Note: While authors are asked to place warnings on their stories for some moderated content, everyone has different thresholds, and it is your responsibility as a reader to avoid stories or stop reading if something bothers you.
Clarion - 27. Chapter 27
Summer would soon be here and the question I had to answer, what are we going to do for a vacation this year. “Cody, summer will be here soon, what should we do for a vacation?”
“The boys liked the cruise and they liked the trip to Europe. There really isn’t much we could offer to match those.”
“How about we tour the US and maybe throw in some amusement parks.”
“That might be a good idea. How about we tell the boys and let them plan the vacation. I’d be interested in seeing what they come up with.”
I thought that was a good idea. At dinner that night, we told the boys about our summer vacation and that they had to plan where we would be going. They thought it was a great idea, right after dinner, Nels got out his books and started to plan the sites he'd like to see. James took a look at what Nels was writing and then he plotted out the tour.
“I was thinking of buying a SUV, with the four of us and we know until Andy goes to college, he'll be traveling with us. What do you think?”
“That would be ok, what would you do with your old car?”
“I’ll give it to Jeff. It beats that old truck he still drives. Maybe I’ll hint for him to give it to Andy.”
“That's a good idea. Having a car on campus will be better than a truck.”
The first Saturday, after school was out, we went to Butler to see what we could find in a new car that would seat 6 comfortably. We spent all day Saturday visiting dealers, but I couldn’t find anything I really liked. I wanted a larger vehicle, but I didn’t want one that didn’t get good mileage. The next week-end, we drove to Erie. There I did find a car that would seat six comfortably. The mileage to a gallon was not as good as my car but it was within my ball park. I drove my car home and Cody drove the new car.
“How did the new car drive?”
“Great it was very smooth. I think we'll enjoy driving that on vacation.”
The early part of the week, the boys got out their suitcases and began to pack. I think by the week-end they repacked those suitcases at least three times. Finally, they brought them down and placed them in the great room, announcing that had finished packing for the trip. Cody went and got a map of the US and gave it to James to plot out the major routes. While the kids were doing that our boy Andy showed up. “What are you doing James?”
“We’re going on a road trip this summer. Nels listed all of the spots we want to see and I’m plotting out the roads to use.”
“Who’s all going?”
“Us, why?”
Andy didn’t say anything. Cody over heard the conversation and chuckled to himself. He knew what was behind Andy’s question. He watched Andy as he headed to the kitchen. He just had to hear this conversation.
“Uncle Alan, James said you all were going on a road trip this summer.”
“Yes, we thought about another trip to Europe or a cruise. But then I realize that with the boys not seeing much of the US, a road trip would be a good summer project.”
I watched Andy trying to think of a way to invite himself along, without coming right out and ask, I gave him credit for that. I thought he had been a little uncomfortable long enough, “Andy, you need to ask your mom if you could come with us.”
Now the smile and a sigh of relief. Alan just looked at him trying to hide a laugh. It had always been our intention to invite Andy and Rich to go along with us. They could help keeping an eye on the boys besides providing comradeship. “When are you planning on leaving?”
“This coming Saturday after breakfast. I think we’ll have breakfast at the diner, what do you think Cody?”
“That sounds like a good idea. It’s close to I-80, where I think James has us starting.”
The rest of the afternoon Andy spent with the boys planning the trip. We had to go to Florida, stopping at Philadelphia, Washington DC, Williamsburg and Orlando, Florida. From there, we'd drive to the Alamo in Texas. The boys were very clever in planning the trip. There was an organization to the plan, so that by the end of summer we will have seen every major historical place as well as National Parks. The trip would take almost all of the summer vacation. James would be busy taking pictures while Nels would be busy recording the trip. I brought extra writing pads, knowing how Nels would record everything.
What I had originally planned as a one month trip, ended up to be almost three months. I think we hit every major national monument or park. James had done a great job laying out the route. We only had to back track once.
All things eventually must end. As we drove home with souvenirs of all the places we had stopped on our visit, “Where are you boys going to keep all of those souvenirs? I may have to buy a special cabinet to display and store all of those souvenirs.”
“That’s a good idea Dad. We have our souvenirs from Europe and New York as well. I could write a little story about each souvenir.”
“Here look at this catalog and see what kind of cabinet we should order. Nels, how many tablets did you use on this trip?”
“I completed 7 and about 1/3 of the eighth. I have enough information to write several reports for school.”
“I would like to read your reports. Someday you may become a famous writer and I want everyone to know I was the first to read your writing.”
Mary and Brian stopped later that evening to pick up Andy and Rich. Over coffee and dessert, the boys told them all about the trip. “Aunt Mary, I liked the National Parks the best but James like the amusement parks. We saw wild animals in their natural environment.”
“It sounds like you all had a great time.” The boys nodded yes with big smiles.
Mary and Brian left to go home. The boys had gone to bed, Cody and I were enjoying a quiet cup of coffee when there was a knock at the kitchen door. Cody got up yo open the door, “Hey Jeff, Nancy Jean come on in. Do you want some coffee or something else to drink?”
“Thanks Cody, hi Alan, how was the trip?”
“It was very good. Took a little longer than I envisioned but I think everyone had a lot of fun. How has your summer been?”
“It’s been good, I worked at the store and Nancy Jean worked there as well. They get quite busy in the summer due to the many tourists and campers.”
“I’m glad that you mentioned the store, I need to go and pick up some cases of milk as well as placing my order for fish. Are you still driving that truck?”
“Yep, it still runs well. I’ll probably buy a car after I graduate.”
“You have 3 more years to graduate right.”
“Yep, unless I decided to go for my masters. I have a couple of years before I need to make that decision.”
“Have you seen our new car?”=
“No, what did you buy? There wasn’t anything wrong with your old car, was there?”
“No, it was too small with our new family.”
“Your old car could seat 4 comfortably. Why would you need a larger car?”
“You are right but you aren’t taking into account that we hardly travel anywhere without two additional people.”
“You bought a new car so Andy and Rich wouldn’t be crowded?”
“Yes, but I also wanted a larger car. Now I have to figure out what to do with the old car. You wouldn’t want it would you Jeff?”
“I can’t afford to pay you for what that car is worth.”
“Did I say I wanted to sell it? I’m offering the car to you Jeff, not selling it to you.”
It took a while before what I said to sink in. The smile seemed to grow on Jeff’s face as he began to comprehend what I said. “But I have the truck, what would I do with that?”
“I’m sure there is a family member who would like to have that truck. I think they have their driver’s license.”
I find it interesting when you do something unexpected and the other persons mind begins to understand what is happening. “Yes, I can give it to Andy. He always liked that truck, why I don’t know. He’ll be ecstatic when I tell him. Thanks Alan.”
“Here are the keys, the car is insured and when we get a chance we can have the title changed over to your name. Where is your truck?”
“I parked it in the front of the garage.”
“Is there enough room to open the door and drive the car out?”
“If there isn’t I’ll make room.”
“Cody, why don’t you help Jeff get the car out of the garage so he can drive it home.”
Cody left with Jeff, I chatted with Nancy Jean until they came back. Jeff had a big smile on his face and Cody just shook his head. I knew I'd hear about it later. I think Jeff couldn’t wait to drive the car. “Jeff, give me the keys to the truck. You can tell Andy and when he comes over tomorrow morning, I’ll give him the keys.”
Saying goodbye the kids left. I gave a big yawned, clean up the kitchen and headed to bed. That night Cody told me what happened when Jeff saw the car. “He actually kissed the car.”
Note: While authors are asked to place warnings on their stories for some moderated content, everyone has different thresholds, and it is your responsibility as a reader to avoid stories or stop reading if something bothers you.
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