm when Krol fought Monsters on the way to collect water so he wasn't really concerned ... Except this would be an extreme aura.

"Okay, guinea pig. Tell us when your skin starts sizzling."

Rhys's eyes widened momentarily and then the smile appeared.

"Make some crackling for Tan, barbecue master."

Power surged and Krol's aura gradually extended for an extra half metre while Kieran strengthened the interface between natural flesh and the power structures of his body. Good for a start but the end result had to provide certainty so try again.

The power flow built and Kieran managed almost another half metre extension before pausing to watch Rhys pretending he was breast stroking through the aura.

"What are you doing?"

"I’m a guinea fish, not a guinea pig."

Mr B shook his head. Woorawa rolled his eyes and laughed along with everyone else.

"Why have you stopped, Kieran? Is that enough?"

"Not really but if I make it any stronger it will damage Krol's flesh. I've reached a limit I can't change, Rhys."

Rhys moved away from Krol.

"Well, it must be enough. I've never seen anything so unbelievable. He could already dissolve two or three Monsters before you even started, and now look at him. If they don't fly off in terror they’re crazy."

"That's the trouble, Rhys. They are crazy and I'm worried we might get buried under a mountain of dissolving bodies. I don't know what will happen if that flesh stuff touches us."

"Will it hurt Krol?"

"No, he’s partly like them."

"As long as we’re underneath him we’ll be alright then."

Woorawa interrupted.

"We’d better get moving, Kieran. You used so much power you’ve probably attracted other Monsters."

Kieran checked, then rechecked.

"You’re right, Woorawa. There are seven, but we won't have to worry about them because the area is clear for a long way."

"They’re attracted to Maurice. That's my theory."

The next twenty minutes of progress was spooky because the closer they got to the ruined structure the more agitated the Monsters became.

"It's like they’re all tethered with giant rubber bands which pull them back whenever they try to leave."

"I’ve been thinking about Krol's aura, Kieran. How much stronger do you want to make it?"

"It’ll be okay, Tan, as long as we keep close, and underneath, so none of that dissolving flesh falls on us. Any extra strength would hurt Krol."

"What if Rhys was healing him all the time? Could you make that work?"

Rhys's face lit up with excitement and he grabbed Kieran's arm.

"He’s being brilliant again. Try it, Kieran. It's an extra safety margin if it works."

Kieran considered for all of two seconds before alerting Krol.

"Hold his leg, Rhys. I’ve told him it might be uncomfortable but he doesn't care a scrap as long as it helps."

Krol spread his wings in the protective stance Kieran put into his mind and, when everyone was positioned to Kieran’s satisfaction, started a slow walk forward. Energy flowed and when the death aura reached it's safe limit Kieran started monitoring Rhys's healing reserve.

"Here we go, Rhys. Very slow at first while I watch the effect."

Krol scrarked in surprise at the warm sensation spreading through every part of his body and continued walking. Healing flowed. The aura increased. Healing flowed and the aura increased yet again.

Whoops! Keep Rhys's healing reserve properly balanced or he’d flake out.

Hmm! ... Time to back off.

The aura subsided and Rhys’s eyes opened and looked for information.

"It’s all good, everyone. I can hold the new level for about ten seconds. Tan’s idea has made us safer."

"Except that power burst sent them berserk, Kieran. Look."

Woorawa was right. Every one of the Monsters ahead was flying and wheeling in a frenzy of chaotic motion. Kieran marshalled his resolve, checked everyone's state of mind and marvelled at the concern, overlaid with confidence that he’d get them all through this.

"Move just a bit further apart Mr B and Woorawa and Thom, so you can use the Spook ropes if you need to. Everything’s about to happen."

It didn't, not for another five minutes, and Kieran switched to Krol's vision for a closer view. Interesting. Why was there a clear space of several hundred metres between the Monsters and the cavern entrance that was their goal? The five closest Monsters started towards them and Kieran readied himself. Would the rubber band effect turn them back when they were this close?


Krol screamed his defiance and, instantly shining with purple brilliance, held position.

The blink reflex activated and five enraged attackers plunged blindly downwards. Still present in Krol's mind, Kieran felt four distinct impacts. Against the moment of his own dazzle, Krol pushed to recover his sight.

"Hold still, Krol, till your wings are clear."

The weight dissolved in seconds and Krol, now able to see properly, took two steps and reached his beak for contact with the thrashing and completely blinded fifth Monster.

"Holy hell, Kieran. My eyes blinked shut but I'm still dazzled."

"My mistake everyone. Touch Rhys for a healing burst then take your positions again."

This was command mode and with no choice in the matter everyone leapt to comply.

"Sorry, I’ve fixed the amount of dazzle. Krol, don't move again till this is over.

Rhys, I’m going to use the full ten seconds of healing time. Grip tight to Krol's leg."

Every remaining Monster was racing frenziedly toward them, stimulated by the blaze of power and, after another adjustment of the dazzle factor, Kieran waited till the very last second before raising Krol's aura.

Rhys's healing flowed, the deadly shield of purple radiance spread upwards and outwards and the first Monster to arrive became an inanimate blob of dissolving matter. Momentum lasted long enough for a remnant to penetrate and crash against Krol's right wing. Kieran, watching through Krol's eyes, monitoring Rhys's healing reserve, replenishing the aura, and controlling the powerful Griffin instinct to rise to the attack, barely noticed as three more disoriented Monsters flashed against the aura.

Krol reacted as new remnants touched him, with a kind of full body shiver then, helped by a command from Kieran, steeled every part of his body for the coming onslaught.

He screamed his rage, blinked with the dazzle effect yet again, then shuddered and strained against the weight of seven amorphous death plunges impacting against him. His left wing sagged and there was a mental cry of shock when Tan was knocked flat and momentarily squished. Kieran couldn't help him. He was too busy managing Krol, Rhys's healing, and the flow of Opal energy. A massive lump of matter spilled from Krol's back and Kieran, carefully reducing the aura to the level where it didn't need Rhys's healing, took in the image of Woorawa's Spook rope speeding its dissolution.

Krol blinked, two more dazzled Monsters flared and dissolved, then blinked again and called his triumph as the death of the last two Monsters cleared the sky.

Kieran, caught by the strength of Krol's exultation, staggered with the sudden shock of a new onslaught. Rhys's victory hug squeezed the breath from his lungs and a jubilant shout nearly deafened him. Three more sets of hugs joined the chorus then stopped as suddenly as they'd started.

"Unreal, Kieran!"

Rhys's beaming face turned to Krol and in a striking gesture, he held his arm extended with an open palm.

"Champion of the Realms!"

Where did that come from? It felt completely appropriate though, and four more arms joined for a moment of honour.

Kieran felt the pride and joy coursing through Krol as he lowered his head to touch his beak against each palm.

Woorawa swivelled to survey the sky.

"We’d better move, Kieran. Every other Monster in Dead World must be heading this way."

"I’ll check but I want everyone to get a healing burst first. We all used a days worth of adrenaline just then and Tan got knocked over."

"What? Again? How come? I didn't see that."

"You were focused on helping Krol, Rhys. Just as well, too, or we wouldn't have got through that."

Tan joined the group grip in the little ritual with the casualness of familiarity.

"It wasn't the Monsters, Rhys. Not directly anyway. Krol's wing sagged and surprised me. I was too busy hoping I wouldn't need to use the Spook rope to think properly. I didn't get hurt."

Kieran pointed and started walking.

"We’ll reach that entrance in a few minutes so I'm going to start calling on the big energy flows ... It might get interesting."

"Big? Wasn't that ten second flow for Krol's aura big?"

"Not really, Rhys. It was baby stuff compared to waking up Maurice."

"Sheba! You've got to be kidding! ... Except I know you're not. How do you know you can handle it? You haven't done any practice."

"Ranevargar showed me way back but I couldn't practice in Dead World without attracting Monsters."

"How long before we have to start worrying about them again?"

Kieran reached, a giant reach as a kind of preliminary to the coming power calls.

"Whoo! Woorawa was right. Every Monster I can sense is heading this way ... Some of them are so far away they’ll take a couple of hours. We’ve got about twenty minutes clear so I’ll set Krol up to guard the entrance so we’re safe inside."

Kieran opened the special Pearl link to the Central Grove, started the energy flow, then stopped when he bumped into Woorawa.


"Something’s weird, Kieran. We have to stop."

"No we don't. We have to keep going. Follow me!"

Kieran went to the lead, took two steps and then hesitated. One more determined step was, unbelievably, too much, and he hurriedly backed up.

Rhys, puzzled, stepped past them then retreated so hastily he almost fell over backwards.

"Gods! It's like an invisible White Wall ... Can you call up the red protection from your Opal, Kieran?"

While Kieran did that Mr B and Tan experienced the irresistible urge to turn back for themselves. Kieran dismissed the red glow after a single futile step.

"It's completely different to a Boundary Wall ... Try and push me through."

That didn't work. As soon his his body passed the invisible boundary Kieran frantically scrambled to get back.

"Something’s taking control the same way you can, Kieran. Can you sense it or block it?"

"... No! I can't sense anything."

"Can Krol fly over the top?"

"Don't bother sending him, Kieran. He won't be able to."

"He won't?"

"The Monsters can't so it’ll be the same for him."

"What about asking Ranevargar? He might know."

"No, Tan, there’s no way he wouldn't have told me about a barrier like this."

"It's a mind thing isn't it? ... There must be something you can do, Kieran."

Kieran hadn't stopped probing and he shook his head.

"It is, Mr B, but, whatever it is, it's new to me."

Rhys made everyone jump with his yell of frustration.

"All this way! What are we going to do?"

A tinge of despair pushed into existence when nobody had an answer. Rhys moved back about ten metres, took off with a power run, and flung himself across the line with a great burst of speed, only to frantically reverse direction.

He gave a great gasp of disgust then straightened and stared.

Woorawa was standing motionless with his eyes closed. Rhys started to say something but was nudged to silence by Kieran.

Woorawa’s features had the distinctive aspect of one of his campfire performances. No, more the air of their mind battles. A soft sound started deep in his throat, welled in volume and surrounded everyone with a fierce but familiar chant. In another familiar routine the pattern strengthened and set. With eyes still closed he moved slowly forward. One step, two steps, three steps, a pause while the volume increased, then step after step till ten metres ahead the sound stopped, his eyes opened and a huge smile appeared.

"I'm through! I'm through! And I can't feel a thing. I'm coming back to help you all."

His walk was normal for a few steps and then he raced.

"That’s unreal. Okay, everyone, get in the mood and start chanting. Keep close and start walking when I do."

The chant rose, louder and louder, till the frame of mind took hold and Woorawa started moving forward. Two steps into the zone he slowed and increased the intensity of the chant. To no avail. First Mr B and Kieran, then Rhys and then Tan, faltered, panicked and raced back. Woorawa followed them.

"It is too powerful for the rest of us, Woorawa. It overrides the chant just about straight away."

Tan spoke up.

"It's all right, Rhys. Woorawa can pull us through with the Spook ropes."

"That won't work. We’ll fight against him like crazy."

Tan clicked his wrists and ankles together.

"Not if we’re tied up enough. Try me first, Rhys."

"No way. It should be me."

Kieran overrode them both.

"I’ll be first, Rhys. I need to get through more than anyone."

"No, you’re wrong, Kieran. I should go before you so we know if it has any bad effects, and I'm going before Rhys because I'm a lot lighter. What do you think, Mr B?"

"I agree with you, Tan. I can't fault your logic and if it works okay then Rhys should be next."

"What about Krol? Can five of us drag him through?"

"He’ll have to wait here, Rhys. Using the spook ropes would be like trying to hold him with spaghetti against those muscles."

"Whoo! He won't be happy."

"I don't like it either. We’ll just have to hope we don't need him for the last few hundred metres."

"Will he be okay by himself? You said more Monsters were on the way."

Kieran made a quick check.

"About ten minutes now, Woorawa, but they’re not in groups so he’ll cope easily. Start your chant please."

The chant started, Mr B joined three Spook ropes in a long chain, and while Woorawa made his way through the barrier Tan was trussed securely. Woorawa reached safety, turned and pulled the trailing Spook ropes taught.

"Ready, Kieran?"

Kieran waved for action and, ankles and wrists bound, Tan started his uncomfortable crossing. Straight away he started threshing his muscles. Kieran reached to control the threshing and calm his mind. Weird! The calming worked but not the muscle control. He yelled.

"Get him through as quick as you can, Woorawa."

Woorawa gave a nod and, slinging the end of the ropes over his shoulder, strained forward till Tan's body suddenly relaxed.

"How was it?"

"Awful, but then it's all gone. Tell Kieran I’m okay and get me untied."

Kieran already knew and was busy helping Mr B get Rhys ready. Ten minutes later, just when Woorawa was trussing Mr B, Krol launched against the first of the arriving Monsters. Kieran, Rhys and Tan started dragging and while Woorawa was slinging the last of the packs on his back the sky flared and a Monster dissolved.

Rhys yelled in concert with Krol then laughed at Mr B's expression

"Leave him tied up, Kieran. Look how much fun he’s having."

Kieran was too preoccupied with watching Woorawa's progress to answer.

As quickly as possible the group passed the ruin of some large structure, headed for the cavern entrance, and glanced back at another flare of Monster death.

"How many more?"

Kieran kept to himself that there were more than fifty.

"… Um! ... ten in the next twenty minutes, Rhys, but never more than two at once ... and don't worry. His aura gets renewed automatically from now on, even if I'm too busy to think about it."

For almost a minute the final approach held everyone in a contemplative silence.

"It's big!"

And indeed it was, at least twenty metres high, and nearly as wide.

"It's dark too. I can't see anything."

Kieran was puzzled that all he could see through the dimness ahead was a blank wall.

"It looks empty. Make it glow."

That was easy and resulted in excited yells.

"Round to the left! Keep the glow going, Kieran. It goes further in."

After another ten metres they rounded the bend and Kieran's heart stopped. Well not really but his body did surge with adrenaline.

"Holy hell! ... It's a statue. Kieran, they’ve built a gigantic statue of him."


Copyright © 2018 Palantir; All Rights Reserved.
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Stories posted in this category are works of fiction. Names, places, characters, events, and incidents are created by the authors' imaginations or are used fictitiously. Any resemblances to actual persons (living or dead), organizations, companies, events, or locales are entirely coincidental.
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Chapter Comments

Maurice is huge and the awakening is upon them now. The power flares of the magnitudes used to approach and gain access to Maurice are bound to have been noticed elsewhere. Ranevargar’s mind shields could now possibly receive the onslaught of the Power Masters intended for the King as Maynor desperately tries to unravel the mysteries presently beyond his self proclaimed vastness. Kieran’s limited tests of high power flows were for the awakening alone, not while defending against attackers wielding powers of war. Will the protections sustained for Ranevargar by the Pearl be enough or will Kieran become a channeler of energy as never before seem within the Realms.

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7 hours ago, Philippe said:

Maurice is huge and the awakening is upon them now. The power flares of the magnitudes used to approach and gain access to Maurice are bound to have been noticed elsewhere. Ranevargar’s mind shields could now possibly receive the onslaught of the Power Masters intended for the King as Maynor desperately tries to unravel the mysteries presently beyond his self proclaimed vastness. Kieran’s limited tests of high power flows were for the awakening alone, not while defending against attackers wielding powers of war. Will the protections sustained for Ranevargar by the Pearl be enough or will Kieran become a channeler of energy as never before seem within the Realms.

So many interesting ideas!

Yes, these Power Masters do seem to be giving alarming new options to Maynor.

Hmm! Power, in various forms, is surely becoming more significant. - Might versus right? - maybe!  :)

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18 hours ago, Dathi said:

Well now we know what the ritual is for, waking the dragon!  The extra barrier was unexpected, thankfully dreamtime know how won the day.  Excellent chapter thank you, very well done.

That’s what I love about the Companions, everyone plays a role, and no role is less integral to the accomplishments these guys achieve; even when manipulated, or traversing foreign realms, they prevailed with honor and respect.

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45 minutes ago, Philippe said:

It’s hard to imagine how he masked his true self so long and so well with the brash arrogance he has demonstrated prior to reaching his ultimate goal; as one may count chickens while looking at eggs yet to hatch. 

Well, The High King has always been impressed with Maynor's intelligence so we can presume he's been using it like a master.  Hmm! - could there be more to it?.

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42 minutes ago, Philippe said:

That’s what I love about the Companions, everyone plays a role, and no role is less integral to the accomplishments these guys achieve; even when manipulated, or traversing foreign realms, they prevailed with honor and respect.

Yes, it's amazing how Kieran ended up with such a sterling group. Could it be leadership? Maybe it's like attracting like (lol that can be taken in more than one way). Maybe necessity?

Probably a mix of those - and who knows what else?

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29 minutes ago, ColumbusGuy said:

What has me bothered at the moment is the unexpected barrier that Ranevargar didnt't know about...was it Maynor's doing, or is there some other influence we don't know about yet?

Do we know who the original Lord of the Dead World was? 

You're so right, M. Ranevargar has shown himself to be a wily old fellow, and his lack of mention of a barrier that would have stymied the whole rescue operation if it wasn't for Woorawa's heritage knowledge hardly seems like a simple memory slip.

Maybe if, for some reason, Uirebon the Lore Master, directed his scholars to research the ancient archives, information about Dead World might reveal something of interest/value?

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12 hours ago, Palantir said:

You're so right, M. Ranevargar has shown himself to be a wily old fellow, and his lack of mention of a barrier that would have stymied the whole rescue operation if it wasn't for Woorawa's heritage knowledge hardly seems like a simple memory slip.

Maybe if, for some reason, Uirebon the Lore Master, directed his scholars to research the ancient archives, information about Dead World might reveal something of interest/value?

As the story unfolds, I’m hoping we will get a better understanding of the Realm history; of before and after the split from the human realm. More specifically how did the dead world fit within the old structure of governance vs the modern structure of the Fairy Kingdom; and how does the Opal fit within all the history. Are the ties to the ancient peoples traced to the split. Through housed in the human realm for ages, how and why does the Opal so closely align with Kieran when the Fairy Stones of Power are gifted by the powers of the High King? 

  • Like 3
2 hours ago, Philippe said:

As the story unfolds, I’m hoping we will get a better understanding of the Realm history; of before and after the split from the human realm. More specifically how did the dead world fit within the old structure of governance vs the modern structure of the Fairy Kingdom; and how does the Opal fit within all the history. Are the ties to the ancient peoples traced to the split. Through housed in the human realm for ages, how and why does the Opal so closely align with Kieran when the Fairy Stones of Power are gifted by the powers of the High King? 

So many possibilities. :)


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