Note: While authors are asked to place warnings on their stories for some moderated content, everyone has different thresholds, and it is your responsibility as a reader to avoid stories or stop reading if something bothers you.
Rising in the Shadows - 24. Chapter 24: Regret Recognized
The next week was rough for Mason. He knew Vincent wasn't hurt or anything, but watching him move around like an elderly grandmother was unsettling. His wolf wanted nothing more than to force the mage to stop. It's necessary. He has to learn it, or risk being exposed to possible foes.
No like.
I don't like it either, but he's improving.
His mom hadn't given Vincent any slack. The first few days were gentle, but then the whip was cracked.
Weeks flew by and Vincent's pacing grew faster. There were times when Mason noticed his mate faltering during transformations, but eventually he overcame it.
It was the middle of October when Vincent came home from work and heard faint construction sounds. It’s coming from the backyard! He was heading towards the fence gate when Mason opened the front door. “Hey, big guy! What’s going on?”
“Got a little surprise for you. It was supposed to be done when we were in New York, but I postponed it until today. Come on, I’ll show you.” He came down the steps and gripped Vincent’s hand, leading him through the gate.
Vincent immediately took note of four men near his favorite tree. What are they doing?
Two were shoveling out a small section to the left while the others were laying circular stones in the ground.
“I know how you usually go to that tree when you meditate. They’re doing some landscaping to make that your own little zen-zone. There’s going to be a small waterfall leading into a pond and a flower bed surrounding the tree.”
He was smitten by both the idea and the thought. Envisioning the turnout, Vincent could only stand in awe. “It’s going to look so perfect! What flowers are going to be there?”
“We'll have to wait for spring to plant any. Mom told me lilac and lavender hold some kind of magical presence, so I think those might be nice.”
Yep, that’s true. Lilac is rumored to mask the scent of death, while lavender has a relaxing agent. He snuggled against the strong chest, “I love it already. Thank you.”
“Anything for you, hot stuff.”
They arrived at his parents' for another day of training and were surprised to see Elaine as a wolf. "What's going on, Dad?"
Lei laid a hand on his mate's head, "Today, Vincent will be chased while maintaining his aura."
Mason grimaced, thinking about Vincent's next challenge. I get it, but damn! Will there be an easy day for him?
Sounds of bones popping into place distracted him. Looking, he saw Vincent at his side, silver and blue fur rubbing against his leg. Well, if he's ready for it.
Vincent and Elaine circled each other before taking off into the woods.
Half an hour later, they returned, panting and huffing. While Elaine shifted, Vincent trotted over to lay at Mason's feet. Reaching from his armrest, the pelt seemed very warm. It's normally cold. "So Mom, how'd he do?"
Wrapping a thin robe around her, Elaine chuckled. "I wouldn't say he has mastered it, but I barely felt his magic when he passed me just now. It's acceptable."
Pure happiness flooded his bond. Vincent hopped up and ran circles around his parents-by-bond. On his last lap, he grabbed his pile of clothes and cantered back to Mason. Shifting, he swiftly donned his underwear. "I did it! Holy hell, I did it!"
Elaine smiled, obviously proud of her student, "You still need to maintain it, and it will still take time to master when you sleep, but you've done well, Vincent."
"Thanks, Mom."
As the words left his lips, everyone paused. It was the first time Vincent openly addressed Elaine like that. All four stood still.
Lei grabbed his mate's hand. "Vincent, that… may have been a slip of the tongue, but—”
"It was," The shadow mage stared at the ground for a moment before looking at them once more, "but I'm glad it came out. I can't ignore the things you've done for me. I miss my parents more than anything, but I know I'm here to stay.
"You're my parents now, and it's about time I recognize that."
Elaine stifled a sob and stepped forward, "We will never replace them."
A cough came from Vincent, surely holding back his tears. Mason closed the gap, gently holding the slender waist.
"I know, but… they would want me to move on."
In a blur of movement, Lei latched onto Vincent, forcing Mason to let go. "We love you, Vincent. Whether you call us by our names or not, we're here for you."
The love for his parents grew as Mason tried to hold back his emotions. It means so much to me, they care for him!
Vincent reached out for Elaine, encouraging her to join the embrace, "I love you both… Mom… Dad…"
With Vincent’s declaration made, Lei and Elaine demanded a get-together. They invited everyone they could to grill out. The Gage family arrived just before Dave and Stacy did, and the new Mesker Park Pack council joined half an hour later. Morrine, Ingle, and Shaw brought side dishes and desserts while Vincent ran off to invite Yakob.
When the shadow mages appeared, Lei gathered everyone in the backyard, "Tonight is a special night for my mate and I. Many months ago, we gained a new member of our family, and tonight made it official. We've been declared parents once more and we wanted nothing more than to share the news with everyone here.
"Vincent Bolton is our son. He may not have been born from our bodies, but we love him just the same. I know within my wolf's soul that there are two special people looking down on us at this moment. So I will make this promise to them; you're not alone in watching him."
Trembling, Vincent fought to keep his tears at bay. It was true; he felt his parents watching. I miss you, so fucking much, but I want you to know, I'm happy.
Tuning out Lei and Elaine talking to the crowd, he desired some sort of confirmation. Lady Terik?
Hey, squirt! I was wondering when you were going to talk to me or Bolie.
He chuffed, I'm sorry, but could I ask for a favor?
You realize who you're talking to, right?
Yeah, but I'm not sure Lord Bol would agree to it. Could… you tell my parents I miss them, and that I'm doing okay?
A moment passed with no answer. Only when a shrill giggle echoed in his mind did he smile.
Sure, kid. I can do that. Did your boy-toy and the sexy man tell you that I'm rooting for you?
Yeah, they did. They told me you'd smite Stefan if you could.
Hell yeah! He's a prick! I kinda need you to complete your side of the destiny though. There'd be too much chaos for me to enjoy my pranks.
He laughed, garnering a look from Mason. I understand.
You do?
Yeah. My family prayed to Lord Bol when I was younger, but I always liked you and your position among the gods. Without you, the world would be a boring place. Everyone wouldn't be able to tell funny stories or laugh about things.
Another pause. Did he offend her? Lady Terik?
Kid, that is so not the reason why I cause toilet paper to stick to shoes, but damn! I don't get many worshippers, let alone prayers. Just for that, I'll re-tie your shoes.
The statement seemed odd, but he felt a tug at his feet. Looking down, he saw the laces in perfect uniform. Did you…
Hey, you're the one who prayed to me. I'll do your favor, but you gotta do one for me.
Name it.
Kick that Italian's ass.
Snorting, Vincent pocketed his hands and returned his attention to his parents-by-bond. "You got it."
"Got what?"
The grip around his waist became apparent as Mason leaned closer.
"Nothing, big guy. I was talking to Lady Terik."
Mason furrowed his brow, "You prayed to her? How come?"
"Relax, okay?" He stepped in front of the alpha and pressed his back against the firm chest. Both arms looped over his shoulders as he whispered, "I asked for a favor. I wanted her to check on Mom and Dad."
"She said she'd do it. Honestly, she sounded more genuine than I anticipated. You told me she was sassy, and I got a whiff of that, but she was really nice."
A puff of warm air landed on his neck, "Yeah, you tell that to Ty. Anyway, Mom and Dad are done blabbering. Let's check on Stacy. Dave's been keeping quiet about their relationship recently."
They crossed the yard and approached Stacy, who was talking with Dave and Morrine. "Hey Stace!"
She turned and ran to give Vincent a hug, "Holy crap, I haven't seen you in so long!"
"I know! How's it been?"
"Good! When were you going to tell me Miss Morrine was a tiger?"
He chuckled, "You never asked. Are you doing okay with the whole shapeshifter thing?"
"Yeah, for the most part. Dave introduced me to some of his friends and stuff, so I'm getting used to it." She took a step back and found shelter in the beta's arms. "We need to go out sometime, maybe a double date or something."
"Sounds like a plan! Maybe next weekend?" Looking at Dave and Mason, the two agreed with the date with nods. "Morrine, have you met Remis?"
The tigress laughed and holstered her hands on her hips, "Oh, yeah! I already had to shoo him away. He was disappointed when I told him who my boyfriend was."
Stacy seemed wary of her statement, "I don't see him. Where's your man?"
"He's stuck in New York, but he'll be moving here in November or December. Apparently, things are going well there, so he might be moving earlier than that."
Vincent and Mason shared a quick look, "We need to talk to Ty. We saw a construction crew getting set up down the road from here. At this rate, we’ll need to get the road renamed to Alpha’s Lane!”
“Wait, what?” Stacy’s eyebrows went sky-high and looked at Morrine, “Your boyfriend’s an alpha?”
A groan escaped Morrine’s lips, “I think these two know who the real alpha is in my relationship.”
Everyone but Stacy snickered at the thought of Tierney and Morrine.
Vincent’s head shot up and looked behind him. Remis was walking with Ashford and Bartlett in tow.
When their gazes met, the Irishman’s smile curled, “Well, I’ll be damned! Someone’s been practicin’. How are my favorite neighbors doing?”
Mason’s hand clasped onto Remis’, “Not so bad, yourself?”
“Eh, we’re getting a good start. We’ve made introductions with the human honchos and there isn’t a war, so I’d call it a win. These two are getting real chummy with the police chief. Apparently, Trent goes all the way back to diapers with her.”
Bartlett grinned and crossed his arms pridefully, “It’s good to keep in touch with people. I had no idea she was even there, so when I saw her at the station, I almost lost it!”
“Aye, he was a right mess! Word’s been getting around that we’ve been working and most of the community has been pretty positive about it. I think we’ll be ready to start hostin’ meetings in four or five months..”
Elated to hear about their success, Vincent beamed, “That’s awesome! You guys already have a location picked out?”
“We think so,” The satanic voice cut in, “Despite the size of the city, the shifter population is actually manageable. We're looking at the derelict sports center on the outskirts of downtown. It needs some major renovations, but with the right touches, we can use it for meetings and rent it out for events."
"Sounds great so far," Mason stepped to the side, encompassing the whole group into the circle. "Stacy, this is Remis, Trenton, and Fred. They're the new leaders over Mesker Park City."
One by one, the three introduced themselves. Remis gazed soberly at Stacy, "Miss? You're the one that was exposed a month or so ago, right? I'd like to express my sympathy. One should be introduced to our kind properly."
She blushed at the Irishman, "Thank you, sir. It was pretty scary, but with everyone here, they made sure I was okay with it all."
"Aye, you got a fit group around you. Just wanted to make sure you didn't hold any notions against us."
"I don't. It's been really cool to meet everyone here. Do you know if the other two have been caught yet?"
Remis shook his head, "Afraid not, but we got descriptions from Vincent and Dave, and our police department has been on the lookout. With any luck, they've either changed their ways or are long gone."
"We got our department searching as well." Shaw stepped forward and offered his hand to Stacy, "I'm Terry, detective for OPD."
"Pleased to meet you, Detective. Are you a wolf too?"
"Nope, but I've been working with Mason on a project of his."
Vincent cocked his head in curiosity, "It's been good to see you, Detective Shaw. How's everything been going?"
"Good, but I've hit a wall with our mutual… concern. Until then, Ingle's been dragging me out of my apartment every chance he gets. If he keeps it up, I'll be questioning if he thinks we're one of those mate things."
Everyone laughed as Ingle's face reddened, "Dream on! You'd know if we were meant to be. I'm just getting you immersed in our world, Terr."
"Not much to learn, right? Y'all turn into animals, and some of you have superpowers."
Remis shrugged his shoulders, "He's about got it, aside from the finer details. Always good to learn about magic, Detective. Never know when you're arrestin' someone and they shoot a lightning bolt at ya!"
Shaw's face went white, "Are… you serious? Lightning?"
"Aye! Let's see, what can I do… Ah!" He put his hands together and rubbed them together. As they separated, blinding light emitted and sounds of electricity crackled. Between his palms were small streaks of lightning. "See?"
The detective and Stacy were awestruck by the magical showmanship. The hands met once again and Remis' magic dissipated. "Holy shit…"
"Magic is something special, but it can be fickle. Not all mages are like us though, so learning how to feel magic around you is important. I'm sure Vincent can teach ya a thing or two about telling when one's nearby."
The two humans turned to the shadow mage with pleading stares, "It's pretty straight forward with most of them. Fire's warm, frost is cool, and lightning can cause hairs to stand up. When you get to the rarer affinities, it can get complicated. How about you stop by tomorrow when I get off work at seven?"
"That'll work. I appreciate it! I don't think I can do much if I have to fight any of that, but it'd be good to know."
Stacy yawned, signaling the party had gone into the late night hour. She wrapped Dave's arms around her, "Mind taking me home? Hate to be a party pooper, but I got work in the morning."
"Of course," He waved at Elaine and Lei from across the yard, informing them of their departure. "Let's get you to bed."
The couple departed, as well as Ingle and Shaw when they claimed they had shifts in the morning. With the humans gone, Lei exclaimed it was time for a run in the woods. Everyone made separate piles of clothing and shifted.
They crowded around the Mesker Park council in curiosity. Bartlett and Ashford both sported thin, brown coats, one obviously larger than the other. Remis' appeared mangy. Jet black furs stuck out every which way. When questioned about keeping his coat in order, he huffed, stating nothing helped and it was natural.
After a small kerfuffle deciding who should lead the run, Vincent gave into Lei and Elaine’s demands. They’re really acting like parents. It’s almost embarrassing. With Mason at his side, the speckled wolf took off. Dodging trees and bounding over foliage took Vincent’s concentration, but his wolf was having too much fun. His worries and problems took a backseat as he darted further into the forest.
Knocking on the door, he glanced over his shoulder and checked for abnormal magical energy. No, I’m not being followed. Good!
A creak and a dim light caught his attention, followed by the familiar voice, “Alpha Vonder? What are you doing here?”
Cyrus smirked at the lowly enforcer, “Good evening, Alex. Pardon the intrusion, but could I come in? I need to discuss a few things with you.”
“I, uh… Sure! Excuse the mess, I haven’t cleaned lately.”
Inspecting the small apartment, the wolf was not fibbing. Gym bags, dumbbells, and pizza boxes everywhere. “That’s alright,” The bear closed the door behind him. “I was hoping we could have a chat about your performance in your role.”
Wagner scowled, but was captivated as Cyrus scribbled in the air with his hand. He nodded, “Sure thing, Alpha.” Nimbly, he dashed into a side room and returned with a notebook and pen.
Taking the utensils, Cyrus quickly jotted down his message, “Perhaps over a meal? It’ll be a long talk.” Flashing the notebook to Wagner, he shared his intentions.
The delta nodded, “That works, just got home from the gym and I’m starving.”
The panda watched as Wagner emptied his pockets onto the cluttered coffee table. Only grabbing his keys, he signaled he was ready. Leaving the apartment, Cyrus descended the stairs while the lycan locked his home.
They walked several blocks before the bear said, “No phone?”
“Correct. This isn’t about performance, is it?”
“Yes, and no. How are you handling espionage training?”
A small laugh caught Cyrus’ attention, “It’s pretty easy, and Rick says I’m a natural! I just have to keep track of my lies.”
“That’s good to hear. Do you think you’ll be ready to go by the second week of November?”
Wagner pocketed his hands, “Should be, why? Is that when you want me to approach Snyder?”
“No,” The alpha’s voice was light but curt. “I have other plans for taking down that cockroach. Do you trust me, Enforcer Wagner?”
They stopped walking. The lycan scanned the slightly taller man before smirking, “Yes, Alpha.”
“Good! I’ll have you know I’m very secretive when it comes to missions. I won’t reveal my actions, but you'll know when I start the plan for you to approach Snyder, understand?”
“Understood, sir.”
The two had dinner at an extremely healthy restaurant, serving only organic foods. Cyrus took every precaution. Snyder’s the pudgy type. I doubt he’d think of stepping foot in a place like this. They sat in the farthest corner, away from any windows and spoke in the faintest of whispers.
Despite preconceived notions, Cyrus didn’t get any further intrusion from Wagner involving the plan. Topics ranged between Wagner’s district performance and Cyrus’ EC background. A lull in conversation piqued the bear’s curiosity, especially when the lycan gave off a nervous scent. “What’s the problem, Alex?”
Prodding stray leaves in his salad with disinterest, Wagner leaned back, “I know I said it a month ago, but I’d like to apologize for my behavior involving Kap.”
“Feeling guilty?”
“Yeah. I picked on the guy for the longest time. It took Alpha Bolton’s spar with Dirk and his declaration to get me focused. I’m not a good enforcer, sir.”
Cyrus didn’t believe the man. He’s not throwing a pity party, but I think he’s harboring more self-resentment than he’s letting on. “I disagree,” He noticed Wagner’s head twitch, but continued with his assessment. “Since our get-together last month, your district’s crime level has dropped. Not significantly, but enough for me to pay attention. I did a little digging, and some of the pack parolees you watch over whispered some things to me.
“You’re nicer now, but not in a bad way. Being too nice can cause blind trust, encouraging more foul behavior. They respect you, more than they ever did when you… well, to quote one of them, when you were an unfair asshole.
“Nevertheless, you’re a better enforcer than ever! Give yourself some credit, would you? It’s necessary to get your ass kicked once in a while, and I think your encounter with Vincent put you in the right direction.”
The lycan stared at this salad bowl with intensity, “Then why do I still feel shitty about it all?”
Cyrus giggled and rested his cheek on his knuckle, “Isn’t it obvious? You haven’t apologized. You keep saying sorry to your alphas, but not to the injured parties.” He watched as Wagner looked up as if the Seven gave him the answers to life, “I don’t recommend a trip to Kentucky, so a letter should suffice. But I warn you, Alex,” The bear inched forward in his seat, towering over the table with hunter green irises. “One wrong word to my Kaplan, and no one will ever hear from you again. Not even the Executive Council’s finest investigators could find your body.”
The face across from him paled and nodded feverishly, "I understand, Alpha. I won't say anything harmful."
"Good. Not to hurry you, but it would be best to do it before November. When the plan starts, it'll be best not to contact him or the other council members." Smiling, the bear wanted to calm his company, "You're doing a great service to the pack, now and for the future."
Their dinner ended quietly and they parted ways. There was another stop Cyrus had to make. Hailing a taxi, he gave the driver the address and texted in silence.
Scaling the stairs, he prepared the proper information in his head. Cyrus knocked.
The door opened, "Cyrus? Everything alright?"
"Not really, Tierney."
He was ushered in and took a seat on the lush couch. His fellow alpha sat across from him with a concerning stare, "I haven't seen you like this before. What's going on?"
Shifting uncomfortably, Cyrus dug into a pocket. He revealed his phone, along with its removed battery. Setting it all on the table, he gestured towards it. Tierney nodded and repeated the process with his.
"This isn't pack related, but important all the same. I'm worried for our friends in Kentucky."
"Are they in danger?"
"No, no! Nothing like that, but Vincent gave me the files Stuerm showcased in his interview. I forwarded everything to Bylus and got confirmation of the drop. What concerns me is the state of Stuerm’s pack. He conducts an annual survey,” He lifted his hands and used air-quotes. “And like Vincent’s initial thoughts, I believe it’s fraudulent.”
Tierney crossed his arms, “I doubt you’d have me dismantle my phone over fake surveys. What’s really on your mind, Cy?”
The bear huffed, “Nothing gets past you, does it? Working for the EC, I know how many auditors they have. I suggested a medium-level priority when I submitted it, but I’ve been having second thoughts. With a survey being completed, the pack member gets a twenty-five percent deduction from their yearly dues.”
Kicking a foot onto his knee, Cyrus narrowed his eyes, “I dug deeper through the EC database. Looking at the past four years, approximately when the surveys began, his pack’s finances are curious. According to the money, there isn’t an increase of takers. But the surveys have become more popular, and there’s a seventeen percent increase in surveys. The numbers don’t add up.”
“It’s a complete sham.” Tierney put the clues together, but kept a disinterested expression, “This doesn’t explain your uneasiness.”
“I’m concerned for Stuerm’s pack members. The entries are fake, and it looks like one or two people wrote them. If his pack is under duress, the EC needs to step in!”
“Then hit up Bylus and mobilize.”
“Tierney, it’s not that simple with the council. There isn’t a magical investigation team. You’re looking at one of the investigators, and the other four are spread across the globe. They’re up to their knees with work. Not to mention, this is all speculation.”
The wolf rose and grabbed two glasses from his cupboard, along with a bottle of whiskey. Sitting down, he unscrewed the cap and poured, “So what are we to do about this? You’re taking over in a month, and I don’t picture you going back to your old job.”
Cyrus accepted the drink and sipped, “I’m torn. With the two options, there’s no clear winner. Either I wait for the council to investigate, which can take months, or I leave and do it myself, dampening my role as the incoming Alpha to NYSP.”
Snorting, Tierney playfully swirled the amber liquid in his hand, “Or I can go.”
He stared at the lycan’s wily smile. Surely he’s joking.
No joke. Wolf not laugh. Smile serious.
Tierney doesn’t know EC protocol and standards.
Maybe good.
I beg your pardon?
Good thing. Wolf not hold back.
A loose cannon?
Not wanting to keep the conversation tabled, Cyrus set his glass down. “Tierney, are you serious? Are you up to the task?”
Bearing his teeth, Tierney’s smile widened, “I’m the alpha of New York. I’ve handled my fair share of investigations. Would the EC have a problem with it?”
“If it was anyone else, I’d say yes. Training takes months, but I’m sure a commendation would bypass that. You aren’t serious about all this, are you? You’re still the leader for this pack.”
“You told me you were ready for inauguration, and waiting until late-November was more to have quiet time with Kaplan. One of us needs to investigate Stuerm while the other leads the pack. If this is as imperative as you think, then there’s no time to waste. It’s your choice, Alpha Vonder.”
Scowling, he accepted Tierney’s logic. I don’t like giving up what free time I have with Kaplan, but he’s absolutely correct.
Trust wolf.
I agree, I trust Tierney would operate a smooth evaluation, and an even more thorough investigation. “I’ll get in contact with Bylus, so expect a package in the mail with an old flip phone.”
“Flip phone?” The lycan’s voice was incredulous, “I’m sure the EC… nevermind! I’ve heard how sneaky they can be, so I shouldn’t be surprised. Stay for a drink?”
A giggle was kept behind closed lips, “Well, this couch is comfortable. I suppose the least I could do is drink your booze.”
What kind of plan does Alpha Vonder have in mind? And why wouldn’t he share it with me? He probably doesn’t trust me yet.
No, that doesn’t make sense either! He obviously trusts me since I’m going undercover to snoop on Harold. Hell, he had Rick come in from New Orleans. Put him up in a swanky hotel too.
It was really strange seeing him like this tonight. Him and Alpha Scott are from two different planets. Alpha Vonder seems like he lives to connive, to have an ulterior motive. But not in a bad way! From what he shared with me about when he takes over, everything’s getting progressive.
About time! Scott’s all business and no emotion. He’s a good leader and clearly knows what he’s doing, but with Vonder… I don’t know! My wolf says the bear’s trustworthy and deserves to lead our pack, but I can’t get a read on him. That giggle though! It either makes me smile, or sends shivers down my spine.
All things aside… yeah. Yeah, I trust Vonder. Err, Cyrus. Man, that’s something I won’t get used to. When he’s working, it’s Alpha Vonder. Any other time, it’s Cyrus. Must be an ursus thing or something.
I should start thinking about what I’m going to say to Kap. Gotta make sure it’s right though! I took that threat seriously; Cyrus is definitely scarier than Scott. Him and that Alpha Wilson, both of ‘em are really protective over their mates. I hope I’m like that one day, meet a nice girl, everything clicks, maybe a pup or two?
Right, back to Kap! I need to make sure I plan this out with him. If I come up at him like I did back at the courthouse, I’m a goner. Maybe writing a letter isn't such a bad idea. Yeah, write one for both Kap and Alpha Bolton. I’ll probably ask for a chance to say it in person, but that’ll come later.
I don’t think I’m going to get far with Alpha Bolton. Man, I really fucked that one up! What in Ceresa’s name did I do that for? Was I that much of an ass-hat? Honestly, I deserve it. I don’t think I’ll ever go to Kentucky, but Alpha Scott seems pretty captured whenever he talks about those woods. Guess I’ll never know—
A barely audible knock came from the front door. Stretching his arms down, he set the barbells on the floor and rose from the coffee table. Rolling his shoulders, he got up from his makeshift weight-bench. Just as Wagner grabbed the doorknob, a slip of paper flew from underneath the door, hitting his big toe. Sniffing, he caught a familiar scent, but decided to grab the note.
Prepare, sooner than later. C.V.
Note: While authors are asked to place warnings on their stories for some moderated content, everyone has different thresholds, and it is your responsibility as a reader to avoid stories or stop reading if something bothers you.
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