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    John Henry
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  • 3,484 Words
Stories posted in this category are works of fiction. Names, places, characters, events, and incidents are created by the authors' imaginations or are used fictitiously. Any resemblances to actual persons (living or dead), organizations, companies, events, or locales are entirely coincidental.
Note: While authors are asked to place warnings on their stories for some moderated content, everyone has different thresholds, and it is your responsibility as a reader to avoid stories or stop reading if something bothers you. 
This story is meant for mature audiences.  Reader discretion is advised.

Thicker Than Water - 38. Chapter 38

Needless to say, Diego was less than thrilled with Bryan; however, he felt it was largely his fault for not being clear with the boys what their behavior could mean. He was proud of Bryan for at least coming forward and admitting what he did and was willing to accept full responsibility for his actions. In the end, Diego decided that Steve was right, and Bryan would not be grounded.

For the rest of the afternoon, Steve handled damage control, while Diego worked. First, he called Billy, who actually laughed. They had been friends since they were in 6th grade, but Steve couldn't understand why it was so funny, given the severity of the circumstances. Next, he called Calvin to offer an apology and an attempt to reschedule; however, Calvin didn't pick up, so Steve was forced to leave an awkward voicemail. He hated Calvin for almost calling Bryan a faggot, but he felt that he had no other choice. Finally, he uploaded the video and sent it to Charlie, so it could get to Billy.

The boys sat in the living room watching the latest Marvel film, while Steve cooked dinner. He was stressing the backlash from the meeting and wished none of it had happened.

Fuck!” Steve cried out. He had cut his finger, having not paid attention to the onion he was chopping. He got to the sink and put his bleeding digit under running water.

What happened?” Bryan said, rushing into the kitchen.

Oh, I got stupid. It's nothing.” Steve felt his face turn red with embarrassment.

Without asking, Bryan grabbed Steve's hand and checked out the wound. “Looks superficial. Caleb, get the first aid kid.”

Again, it's really nothing.”

Caleb brought over the small box of medical supplies. Bryan tended the wound. “This was the first thing Dad taught us when we started learning how to cook. Did you sharpen the knife before you started cutting?”

No. Your dad usually has them sharpened.”

Bryan shook his head. “Rookie mistake. You should always sharpen them before you start, just in case. Why don't you sit down, and I'll finish.”

Really? It's not a big deal.”

Caleb, did I give him options?”

Nope,” Caleb said with a smile, having heard that exact line from Diego many times; though it was usually directed at Bryan.

Fine,” Steve relented, with a small smirk. As embarrassed as he was, he certainly felt the love.

Bryan cleaned up what little blood there was, noting that none of it was on the food. He surveyed the prep, looked confused and asked, “What were you making, anyway?”

Carnitas. I watched a Gordon Ramsay video on YouTube.”

Malditos chicos blancos,” Bryan muttered. He went to the fridge and cupboards, putting items back, while removing other items. Diego would shit himself if he saw what Steve was doing, Bryan thought, while shaking his head. I don't even want to know how Abuela would react! It didn't take long before the house was filled with smells of authentic Mexican cooking. Gordon Ramsay, eat your heart out.

*     *     *

Damn, something smells good,” Diego said, as he entered the kitchen. He had gotten off work early thanks to Ry. “I thought Steve wasn't going to ground you?” He said, after giving Bryan, who was at the stove making rice, a hug.

He didn't. Dad over there was going to make carnitas.”

Oh,” Diego said, looking at his fiancé with some shock and fear.

Yeah,” Bryan said, smiling. “Al parecer, encontró un gran video de Gordon Ramsay en YouTube.

Diego closed his eyes and took a calming breath. “Gracias. Eres un buen chico.”

Es lo que hago.”

Steve looked suspiciously at the pair, not understanding a word of it. He looked at Caleb, who was trying not to giggle. “What did they say? Was it about me?”

Diego looked at his youngest and said, “No te atrevas a decir una palabra, Mijo.”

Bryan ratted you out about the video, and Diego told Caleb not to say anything,” Kenny said from the couch. All heads turned towards the small nerd. “What?” Kenny said, a bit defensively. “I had Google Translate open.”

Everyone cracked up. Diego came over and gave Kenny a hug. “Don't ever let anyone tell you that you're not smart. That was amazing and clever.” Kenny blushed and returned the hug.

*     *     *

Billy called just before I got off work,” Diego said, as Bryan served everyone. “He wants us to stop by his office tomorrow and discuss what happened.”

I figured. I doubt I'll be able to supervise anymore visits.”

He didn't sound concerned about that. I suspect he's going to use it to piss the judge off again.”

Great. That's the last thing we need.”

Bryan dropped his head and said, “I'm really sorry. I honestly thought I was helping.”

Diego stood and pulled Bryan into a loving hug. “No, Chico. This is not your fault. If anyone's to blame, it's Calvin for abandoning you. He deserved what he got. I'm not happy that you were only acting, but honestly, that's still on him.”

And I should've stopped you before it got out of hand,” Steve added, also standing to help comfort Bryan.

At least you didn't hit him,” Kenny noted.

I was tempted,” Bryan admitted, “especially with the way he was talking to Caleb.”

That pisses me off, too,” Diego said, retaking his seat at the table, “but Calvin was never one for small talk. I don't know what he was expecting, but you boys have the right to ask him questions and didn't do anything wrong by it. I remember him getting bent out of shape if I asked him if he was going to be home for dinner. He'd get pissy and say he was tired of me getting in his business, and all I wanted to know was if I needed to make enough for him, too.”

What a fucking child,” Steve said. “He had that same attitude today when I went over the rules and then again with Caleb. I wanted to detach his head from his shoulders.”

Yeah, Calvin can bring that out in people.”

I don't know how he managed to get a girlfriend,” Bryan said, taking his seat next to Kenny.

He preys on weak women, usually after they've had a bad break up.” Diego remembered several women Calvin did this too and it disgusted him every time. “Calvin used to use the two of you as pawns in his games. He would take videos with you guys, pretending to be this sweet, caring guy, but once the video was over, he'd return to being his usual dickhead self.”

Disgusting,” Steve said.

It was. I called him out on it several times, but he'd just pay dumb.”

I'm glad he abandoned us,” Bryan said.

Me too,” Caleb added. “We have the best dads now.”

Thank you, Mijo,” Diego said, leaning over to give Caleb a hug. “I know your dad and I are the luckiest dads on the planet to have two of the best sons ever.”

Kenny shifted uneasy in his seat. Having been an only child of a single mother who was rarely home and hadn't been in contact for several days, Kenny was feeling like a fifth wheel.

And I have the best boyfriend ever,” Bryan said, as he leaned over and kissed Kenny on the cheek, making the boy blush.

Um, I think I'm pretty awesome, thank you very much,” Steve said playfully.

Except you're my dad now, and we're not dating,” Bryan clarified.

That reminds me,” Diego said to Bryan with an absolute serious tone in his voice that made his eldest child jump. “Steve is my daddy, not yours!”

Oh my God!” Bryan pulled his shirt up over his face, as everyone else burst out in laughter.

*     *     *

Monday came sooner than expected. Bryan and Kenny went about their day as normal. Terra was glad they were getting along better, though she noticed that Kenny seemed slightly depressed. She tried talking to him, but only said he was fine. Bryan seemed oblivious, chalking Kenny's mood to sleeping on the couch.

He sat in math working on his homework when the door opened. It was one of the women from the office.

I need Kenny to come with me,” She said. His heart raced with anxiety. Kenny stood, hands shaking. “You'll need to grab your things. You won't be turning to class.”

Fuck, he thought as he hastily packed. Several kids said, “Ooh,” teasing him. His teacher told them off, but he knew it wouldn't last.

Did I do something wrong?” Kenny asked, almost pleading.

The woman smiled and said, “No, Kenny. You're not in trouble. If there's anything you need from your locker, you'll need to grab that too.”

Okay.” He opened his locker and removed his Science and English text books, having not quite finished the work from earlier. “Why am I going to the office?”

Mr. Padilla says you have an appointment, so he's picking you up.”

An appointment?” Kenny didn't remember having any appointments, and why would Diego be picking him up?

The office wasn't far from his locker, but it felt like it took forever. His heart raced, and he could feel his whole body start to shake.

Hey, Buddy,” Diego said, as he stood outside the office door. “Thanks,” he said, as the office attendant handed off Kenny.

So, he won't be returning for the rest of the day?”

I don't think so, and there's a chance he won't be back tomorrow, either.”

Well, just let us know,” she said, then went back inside.

Am I in trouble?” Kenny asked, his voice shook and tears started to form at the corners of his eyes.

Realizing the brunt of the situation, Diego pulled the boy into a tight hug. “No, Kenny. No, you're not in trouble, but there is a...situation.”

What kind of situation?”

I'm not really the right person to ask, so I'm taking you to see Billy. He can explain everything, okay?”

Okay,” Kenny said, hugging Diego even tighter.

You're going to break a rib,” Diego joked, making Kenny slightly giggle. “If you keep this up, you're going to be beating up Bryan's bullies.”

As they walked to Diego's truck, Kenny slipped his hand inside of Diego's. It had never occurred to Diego that Kenny was still a little kid in many ways, which was going to make this meeting even harder to deal with.

*     *     *

Billy said to just walk in,” Charlie said, as Diego and Kenny entered the office. He gave Kenny a sympathetic grin as they passed his desk.

Billy was sitting on a couch in his office, with a file folder sitting in front of him on a coffee table. He stood as his clients entered. “Kenny, I'm glad you can be here.” He shook Kenny's hand and motioned for him and Diego to take a seat on the couch.

Diego sat at the opposite end as Billy, putting Kenny in the middle. Despite Diego's hug and reassurances, he felt that he was in trouble for something and wanted to cry; however, he sat quietly, waiting for someone to start yelling.

Billy looked at Kenny and said, “I'm sorry you're upset. If you want, I can have Charlie get you a Coke or something.”

Kenny looked up, shocked that Billy could tell. “What's going on? I'm in trouble, aren't I? Diego said I wasn't but why am I here, if I'm not?” Kenny couldn't hold back his tears any longer.

You are not in trouble,” Billy said emphatically, as Diego hugged Kenny. “But, you are here because something serious has happened...to your mother.”

Mom? What? I don't understand.”

Kenny,” Diego said, soothingly, “you need to hear Billy out, okay?”

Billy continued. “You know that your mom hasn't really been reaching out to you lately, and not really saying when you'll be able to come home, right?”

Yeah,” he mumbled.

Well, your mom has been in the hospital for the last couple of weeks.”

Is she sick?”

No, Kenny, she isn't sick...well, not physically, anyway. Your mom has, for a really long time, been affected by something called schizophrenia. It's something she's had most of her life, and it makes things really difficult for her. She was on medication for a really long time, but it got to the point where she couldn't pay for her medicine.”

I'm confused. She seems normal to me.”

How do I put this? For your mom, she has a hard time dealing with things like work and taking care of herself. Sometimes, she sees things or hears voices that make her question her reality. I'm not a doctor, so I don't know all the details; however, her symptoms have been getting worse, so he's been committed to a hospital, where she's getting really good treatment and has been put back on her medication.”

When will she be able to come home? Can I go see her?”

I can't answer that right now. I'm still waiting for the doctor to call me back. I have a lot of other questions for him as well. The second I know anything, you will be the first person I talk to.”

So, if Mom's in the hospital, what's going to happen to me?!”

Diego jumped in. “That's why you're here now. Billy and I have been talking, and we both want your input. This is your life, after all, and it's only fair you have a say in things.”

That's right,” Billy said. “We don't want to treat you like a little kid, but there are some big choices that need to be made.”

Like what?”

Well, where you're going to be living while your mom is being treated.”

Before Kenny said anything, Diego said, “You've been staying with us since around the time school started, and we love having you, clearly, but Billy and I have been talking. Sleeping on the couch isn't a fair option, and I really don't think you could share a room with Bryan again. I know you love each other, but I don't see how anything would change from the last time. Sharing a room with Caleb would go about the same, I think, since neither of them have ever had to share a room.”

Then where would I sleep?”

My house,” Billy said, sounding nervous for the first time in Diego's memory. “I have plenty of space, including a space room that isn't being used. I've talked to my husband, and he's more than willing to help, since we don't have kids of our own.”

What about Bryan and everyone else?” Diego knew this was more directed at him.

Obviously, we'll discuss everything with Bryan and Caleb. Steve knows already and thinks it's a good idea. I'm sure the boys will protest but will eventually come around.”

Don't you want me? I thought I was like a son?” Kenny said, through a fresh volley of tears.

Diego teared up, his heart and resolve breaking. “You are like my son, Kenny, which is why this is so difficult to talk about. I love you so much, and I want to make sure you have better than what you have now. I'm so conflicted, Kenny, which is why I want to talk to you about this. You need your own space, your own bed, your own room, and a place for all your belongings. As much as I would love for you to stay, I can't help wondering if living with Billy and Trevor might be better for you in the long run. If I had a bigger house, we wouldn't even be having this conversation.”

Kenny,” Billy said, calmly, “living with me does not in any way prevent you from seeing Diego or Bryan. In fact, you won't even be switching schools. You'll be going to Diego's after school every day and eating there, since Trevor and I work late. You'll be picked up around 6:30 pm, which will leave you plenty of time to be with them.

As far as weekends and holidays go, Bryan can come over and stay or you can stay with Diego, like you did when you were living with your mom full time. The biggest difference will be adjusting to life with Trevor and I, which shouldn't be hard, since Trevor is probably the easiest going guy on the planet. You also might get to hang out with my nephews, too, who come by occasionally, or whenever their dads have had enough.”

I like Quinton,” Kenny said, wiping his face clean. “We hung out on Saturday at the restaurant."

"Yeah, he told me. In fact, I've never seen him so excited about meeting a new friend. He usually only hangs out with James and anyone James is friends with. Quinton said you play Minecraft.”

"Yeah, we mostly talked about that.”

It's probably his favorite game. He never stops talking about hermit shells.”

Kenny laughed for the first time in hours. “I think you mean Hermitcraft. They're YouTubers who play Java Edition.”

Ah, that explains why he gets annoyed with me. I thought it was because I know all of his ticklish spots.”

Really? You'll have to tell me.”

Wanting to capitalize on the better mood, Diego asked, “How do you feel about moving in with Billy and Trevor? I know you don't really know Billy and have only met Trevor once, so I can't blame you for being scared and nervous.”

Kenny thought about it for a minute or two. “I'm not really scared or nervous. I just...don't want to be alone. My dad left me with Mom and never came back. Mom left me with you and who knows when she'll come back. And now, you want to leave me with Billy, and....”

That was too much. Diego pulled Kenny into him, and said, “I will never, ever leave you, Kenny. I'm not your parents. I adopted Bryan and Caleb because Calvin abandoned them. Dumping kids and never coming back isn't my thing, Buddy, and you should know that. If I could adopt you I would, but CPS is a huge problem. You know what they're like, and I can't afford a new house that would help make everything work. However, Billy has plenty of room for you, and I think you will be happier with the arrangements we want for you.”

How about this?” Billy said. “How about you and Bryan stay at my place for a week, to help you adjust? After that week, we will give it another week. If by the end of the second week you decide it isn't working, we'll try to figure something else out. Maybe kicking Bryan onto the couch or something?”

Kenny laughed and said, “Yeah, because that will work.” He took a few minutes and said, “Yeah, I think I'm willing to try it.” He looked at Diego and asked, “Is it alright if Bryan stays with me at Billy's for a week?”

Diego honestly wasn't prepared for that situation. His trust of Billy has been up and down more than a stripper's backside. However, he needed to help Kenny and if it meant handing Bryan over for a week.... “I guess I could allow it, but you both have to be good at school and at home. Bryan also has to agree to do it. If either of you give Billy or Trevor any hell, Bryan comes home and you'll need to complete your two week trial without him. Is that understood?”

Yes, Sir. I understand.”

Excellent,” Billy said, pulling out his phone. “If you both will excuse me, I need to call my better half and tell him the news.”

Once Billy was out of his office, Diego asked, “How do you honestly feel about this?”

I don't really know, but you're right. I can't keep sleeping on the couch and want my own room again. Billy has always been really nice to me and Mom, so I'm not worried about that.”

You're just worried that you'll never see us again?”

Kenny could only nod and look away.

Once again, Diego held Kenny. “You have nothing to worry about, Kenny. Billy actually doesn't live very far from my house; only about a mile. If anything bad happens, you can call me, and I'll be right over to take back. You're my favorito. There's no way you're getting rid of me.”

I'm your favorite?” Kenny said, looking up and smiling.

Duh,” Diego said, returning the smile. “You've never given me nearly as much hell as your boyfriend and his brother have.” Diego thought about it for a second and muttered, “Has estado aprendiendo español en secreto, ¿no?”

Kenny blushed and said, “Si...padre.”

“Ugh! You're killing me, Smalls.”

Thank you as always for reading this story. Please follow, recommend, review, comment and reply. It helps out a lot.
Copyright © 2023 John Henry; All Rights Reserved.
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Thank you for reading this story.  Please feel free to contact me with any questions or comments you may have.
Stories posted in this category are works of fiction. Names, places, characters, events, and incidents are created by the authors' imaginations or are used fictitiously. Any resemblances to actual persons (living or dead), organizations, companies, events, or locales are entirely coincidental.
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Chapter Comments

Loved this chapter, Kenny is going to find the space and room to grow living with Billy and his partner...The video as mentioned in the last chapter stands on it's own, and if Judge Crusty Pants fails to see it, on appeal it will make him seem incompetent.

The last line in the quote below may be missing a word...I agree with @VBlew on the "you' to 'he'...

As noted before, there isn't any freaking way Calvin is going through all this if there isn't $$$ to be found...while it is very improbable and highly unlikely, unless he needs the boys for organ transplants...and I wouldn't put it past him to sell one or two... 

Disgusting,” Steve said.

It was. I called him out on it several times, but he'd just pay dumb.”

I'm glad you abandoned us,” Bryan said.

Me too,” Caleb added. “We have the best dads now.”

Thank you, Mijo,” Diego said, leaning over to give Caleb a hug. “I know your dad and I are the luckiest dads on the planet to have two of the sons ever.”

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35 minutes ago, VBlew said:

In the second section is this:

I'm glad you abandoned us,” Bryan said.”

I think “he” should replace “you” in that line…

As for Kenny having his own room and space, This is a great option. Hopefully Caleb doesn’t feel left out wit Bryan staying at Billy’s for 2 weeks.

Thanks for the catch and it was fixed.  We'll see how Caleb reacts to the living situation, I'm sure.

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12 minutes ago, drsawzall said:

Loved this chapter, Kenny is going to find the space and room to grow living with Billy and his partner...The video as mentioned in the last chapter stands on it's own, and if Judge Crusty Pants fails to see it, on appeal it will make him seem incompetent.

The last line in the quote below may be missing a word...I agree with @VBlew on the "you' to 'he'...

As noted before, there isn't any freaking way Calvin is going through all this if there isn't $$$ to be found...while it is very improbable and highly unlikely, unless he needs the boys for organ transplants...and I wouldn't put it past him to sell one or two... 

Disgusting,” Steve said.

It was. I called him out on it several times, but he'd just pay dumb.”

I'm glad you abandoned us,” Bryan said.

Me too,” Caleb added. “We have the best dads now.”

Thank you, Mijo,” Diego said, leaning over to give Caleb a hug. “I know your dad and I are the luckiest dads on the planet to have two of the sons ever.”

Aside from the editing catches, your comment went very dark. Lol  I think it's pretty obvious that Calvin's motive is....

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22 minutes ago, Anton_Cloche said:

Thank you John for this wonderfully touching chapter. I was going through tissues worrying for and about Caleb. 🥹  Hopefully this interim 'trial' stay with Billy and his 'family' works out longer term, or at least until some resolution comes about for Caleb's Mom, who he clearly loves and misses, but despite all he tried to do to care for her, a child can't and shouldn't be a care giver. Schizophrenia is not a fatal illness, if managed properly; so hopefully Caleb can visit her in treatment. 

Estoy de acuerdo en que Steve necesita aprender español si quiere mantenerse al día con el resto de la familia. Creo que los chicos, incluido Caleb, pueden ayudar con eso.


Not to be a problem, but it was Kenny who's living with Billy and Trevor not Caleb; however, I think you make some valid points, especially with Steve needing to learn Spanish.

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