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Stories posted in this category are works of fiction. Names, places, characters, events, and incidents are created by the authors' imaginations or are used fictitiously. Any resemblances to actual persons (living or dead), organizations, companies, events, or locales are entirely coincidental.
Note: While authors are asked to place warnings on their stories for some moderated content, everyone has different thresholds, and it is your responsibility as a reader to avoid stories or stop reading if something bothers you. 
This is a story written in the first-person from a teen on the Austism Spectrum. Great care has been taken to be true to the character while, at the same time, being non-offensive to my readers.

The Barnstable Chronicles: Book 5 - Beautiful Boy - 7. The Choice

Noah and Sky continue to get closer. Their announcement of their new status to Charlie, leads to a beautiful conversation between father and son.
The next weekend in Westhampton leads to a love of new experiences for Noah--and one of them may or may not involve Sky.

When Daddy took me into class on Monday, Sky wasn’t there yet. Mrs. Clancey came to us and said she had just read Mike’s report on my internship. She was real happy but didn’t understand how I could talk to the animals.

“It just happens, Mrs. Clancy. They don’t really talk. I just hear what they tell me in my brain. And then I say what I want them to hear—but I don’t talk, either.”

“That’s remarkable—just—remarkable. Mr. Danner, have you considered having some experts look into this?”

“No, we really haven’t. It’s all pretty new for us, too. But I don’t think we want to put Noah through all of the extra attention—especially with moving to a new city, making new friends, a new family dynamic—it can be overwhelming for David and me. I can only imagine how stressful it can be for my son.”

I didn’t understand what they were talking about, but that was okay. Sky and his mom came into the room. He smiled so big, and his sparkly eyes got wrinkly. He is still the most beautiful boy I’ve ever seen!

Sky came over to the table and sat with me. “Hi, Noah.”

“Hi, Sky! I’m happy you’re here now.”

“Yes. I’m happy, too. I haven’t stopped thinking about you since I got home yesterday. It was like you were still with me—but in my brain.”

“I felt that, too—but about you. You make me real happy, Sky. And right now, it’s kinda hard to breathe, and I feel my heart going real fast.”

“Yes, me too. I told my mom about it, and she said that’s how she felt when she met my dad. She said that’s how she knew she was in love with my dad.”

Why did my mouth get dry, and my heart get even faster? It didn’t hurt, though. I was getting happier and happier.



“Does that mean you love me?”

“Yes. I hope you love me too, so we can be boyfriends.”

“Yes, please. I love you, Sky.”

Sky smiled and told me I made him real happy. That made me happy, too.

Daddy and Sky’s mom came over to us and said goodbye.

“Daddy, Sky loves me. He’s my boyfriend now.”

“Oh? And do you love Sky?”

“Yes, please. I’m his boyfriend, too.”

Daddy looked at Sky’s mom and asked her what she thought about this.

“Since Noah has become a part of Sky’s life, I have seen more growth and enthusiasm in one week than I have seen in the last three years. If this is what the boys choose, then I’m behind them 100%.”

“Noah, we’ll talk some more about this when we get home, okay? But I’m delighted to see that you are this happy!”

Daddy kissed me on top of my head and turned around to leave. Sky’s mom told us that it was okay for us to hold hands like we have been doing, but we weren’t allowed to kiss at school. That was against the rules.”

We told her we wouldn’t kiss, but I think that’s a silly rule. Grownups must have made that one up.

The last thing Sky told me before the class started was that he couldn’t wait to hear about my internship. I told him Mrs. Clancey already knew about it, so she might not want to hear about it again.

I was wrong. Mrs. Clancey told the others that I had a special connection with animals and had an exciting day at my internship. I told them about the penguins and the dolphins. Everybody laughed when I told them how the dolphin sprayed me with water.

I told everybody about feeding the sea lions and how Oscar came up to me. I told them about going in the water with the sharks and how the Great White said to me that the Tiger didn’t feel right. I told them she was okay now because the shark doctor fixed her.

“And then my daddies took me out to a nice restaurant for dinner. Sky came too. He’s my boyfriend now.”

“Very good, Noah. We are all so proud of you and the wonderful things you did on the first day of your internship. And now, it’s time for our Morning Spotlight. Today we’re going to learn about a movie actress named Daryl Hannah.”

Mrs. Clancey told us that when Daryl Hannah was a child, they found out she was on the spectrum. The doctors wanted to put her in a hospital, but her mommy refused to let them do that. Mrs. Clancey said that Daryl was a very shy and quiet little girl and didn’t have very many friends.

Daryl Hannah found that when she acted and was in plays, she didn’t feel any different from the other kids because she could pretend she was someone else. She was mostly known for her movie Splash, where she played a mermaid girl who loved a human boy.

She still makes movies but doesn’t do as many as she used to. She got married to a famous singer two years ago. His name is Neil Young. Mrs. Clancey showed us a picture of Daryl Hannah. She’s real pretty—but Sky is prettier.

When Daddy and I got home from school, he asked me to go down to his workroom with him. He needed to do some sewing while we talked.

“How was your day at school, Noah?”

“It was good. It’s always good when I’m with Sky.”

“And Sky is your boyfriend now?”

“Yes, please. Sky makes me real happy. But, when he gets close to me, my heart gets fast, and my tummy gets butterflies.”

“Oh! That’s what David does to me. But, I want you to be careful, Noah. I want you to know that you should never do anything if you feel like you may not want to do it.”


“Have you and Sky been intimate?”

“Tell me what that is again?”

“Intimate is when you kiss someone you like a lot—or love. It can also mean when you do things with each other’s penises or other parts of your body that you usually cover with your clothes.”

“Okay. We did intimate. Sky made me very happy—I made him happy, too.”

“Okay. You’re seventeen now. In New York, seventeen is the age of consent, which means you won’t get in trouble for being intimate.”

“Okay. I don’t want to get in trouble, Daddy!”

“You’re not in trouble, Noah. Being intimate with someone you love is a beautiful and natural thing.”

“Yes. It was nice and beautiful. Sky made me cum three times Saturday night. I liked it a lot.”

“O-Okay. Noah, you shouldn’t talk about what you and Sky do with other people. It needs to be something special just between the two of you. However, if you do something that hurts you—or him—and you need to talk to someone about it, you can always talk to me about that, do you understand?”

“I understand, Daddy. And if I get confused or hurt, I can talk to you about it. Can I talk to David about it if I can’t find you?”

“Of course, Noah. David would like that very much.”


“Now, what about Timmy? How do you feel about him?”

“I love Timmy, too. He’s my boyfriend in Barnstable.”

“Oh. Do you think having Sky as your boyfriend is fair to Timmy? Or having Timmy as your boyfriend is fair to Sky?”

“I don’t understand.”

Daddy thought for a minute. Then he said, “How would you feel if you found out that Timmy had a boyfriend while you were in New York, but never told you about it when you were with him in Barnstable.”

“It would make me sad because we tell each other everything. It would make me sad that Timmy had a secret and didn’t tell me about it.”

“Okay. Now, how would you feel if Sky had a boyfriend while you were in Barnstable with Timmy?”

“It would make me feel hurt and sad.”

“Of course it would. Now, why do you like that Sky loves you? How does that make you feel?”

“It makes me happy. Sky makes me feel special—not special because I have autism—special because he does things for me that he doesn’t do for anybody else.”

“Would you feel special and happy if you learned that Sky had a boyfriend when you were away?”

“No. Does he? Does Sky have another boyfriend?” I didn’t like hearing these things about Sky!

“No, my beautiful boy. But did you see how sad it made you when you thought he might?’

“Yes, please.”

“All I am saying is that when you love someone, and they become your boyfriend, he should be your only boyfriend. That way, you can give all the special things you have to the one person you love more than anything in the world.”

“But what about David and Papa? You loved two people, Daddy.”

“That’s true. I loved David—and then he left. Then I found your Papa—and I loved him. Then David came back, and I love him now. But—even though I loved your Papa and married him, deep deep in my heart, I never stopped loving David. That was one of the reasons things didn’t work out with your Papa and me. And you remember how that made a lot of people very sad—including you.”

“You mean—when Papa went away, it wasn’t because of me?”

“Oh, no! Your Papa has never stopped loving you. He just stopped loving me.”

“Oh. Okay. I thought it was because of me.”

“No, you are a wonderful and beautiful son to both your Papa and me—and you always will be, no matter what.”

“Okay, Daddy. I don’t want to make anybody sad like that. I think I have to pick just one boyfriend, right?”

“I think that’s the best thing, Noah. Do you need to talk about that with me?”

“No, I would pick Sky. Sky makes me feel better than I have ever felt before. Timmy makes me happy, too—but it’s not the same as Sky. Can I call Timmy and tell him he can’t be my boyfriend anymore?”

“I think you should tell him when you go to visit your Papa. Timmy will be there, and that would be the best time. This kind of thing is always better done face-to-face.”

“Okay. You are a smart daddy.”

“And you are a very smart young man. Now, why don’t you go up and do your homework so you can stay smart?”


“Do you need me to help you with the computer?”

“No, I know how to do it now. I learned how to do that in computer class today.”

“Excellent. Now I need to finish this dress so Mr. Christian can come to see it tomorrow. If you need help, just let me know.”


I went upstairs and did my homework. Mr. Vinente was making something for dinner that smelled real good. I’m glad he cooks us dinner now.

At dinner, I asked Daddy if Sky could sleep over again after my internship so we could go back to the Central Park with David. He said he would speak with Sky’s mom in the morning.

When we got to school in the morning, Sky and his mom were already there. I sat down at the table with Sky, and he hugged me. He said that wasn’t against the rules, and since everybody knew we were boyfriends, it was okay.

I heard Sky’s mom tell Daddy that she didn’t think it was a good idea for us to have sleepovers anymore, but Sky’s daddy said that if they took that away from us, it might cause more problems. She asked Daddy if he was worried about us spending the night together.

“I’ve had some wonderful conversations with my son about intimacy and respect for each other. He also knows that if any situation comes up that he’s uncomfortable with, he can come to speak with David or me right away. I would rather they explore their relationship under my roof than—God knows where. At least I know they are safe and protected by adults who love them.”

“You sound just like my husband! I don’t object in the slightest that the boys have become so close. It’s just hard sometimes to see my baby boy grow up so fast.”

“Mom, I told you I’m not a baby anymore.”

Sky’s mom smiled and walked over to him. “I know that. But, in my heart, you will always be my baby boy—even when you get old.”

“As old as Noah’s daddy?”

“Hey! I’m not that old!”


Daddy wasn’t mad, though—he was smiling and shaking his head. Sky leaned in to me and whispered, “Grownups don’t like to be told they are old. They get funny about that!”

I giggled when Daddy told us that Sky could come with us to the beach house this weekend.

“Can Sky come with me to the aquarium?”

“No, you need to concentrate on your work with the animals. While you are at the aquarium, Sky can do his homework and watch a movie. But we’ll bring him with us when we pick you up, okay?”

“Yes, please.”

When Friday came, I was so excited! We were going to the ocean house for my internship, and Sky was coming with us! That morning, Sky brought a big backpack that had his clothes and toothbrush inside. Daddy took it with him when he went back home.

After school, Daddy and David both came to pick us up. Sky thought they looked funny in their sunglasses and baseball hats. I told him it was so people didn’t bother us on the sidewalk.

Daddy started to hold my hand when we got outside the school. “No, Daddy. Sky can hold my hand.”

Daddy smiled at me and said that would be okay. He said we should walk behind him. David walked behind us. When we got home, we went to the bathroom and walked to the parking garage where David’s SUV was parked.

Daddy sat in the front seat, Nana sat in the second seat, and Sky and I sat in the back seat. I liked it when Sky would hold my hand. I really like it when Sky told me that he loved me! I told him I loved him, too. Then I rested my head on Sky’s shoulder, and we started to drive through the city.

Once we got out of the city, it didn’t take long for me to fall asleep. I don’t know if it was because I usually fall asleep on long car trips, but I think feeling Sky’s thumb making little circles on my hand sure made me fall asleep faster.

When we got to the ocean house, Sky was very excited to see the beach. He asked Daddy if he and I could walk on the beach before dinner. Nana wasn’t sure if we should walk by ourselves, but David asked if we would mind walking with Daddy and him. Sky said yes, and Nana said she would grill the hamburgers and hot dogs so they would be ready when we got back. Yay! Hot dogs!

Sky and I went up to my bedroom to put away his backpack and change for our walk. We decided to wear our swimshorts and flip-flops. Sky put on a blue tank-top, and I put on the white shirt I wore on the beach for Miss Annie’s pictures. I left it open, too. Sky liked that!

Daddy and David walked behind Sky and Me. It was nice to hold hands with Sky. But, it was different here from what it was at school. At school, Sky would hold my hand to help me. Here, he held my hand because I am his boyfriend. As soon as I thought about that, it reminded me of something Daddy said when we talked.

I asked, “Sky? Will you get another boyfriend for when I get on the big plane and go to Barnstable?”

Sky stopped walking and turned to me. “No. I don’t want another boyfriend. I only want you to be my boyfriend, and when you go away for a weekend—I want to wait for you to come back. Is Timmy going to be your boyfriend when you go to Barnstable?”

“Timmy was my boyfriend before I moved to New York. I was going to call him and tell him I have a new boyfriend, but Daddy said I should tell him when I see him.”


Daddy must have heard what we were talking about because he answered Sky.

“When I was the same age as you boys, I had my first boyfriend. I liked him a lot, too. But he was a football player and didn’t want anyone else to know that we were boyfriends. Finally, he decided we couldn’t be boyfriends anymore, but he never told me. Instead, he sent his friend to tell me. That hurt my feelings quite a bit. What hurt most of all was that he didn’t tell me face-to-face.”

“When your Daddy and I had to end our relationship so I could go to study music in Russia, we talked about it together—we made the decision together. Of course, we were still very sad, but it was a lot easier to deal with because we talked honestly with each other.”

“So, I’ll be your only boyfriend?”

“Yes, Sky. You are my only boyfriend. I love you.”

Sky looked at Daddy and asked him, “Can I kiss Noah on the beach since we aren’t at school?”

Daddy smiled and said, “Why don’t we just have a nice hug for now? You can have your special kiss later on tonight—okay?”


Sky hugged me and said I was his beautiful boyfriend. That made my heart go faster again—and my penis got a little bigger.

We turned around and started walking back to the ocean house. The closer we got, the more I could smell hamburgers and hotdogs. I was getting hungry! Sky’s tummy rumbled, so I knew he was hungry, too!

We walked up to the deck, and Nana had everything ready for us. Sky and I each got two hot dogs, some baked beans, and tater tots. It was one of my favorite suppers!

After supper, Sky and I did our homework. When we finished that, we watched Onward and decided it was for sure our favorite movie! After that, we said goodnight to the grownups and went upstairs.

After we brushed our teeth, we decided to take a shower, but since the bathroom was also Nana’s bathroom, Sky said we should take separate showers. That made me a little bit sad, but he was right. I took my shower first, and Sky took his second.

When Sky came into the bedroom, he shut the door and let his towel drop to the floor. I love seeing my boyfriend naked! It made the butterflies come back to my tummy, and it made my cock get big. Since I was already in my bed, I pulled the covers off of me, so Sky could see me naked. He smiled and just said, “Beautiful.”

We kissed a lot while we held on to each other. I put Sky’s big cock in my mouth and made him shoot his cum. He still tasted real good! Sky did the same to me and swallowed all of my sperms. He said it was the best dessert ever! That made me giggle.

The next thing I knew, we were both falling asleep, with Sky laying his head on my chest. I held on to him, and the last thing I remembered thinking was that I had my boyfriend in my bed with me. I think I was smiling when I fell asleep because all I had were happy dreams.

I woke up at 7:30, so I could get ready for the aquarium. When I crawled out of bed, Sky was grouchy. I told him he could go back to sleep—and he did. I put on my cargo shorts and my aquarium shirt. When I had my shoes and socks on, I went downstairs as quiet as I could, so I wouldn’t wake Sky up.

Yay for breakfast casserole! I think this is going to be our breakfast whenever we come to the ocean house. I asked David if that what he was going to do. He asked me if that was something I would like.

“Yes, please.”

When I went upstairs to brush my teeth, Sky was coming out of the bathroom.

“Good morning.”

“Good morning, Sky. I’m going to go to the aquarium now. There’s the best breakfast in the world downstairs.”

“When will you be back?”

“This afternoon.”

“Okay.” He hugged me, and I hugged him back. When I finished brushing my teeth, I went downstairs so David could take me to the aquarium.

Mike was happy to see me when I got to the aquarium. He told me that the Tiger was all better now and was swimming and eating like nothing was ever wrong. He also said that we would go in the water to visit the sharks before feeding the penguins with Vanessa and Jaxon.

He said we would feed the penguins, dolphins, and sea lions just like we did last Saturday. Then we would have our lunch. After lunch, we would go and get ready to feed the sharks. He said that it took a lot of people and almost three hours to do. When we finished with that, it would be time for me to go home.

I was excited to see the Tiger so I could tell her I was glad she was feeling better. Mike and I suited up and went in the water. Just like before, the sharks all came to the cage. The Great White called me their friend and told me they were happy to see me. Then, the Tiger told me she was feeling better and was glad that I told the doctor she was sick. She said I was a hero! I didn’t know sharks could have heroes, did you?

After we visited the sharks, Mike took me to the fish room, and I helped Vanessa and Jaxon get the food ready for the penguins. Duke and his friends were in front of the group this time. Vanessa let me feed them from my hands while Jaxon tossed the fish to the other penguins in another part of the habitat. Duke said they were all happy to see me again, and he came up to me for another hug. I didn’t squeeze too hard, though. I remembered Vanessa said I shouldn’t.

We went back to the fish room and filled the buckets for the dolphins and sea lions. The dolphins were fun, and I got to pet some of them. None of them sprayed me this time, but they still told me they were happy I was feeding them.

When we got to the sea lion theatre, Oscar came out to us as soon as he heard the gate. Jaxon told me he has been waiting for them every day since he met me. When he saw me, he raised his head and barked real loud!

He came up to me, put his head on my chest, and I hugged him. Then, Jaxon said, “Oscar has a new boyfriend.”

I told Oscar that I loved him, but I couldn’t be his boyfriend because I already had one. I told him I would bring Sky to meet him someday, and he just grunted. It was funny and made me laugh.

I told Oscar he needed to eat before the other sea lions took all the fish. He wanted another hug and then moved away so I could toss some fish to him. He was hungry, too!

We went back to the fish room and put the carts away. Vanessa told Mike and me to have lunch, and then we could come back to help get ready to feed the shark tank.

I had the same thing for lunch as before, but I paid for my own this time. I asked Mike how they kept the sharks from eating the other fish. He told me that they feed the sharks three days a week. The only time the other fish are in danger is during feeding time. He said that I would see how they keep that from happening during feeding time.


When we finished eating, we went back to the fish room. There were a lot of people there. Two people were cutting up food for the turtles. Two more were putting food in buckets for the small fish, and Vanessa and Jaxon were doing the food for the sharks.

The sharks’ fishes were frozen, and they were using a big saw to cut off the heads and the tails. Vanessa said there wasn’t any nutrition in those parts, so they just remove them.

They gave me a container that had some real big pills. Jaxon said those were special vitamins and nutrients just for the sharks. My job was to push one pill into the middle of each fish they handed me. I had to put my fish in a special bucket so they could make sure each shark got one. The rest of the sharks’ fish didn’t have a pill in it.

Vanessa and Jaxon took me out on a big bridge that went across the top of the big tank. The first thing that happened was they turned off the air jets that made bubbles at the top of the tank. Jaxon said that it was like a dinner bell for the fish, and most of them would go to different parts of the tank. They knew where their food would be.

The next thing that happened was that the turtles were moved to a small tank off to the side of the big one. Vanessa told me that was so they would be out of the way of the feeding sharks.

When the turtles got out of the way, one of the people started pouring fish into a tube. Vanessa said they would put water in the tube, and that would make the fish come out at the bottom of the tank. The fish that liked to be in the bottom all went over there to eat and were out of the way of the sharks. Another person tossed food into the top of the tank for the smaller fish that didn’t like to go to the bottom.

“Okay, Noah. We’re ready to feed the sharks. Follow Jaxon and me!”

We walked to the other end of the bridge. Jaxon and Vanessa each picked up a long pole and stuck a fish on the end. When a shark would take the fish, they would push down, and the shark would take it away. She said that made it feel like a live fish to the shark.

After all the sharks had a fish, they asked me to start handing them the vitamin fish. After that, they fed all the sharks again. When they all got one of my fishes, they fed another big fish to the Great White and the Tiger.

Once all the food was gone, we waited on the bridge for a little while for the sharks to slow down and rest. Then, Jaxson turned on the air jets, and the smaller fish came back into the main part of the tank with the turtles. I couldn’t wait to tell everybody how we feed the sharks! I learned a lot today.

When we got back to the fish room, I washed my hands to get rid of the fishy smell. Mike asked me what I thought of the big feed. He said that’s what they call the shark feeding.

“It was good. I learned a lot.”

Mike took me down to the office, and David was there with Sky!

“And who is this young man.”

“Mike, this is Noah’s friend, Skylar. He prefers to be called Sky.”

“Very nice to meet you, Sky. Do you go to school with Noah?”


“Maybe next time we can have you watch Noah feed the animals. Would you like that, Noah?”

“Yes, please.”

We got into the car, but on the way home, David stopped at a store. When he came back, David handed a bag to Sky. “Now, we decided to get this for you on one condition. Just like we talked about this afternoon—if you decide together to do anything and one of you asks the other to stop, you must stop. Do you understand?”

“Yes, David.”

“What are you talking about, David?”

“Noah, your Daddy and I had the same talk with Sky this afternoon that he had with you in his workroom.”

“Oh. Okay.”

We didn’t say very much the rest of the way to the ocean house, but Sky was holding my hand in his lap, and his cock was hard. He leaned over to me and whispered, “I love you, Noah.”

I still didn’t know exactly what David was talking about—or what was in the bag, but I was so happy that I felt like my chest was going to explode!

When we got back to the house, it smelled so good! Nana made her lasagna. She told me I smelled like fish and I should take a shower before dinner. She said Sky could help her with the garlic bread while I got clean.

I took my shower and washed twice to make sure the fish smell went away. When I finished my shower, I dried my hair. Then, I put on my jeans and the shirt I had on when we went on our walk yesterday. Sky said he liked that shirt, and I wanted to make him happy.

Dinner was real good. Sky told Nana that she cooked food a lot better than his mom did, and Nana thanked him but made him promise not to say anything to his mom. That could hurt her feelings. He smiled and promised he wouldn’t tell his mom anything.

After dinner was over, we all had some chocolate ice cream. It was good, but Mr. Vincente’s chocolate gelato was better. I didn’t say anything to Nana, so I wouldn’t hurt her feelings.

When we finished our ice cream, Daddy told Nana to fill her wine glass and go out to the deck. He said the rest of us would clean everything. Sky and I rinsed the dishes and glasses so we could put them in the dishwasher. Daddy and David washed the pots and pans and cleaned the counters.

They poured a glass of wine for themselves and some bubbly apple juice for Sky and me. We were sitting in the lounger chairs, and David asked me to tell about my day. It was fun telling everybody about the Oscar and how the sharks thanked me for helping the Tiger.

“And then Mike said Sky could come with us next time and follow me around the park. That made me happy!”

“I don’t want to go in the water with the sharks, Noah. Sharks scare me.”

“Okay, Sky. But the sharks are nice. They’re my friends.”

“Okay. I’ll just watch you go in the water.”

“Okay. Daddy? Can Sky and I walk down to the water?”

“Yes, but stay in front of the house. No walking up and down the beach, okay?”


I stood up and held my hand out to Sky. He stood up, and we walked down to the water.

We stopped at the wet sand and looked out over the ocean. We could see the lights from a ship a long, long way out. Sky wrapped his arm around my waist, and I did the same to him.

“What was in the bag David gave you in the car?”

“David bought some lube for us to use.”

“He did? That was nice.”


“Yes, Sky?”

“I want you to fuck me tonight.”

“That’s a bad word. We’re not supposed to say that.”

“Do you know what fuck means?”

“Ummmm, I don’t think so.”

“Fucking is when one of us puts our cock inside the other boyfriend’s butt.”

“Oh, I didn’t know that. I guess we could say that word to each other if we’re going to do it to each other.”

“Okay. Will you fuck me tonight?”

“Yes, please. Will you kiss me?”


Sky turned and took me in his arms so he could kiss me. I’m so happy that he is my boyfriend! I’m even happier that I’m his boyfriend!

Sky smiled at me and said, “Let’s go back to the house and get ready for bed.”

I took Sky’s hand, and we made our way back to the house.

“Daddy, it’s so pretty out there at night. You can see so many stars, too!”

“Really? Maybe I can convince David to show me some stars after you boys go to bed.”

David smiled funny at Daddy and said he would love to do that. Nana made a funny face and said it was time to go to bed, that she was tired.

That left Sky and me alone on the deck. I told him we should let Nana get to bed, and then we could go up. I also told him we would have to be quiet tonight. It’s different than when we are in my room in the city. There, we have a whole floor by ourselves.

We laid together on the big lounger that Daddy and David were in before they went to the water. Sky wrapped me in his arms and pressed close to my body. He kissed me real good, too. He kissed me so good he made everything happen to me—my heart got fast, my skin got warm, my tummy had butterflies, and my cock was pushing real hard against my jeans.

“Sky?” I was almost out of breath. “I think we can go to the bedroom now.”


Sky held my hand this time. We went inside and upstairs and were careful not to make too much noise. When we closed the door, Sky started to unbutton my shirt.

“I love this shirt, Noah. It makes you so beautiful, but I think when I take it off, you’ll be even more beautiful.”

“Oooooh.” That’s all I could say.

We probably would have been naked a lot faster, but every time Sky took a piece of my clothes off, Sky just kissed me all over the skin that he found. I liked it, though. I liked it a lot.

I was finally naked, and Sky let me take his clothes off. I took my time and kissed his skin, but I was still faster than he was.

Once Sky was naked, he held my hand and took me to the bed. He laid me on my back and kissed me everywhere he could. I had to put a hand over my mouth when he sucked on my nipples. My cock was already making the clear liquid.

Sky slid down and licked all the liquid off of my tummy. “I like the way you taste, Noah. It’s really good.”

I wanted to thank Sky for being so nice, but I had to put my hand over my mouth again. He had already put my whole cock in his mouth. When he started to rub my balls, I started to go crazy. But Sky moaned when my cock was all the way in his mouth, and I couldn’t stand it—I went completely crazy. I shot my cum so hard and fast into his mouth. I had to grab a pillow and cover my face so I wouldn’t wake up Nana!

When my breathing came back to normal, Sky kissed me and ran his fingers through my hair.

“I’m sorry, Sky. I wanted to last longer.”

“You will last longer now—when you are inside me.”


“I’ll be right back.”

Sky got out of bed and got the bag David gave him when we were in the car. He opened the box and pulled out a bottle of the Platinum lube stuff. He brought the bottle back to bed with him.

“I’m a little nervous, but I want you to fuck me more than anything in the world. Do you want to do that?”

“Yes, please.”


“Do you know what you want to do?”

“Yes. I watched some more videos this week. All you have to do is lay on the bed. I’ll take care of everything.”


Sky laid down on top of me and started to kiss me again. I wrapped my arms and legs around him, and I could feel his big cock between us. It was warm and slippery with his liquid.

I was still on my back, and Sky turned around to put my cock in his mouth. I was looking at his butt and knew what I wanted to do next! I pulled my head up, put my hands on both sides, and pushed them apart.

I leaned in and ran my tongue across his hole. He moaned around my cock, and it started to get real hard again. I thought he would like it. I liked it, too. The muscles of his butt are real strong—just like all of his muscles.

I kept moving my tongue around his hole, and the more I did it, the more he liked it. When I pushed a little bit, and my tongue went inside. Sky really liked that, and he pulled his mouth off of my cock. He was on his knees and leaning into my face. He reached behind and pushed my head even deeper into his butt. I think I liked it as much as he did. My cock was big again.

Sky leaned down and got the bottle of the lube stuff. He said he wanted to see my fingers. He poured some on them and asked me to put them in his butt. I slid my slippery fingers into Sky’s butt and pushed one into his hole.

“Oh! That feels so good, Noah. So Good!” Sky liked to talk, but he was whispering. He got a little louder when I pushed two fingers in. I told him to cover his mouth before I pushed three fingers in. He yelled into one hand while the other one moved on his cock.

He aimed his cum onto my cock. It felt real warm. Sky scooped what was on my tummy and rubbed it on my cock. “I’m ready now, Noah. Are you ready?”

“Ooohh! Yes, please.”

Sky turned around and smiled at me. He was facing me and reached down to my slippery cock. He shifted around a little bit, and I felt the top of my cock on his hole.

Sky pressed down, and my cock slipped inside his hole. It felt so good—and warm! I think Sky liked the way it felt because his eyes got real big, and his mouth opened wide when he took a deep breath. He moved down real slow. Sometimes he would stop and breathe real hard. Then he would move down further.

The next thing I knew, I was all the way inside Sky!

“You’re inside me, Noah. It feels so good! Does it feel good for you, too?”

“Yes, Sky! Oh! It’s the best feeling ever! Oooooooohhhh! Wow!”

Sky had started to move up and down on my cock. His muscles would squeeze when he was moving up. It was good! He leaned back on his hands a little bit and whispered to me, “That’s it! That’s my spot! Noah! Yes! Oh!”

When he moved up and stopped, I got a little confused—until he told me what he wanted me to do.

“You, Noah!” Sky was still whispering, “Now—move in and out while I stay here!”

I started to move my hips up and down. He asked me to start moving faster, so I did. Sky’s big cock was bouncing all over, and it was dropping his clear liquid all over my tummy.

Both of us were breathing pretty hard, but we were still quiet. Then everything happened while I was moving in and out of Sky’s butt, and he leaned back a little more. That was when Sky’s cock started shooting cum all over me. He even sprayed some on my face!

The best feeling was how Sky’s muscles squeezed my cock while he was shooting his cum! It felt so good that I started to spray my cum inside his butt. I had to put the pillow over my face. I had never felt this good before.

After I finished shooting my sperms, Sky lowered his butt to the bottom of my cock and leaned over. He kissed my face and cleaned his cum off. Then he kissed me, and I wrapped around him. Finally, my cock slipped out of Sky’s butt, so he laid down on top of me.

We were a little bit sweaty, but I didn’t care. We rolled to our sides, and Sky ran his fingers through my hair. “I was pretty sure that fucking would feel good, but I didn’t know it would feel that good.”

“It was good for me, too. Are you okay? Did it hurt?”

“It hurt just a little at first, but then I just felt full. But I was full of my boyfriend, and I liked it even more. When I leaned back, all it felt was good.”

We kissed a little more, and then Sky asked me if we should take a shower. I told him we shouldn’t because it would wake Nana up. Instead, I got out of bed and put on my shorts. I went to the bathroom and got a wet washcloth. I cleaned Sky and then myself. I got a towel out of the clothes hamper and dried us off.

I took off my shorts, crawled back into bed, and pulled up the blankets. Sky wanted to sleep on my chest again. Before we got too sleepy, he asked me, “Do you think because we are boyfriends now is why fucking felt better than anything else?

“I think that might be why. I love you, Sky. I mean—I love Daddy and Papa—and Nana—and David—and Timmy. But what I’m feeling right now is different—and it’s a way better feeling.”

“I love my mom and dad, too. But this is something new—something better.”

“Will you fuck me next time?”

“Yes, Noah. I will give you anything you want—for the rest of my life.”

I don’t remember being so happy when I fell asleep. I like that.

Well that was quite an eventful weekend for Noah--and Sky! I loved the conversation Charlie had with Noah. It shows how Noah is growing and quickly becoming a young man. My favorite part is that while our boy is growing up, he is still holding on to so many of the qualities we all love about him.
The next chapter will have Noah's first trip back to Barnstable. This chapter will take a bit longer than these last few chapters. I haven't quite yet decided on the direction for a couple of events.
Thanks again for your comments and support. You know what they do for me--and how they influence my future plot twists and turns!
Stay Strong, Stay Safe, Stay Fabulous!
Copyright © 2020 FlyOnTheWall; All Rights Reserved.
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Chapter Comments

Another fantastic chapter in the life of our loveable Noah. The conversation with Charlie was beautiful, Noah's innocence shows, but we also get get to see that he is growing up into a fine young man. His relationship with Sky is beautiful. I can't wait to see how Noah tells Timmy about Sky being his boyfriend.

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Great chapter, it’s good to see Noah and Sky becoming closer, but poor Timmy I hope that he will be ok, and I am glad that Noah is waiting until he gets back to Barnstable before he tells Timmy, I think that is the right thing to do. 

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Posted (edited)

“We told her we wouldn’t kiss, but I think that’s a silly rule. Grownups must have made that one up.”  That’s actually a very funny line but also a sage observation.  Cracked me up.

Noah is so fortunate to have a daddy who is understanding and who will take the time to explain love on Noah’s terms. The difference between love and being in love is often a hard lesson for typical people, so I’m proud that Noah seems to grasp the difference and understands that a boyfriend in every port will only lead to heartbreak.

Though his conversation with Timmy will be difficult and perhaps emotional, it’s a necessary one for both of them.  It will not only save their close friendship, but will also allow Timmy the freedom to find love.  Charlie and David will need to be close by to offer support and, perhaps, direction for that exchange.

One of the many things I love about the story is that it recognizes that atypical kids need love and relationships, and can manage them.

Edited by tesao
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I had the pleasure of reading several chapters this afternoon to get caught up! I enjoyed finding out about Noah's new life in New York and meeting his new boyfriend! I have some mixed feelings about Noah and Sky being sexually active. I have to keep reminding myself they are not little kids anymore. These characters are wonderful! I like the way they love and support each other, just like the many characters in your other stories! Thanks.

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Another great chapter full of love!  I have a feeling Timmy has already moved on, or at least has some other interests as well,  and all will be good!!  The love they shared will probably continue, but in a friend forever way.  At lease I hope so. Thank you  again Geoff!

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Outstanding chapter! Noah’s 2nd day as an intern went extremely well. He’s really enjoying his job and the animals and staff love him. His relationship with Sky went into warp speed. It’s touching how much love both boys share. Charlie had a discussion with each boy separately and taught them how loving relationships work and to be very careful with each other. Now that Noah’s made the decision to be with Sky, I am concerned for Timmy’s feelings when told that they cannot be boyfriends any longer, just friends. This could become very difficult and possibly traumatic for them both if not handled delicately. I’m definitely looking forward to the next chapter! 😃❤️

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