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Stories posted in this category are works of fiction. Names, places, characters, events, and incidents are created by the authors' imaginations or are used fictitiously. Any resemblances to actual persons (living or dead), organizations, companies, events, or locales are entirely coincidental.
Note: While authors are asked to place warnings on their stories for some moderated content, everyone has different thresholds, and it is your responsibility as a reader to avoid stories or stop reading if something bothers you. 

Box of Crackers - 9. Chapter 9

I woke before the alarm, at first I was startled and then I remembered Jimmy was laying next to me. Sometime during the night, we turned and now I was snuggled up against his back and my arm was around him holding him to my chest. I decided to get up, showered and dressed for the day. I checked on the boys, Bobby was holding Butch but both were sound asleep. I started the coffee, and was just pouring myself a cup, when I felt an arm around my waist.

“Good morning, did you sleep well?” I poured two cups of coffee.

“I did until I got cold this morning. Do you always get up this early?”

“I normally get up at six, have breakfast and then leave for the office after the boys leave for school. This quiet time before the boys awaken, I use to check any work I bring home or finish any work I bring home. I like to see the boys off to school. How about you, what’s your mornings like?”

“I normally don’t have to be at the restaurant until nine, dad opens at eight for deliveries. We don’t start cooking until after nine.”

“That’s good, you can see the boys off to school, Pops.”

He started to laugh, “I guess that’s better than Old Man.”

“It was nice sharing my bed with you last night. Would you consider moving in?”

Jimmy looked at me as if in deep thought, “You’d have to ask my dad.”

“I’ll do that this evening when I come home from work. But just in case he says yes, why don’t you plan on staying here at least tonight.” One thing, which is a drawback to having children, there’s no privacy in the morning.

“Dad, we’re hungry, what’s for breakfast.”

Jimmy went into action, he prepared french toast with sausages. He sat a cup of hot chocolate in front of the boys. Bobby took one sip, looked at Jimmy, then went and gave him a hug. “Thanks Jimmy, you’re the best.”

I must have looked confused, “Chocolate mint.” Jimmy had made the drink as they serve it in the restaurant. The food disappeared as fast as Jimmy put it on their plates. I was glad to see Butch eating. I knew he was hungry, he didn’t have much to eat last night.

“Boys, I’m going to head to work, Jimmy will get you ready for school. If you want, you can come to the office again, you can do your homework while you wait.”

I got my brief case, gave Bobby a hug and a kiss, repeated that with Butch. I started to head for the stairs when I heard ‘Ahem’. I turned around and there was Jimmy smiling. I went and gave him a hug and a little different kind of kiss. I looked at Bobby, he had smirk on his face, the little devil.

When I arrived at the office, I made a pot of coffee and got to work. Checked my emails and found that Fred answered my email from last night. I called him. “What’s up? Why do you need an investigator?”

“I want to get the man that has caused a lot of suffering for me and a lot of other people. Meet me for lunch and I’ll tell you more.”

The rest of the morning I concentrated on work. Several companies were getting ready to issue annual statements and needed to confirm that their financial performance had been audited. The actual audits were finished and now I had to write the reports. This was almost routine, I had the template on my computer and all I had to do was fill in the information and add a little prose. The nice thing about the template, it acted as a road map for the final report. I remember working for six months developing this template, it was to be simple but also complete.

I met Fred at a diner that was about thirty minutes away. It was quiet and the booths were semi-private. After I explained what I wanted to do and the why, Fred was behind me all the way. “We should get John in on this.”

“You’re right, I’m sure he could help and maybe with the judge, we could cut a few corners. We need to know if there’s any cover up going on in the police department. From some of the rumors I hear, there must be someone who is providing him protection.”

“We need to be very careful. I have a buddy that was in the State Police, I did him a few favors when he had a problem. Let me talk to him. I’ll get back to you. Oh by the way, how’s your Italian cook doing?”

“How did you know about that?”

“Luigi is telling everyone his son has found a partner.”

“I never knew he was gay until Bobby told me. Yes, to your question, my Italian cook is doing very well.”

“You know you are setting a high standard, kids, partners. I’m not sure if the rest of us will be able to keep up.” Laughing, we left.

I returned to the office and got right back to work. As usual, I forgot the time. Two boys showed up and Mrs. Marlow sat them down in Dave’s office. I forgot the time until Bobby came into my office. “Dad we’re hungry.”

I looked at my watch and it was six. “Ok, give me five minutes and then we can go home.” I packed everything up and headed to Dave’s office. “You guys ready?”

“Are we going to go and see my mother today?”

“Sure, we’ll go as soon as we get home.”

When we arrived home, we went straight to the garage. I drove to the hospital, parked, took the elevator to the ICC floor. Butch led the way to his mother’s room, I checked with the nurse. Her answer was ‘no change’. I stood in the door way and watched the boys. Butch was holding his mother’s hand, Bobby was holding one of Butch’s hand. His mother seemed to be sleeping but I noticed every once in a while, she would squeeze his hand. I checked the chart and noticed the doctor’s name. We sat there until visiting hours where over. Butch seemed in a better frame of mind than yesterday. On the ride home, everyone was quiet.

When we entered the apartment, we could smell dinner. Jimmy had prepared chicken in a tomato sauce, over pasta. The boys dropped their books in their room and went to wash their hands. I dropped off my briefcase and went upstairs to wash my hands. Jimmy was busy in the kitchen making a salad. I could smell garlic rolls. He looked at me as I entered the kitchen, I went and gave him a kiss. “No change”

Soon the boys were sitting at the table, Jimmy was serving them. I noticed Bobby smiling as he took a garlic roll, opened it to and put his salad in it. Butch watched him, “Is that good?”

“Try it”

He did and I think they filled up on garlic rolls and salad. “Jimmy the chicken is delicious. You can cook for me anytime.” There was a chorus, me too.

After we all pitched in to clean the kitchen, “Have you boys finished your homework?”

“I have some reading to finish and I have some math problems to finish.”

“Why don’t you sit at the kitchen table and finish, then we can have some ice cream when you're done?”


It wasn’t long before our life set into a pattern. Jimmy was home to see the boys off, after school the boys came to the office and did their homework. In the evening we’d go and see Butch’s mother.

It was a Friday evening when I was able to talk to the doctor before he left concerning Butch’s mother. I asked him about her status. “She’s going fast. She’s not in any pain, but her system is shutting down. She had a hard life and it has caught up to her. I’d estimate maybe three to five days.”

“Thank you, doctor. Just let me know so I can make the final arrangements.” When we got home, Jimmy had made a smorgasbord from left overs. The kids pretended they were at an 'all you can eat' restaurant. Jimmy taught me that left overs could be just as good the second day as well as the third day.

The boys went to their room to play games on their lap tops. I told Jimmy what the doctor said. “Jimmy, do you know if she had any relatives, mother, dad, siblings?”

“No, I don’t know but maybe we could do a search.”

I looked at the form for guardianship and she signed it Mary Sebring. So I used that name to search. I found several people with the last name of Sebring. I copied down their addresses, using my letterhead, I sent them a letter asking if they were related to a Mary Sebring of Canon City.

Mary lasted a week after our last visit when I spoke to the doctor. During this time, I made sure Butch spent as much time as possible with her. We had a routine, from my office, we walked to the garage, drove to the hospital and spent our time there until they told us we had to leave.

Butch was very upset when his mother died, Bobby told him that she was with his mother and she was feeling good. That help and then Bobby told him that she might come to him in a dream like his mother did.

It wasn’t until Mary passed on before I had any response from my letters. The responses indicated that they had no knowledge of Mary Sebring.

I arranged for her funeral, Father Jenkins officiated at the burial. I picked a nice spot and had a bench installed so Butch could sit and talk to his mother. Bobby said that was what I should do, so I did it. Of all the people to show up at the funeral, was the landlord. When he found out I was paying for the funeral, he told me that she owed him money. He wanted to be paid out of her estate. I guess he thought I was a relative, because I started to laugh at him. That was when Butch came up to him and gave him a kick in the leg followed by a kick to his privates. The guy crumbled to the ground. When people came and saw him on the ground, those that knew him just laughed. Those that didn’t, looked shocked, until the whispers started. A cop came and picked him up. I watched carefully and noted the cops badge number. The guy said something to the cop and he came over, reached to grab Butch. I step between them and asked him what was he doing. He said he was going to take the kid to jail for hurting that man. “He didn’t hurt him. He never touched him, the guy is a liar. Ask anyone here.”

The cop turned to some people who were standing by us and asked, they all said the kid didn’t touch him. “He was standing here with us all the time. We just buried his mother.”

“He said the kid kicked him.”

“He couldn’t have. That guy came over here and started to yell about the woman we buried owing him money. He was told to leave, when he turned, he stumbled over that rail and fell to the ground.”

Everyone around said that’s what happened. The cop went over and told the guy, he looked over to me, I smiled and he started to yell again. The cop said something to him and then he helped him to his car. Now I knew who I was going to get locked up. While all of this was going on, I took several pictures of the guy and the police officer. Butch was very despondent. I put my arm around him, Bobby held his hand and Jimmy walked behind us with his hand on his shoulder.

That Monday morning, I asked Jimmy to walk the kids to school and I’d be there to pick them up. When I arrived at the office, I loaded the guy’s face picture and then did a search of outstanding warrants. I was about ready to give up when 'bingo', he was wanted in Texas for trafficking with illegal children. I notified the Texas authority, sent a picture.

Three days later a Texas Ranger showed up at my office. I told him of my interest in the case and that I suspected there was a cover up by the police. He wanted to make a call, I showed him Dave’s office. He called his headquarters. “We need to get finger prints or DNA to close this case. Can you help us?”

I’d do anything to have that guy in jail. I’d also make sure that everyone knew he was a pedophile and child molester. Jimmy showed the ranger where he lived and the general area he controlled. I didn't see the Ranger for a week. Then one day, in the newspaper there was an article about a man being arrested for sex with an underage child. I read the article, it had to be our person of interest. The following day, the Ranger came into my office. "Mr. Atwood, I want to thank you for your assistance in capturing this guy. There’s a reward for his capture, I'll have the checks sent to you. Thanks again."

One month later a check arrive from Texas for twenty thousand dollars. Along with the check was an article about the murder of a child molester. The picture that accompanied the newspaper, was our dear friend.

I took the check home along with the news clippings, I showed it to Jimmy, ”What are you going to do with the money?”

“Just as soon as the judge okays the adoption, I'll deposit the check into Butch's account. Invested right, it should grow to help him with his college expenses.”


It was one week after the funeral of Butch’s mother, we were before the John's father again. And basically with the same scenario as last time. The judge announced his name as Elliot Sebring Atwood.. He just added Atwood to his name. But for us, it was Butch.

Copyright © 2020 CLJobe; All Rights Reserved.
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Stories posted in this category are works of fiction. Names, places, characters, events, and incidents are created by the authors' imaginations or are used fictitiously. Any resemblances to actual persons (living or dead), organizations, companies, events, or locales are entirely coincidental.
Note: While authors are asked to place warnings on their stories for some moderated content, everyone has different thresholds, and it is your responsibility as a reader to avoid stories or stop reading if something bothers you. 
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Chapter Comments

Awesome chapter, all emotions involved,sadness, hope, joy, happiness and success in the dirty pig getting his just rewards

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Excellent chapter! Butch being harassed buy the landlord at his mothers funeral is just disgusting, I am glad that he laid the bastard out. Pete contacting Texas about an outstanding warrant for being a pedophile led to his conviction and demise. Don’t Mess With Texans! I’m hoping that the police officer providing protection was, fired arrested and convicted also. There’s nothing worse than a cop who facilitates crimes against children. The new family is now free to move forward and live their lives in peace. I love that Luigi is supportive of their relationship and with the community at large. I’m definitely looking forward to the next chapter! 😢

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12 hours ago, weinerdog said:

Man the unmitigated gall of that scumbag to try to collect money at a funeral.Kudos to Butch for what  he did and to the witnesses for having his back.So glad he's officially part of the family now.

It shows you what kind of man he was. It was interesting that the people at the interment, stuck up for Butch. That man must ne hated by everyone.

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12 hours ago, Wesley8890 said:

Well he aint gonna last long in the slammer! 

He never made it. He was dead before he went before a judge in Texas

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11 hours ago, KayDeeMac said:

Historically - for real - child molesters and the like are not tolerated in the penial system.  There is a "standard" even among convicts!

Now back to our new family for closure and moving forward!!!  Great story cljobe!  

Thank you. You do know in real life there never is a smooth road.

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11 hours ago, davewri said:

What happened to the dirty cop?

They were arrested. The Mayor had his hand full. A special committee was formed to investigate and Fred was part of that group. The dirty cops didn't do well.

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11 hours ago, Chris L said:

WOW!!!! One's gotta luv how folks in Texas take care of justice - efficiently. On one hand you have a person of great love and compassion opening his heart and home too many all the while creating a family. On the other hand you have an absolute scum, sucking everything he can out of the world and everyone around him. One blossoms like a spring flower full of beauty and the other is squashed like a cockroach. Always try to give more back to the world than it gives you❣️

Thanks, I like you analogy. 

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11 hours ago, mfa607 said:

I feel bad for Butch. Glad the landlord got what he deserved. Thank you!

Butch had a hard time, Pete and Jimmy as well as Bobby will be there for him.

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11 hours ago, Gomez Stanley C said:

Glad the jerk was taken care of quickly.  Now the family can move and and who knows - grow???  LOL

Yes, one must house clean and toss out the dirt, Texas did that.

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10 hours ago, mikedup said:

Awesome chapter, all emotions involved,sadness, hope, joy, happiness and success in the dirty pig getting his just rewards

I'm sure deep down Pete was glad when he heard the news.

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10 hours ago, chris191070 said:

Glad to see the landlord get what he deserved. Great to see Butch have a new family.

Butch was welcomed in that family, his pain was shared by all.

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5 hours ago, Anton_Cloche said:

My feelings are all over the map. I'm sad for Butch loosing his mother Mary, but glad he was able to spend time with her despite her failing health and she was able to respond by squeezing his hand. :heart:

I'm glad that his new brother Bobby will help him deal both with his loss, and gaining Pete as his new Dad via adoption.

I'm glad Pete and Jimmy are forming a new family. And that Pete has nailed the bastard landlord and his crooked cop friend.

A few+ more chapters? Will take whatever treats you offer for as long as you can.

Your story IS Covid relief. Thank You doesn't say enough.



Thanks for commenting. There are a few more chapters, just remember life is a roller coaster ride.

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5 hours ago, flesco said:

Excellent chapter! Butch being harassed buy the landlord at his mothers funeral is just disgusting, I am glad that he laid the bastard out. Pete contacting Texas about an outstanding warrant for being a pedophile led to his conviction and demise. Don’t Mess With Texans! I’m hoping that the police officer providing protection was, fired arrested and convicted also. There’s nothing worse than a cop who facilitates crimes against children. The new family is now free to move forward and live their lives in peace. I love that Luigi is supportive of their relationship and with the community at large. I’m definitely looking forward to the next chapter! 😢

Thanks for commenting. Pete has one more thing he must do.

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At least Mary is at peace now. It would have been such a blessing for her to know that Butch was going to be looked after in a loving environment, etc.

Who the hell goes to a funeral to seek money off of someone? I know with everything that he had done previously, this was barely a blip in comparison, but goodness gracious.

Happy that Butch is an Atwood now.

Do we know what Jimmy's Family name is? Did I miss that? Will they hyphenate, will the Boys change their names to include the hyphenation/Jimmy's name, etc?

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6 hours ago, Buz said:

At least Mary is at peace now. It would have been such a blessing for her to know that Butch was going to be looked after in a loving environment, etc.

Who the hell goes to a funeral to seek money off of someone? I know with everything that he had done previously, this was barely a blip in comparison, but goodness gracious.

Happy that Butch is an Atwood now.

Do we know what Jimmy's Family name is? Did I miss that? Will they hyphenate, will the Boys change their names to include the hyphenation/Jimmy's name, etc?

I did not tell anyone Jimmy's last name. I promised Jimmy's father I would not tell anyone. When Jimmy and Pete get married, they will determine their last name and the boy's will adopt it. Now they have Pete's last name.

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On 9/2/2020 at 9:18 PM, Wesley8890 said:

Well he aint gonna last long in the slammer! 

Yep the don’t like rock spiders in jail, word will get out he is there and he will need to be careful wherever he goes 

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