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Featuring everything new and experienced authors need to develop creative and technical skills. Check out writing development articles, our Word of the Day, writing prompts, anthology opportunities and more!

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Writing Prompts #112 & #113

Today's writing prompts brought to you by Comicfan are... Prompt 112 – Creative Cue – Poetry, Haiku The Haiku is a Japanese poetry form. In English we usually use a 5, 7, 5 syllable line. The Haiku usually focuses on some aspect of nature and ends with a surprise. With that in mind try writing at least one of your own. Here is one of mine as an example.   I hear the screaming And run to find him pointing At a spider. Squish. Prompt 113 – Challenge


Lugh in Prompts

Writing Prompts #110 & #111

It's Friday! It's Friday! Whoot! Time for some jolly good reading. Our prompts this week are: Prompt 110 – Creative Cue – Creating Evil No one is just evil. They work from their own point of view. Your job is to create an “evil character” but you have to explain why they are that way. What happened to turn them into the person they are and why do they find that “evil” lifestyle so appealing? Prompt 111 – Creative Cue – The Quick Fix Everyone knows that there is no such thi


Lugh in Prompts

Writing Prompts #108 & #109

This week Comicfan brings us two new prompts: Prompt 108 – Creative Cue – List of words Use the following words in a short story: obituary, ice cream, red dress, fish, and apartment. and Prompt 109 – Creative Cue – Poetry Write a poem about your favorite person. Try to descriptive and give life to the person you are writing about. The poem can take any from a series of haikus, to free form, to an established pattern. In response to Prompt #107....   Lifetime Gu


Lugh in Prompts

Writing Prompts #106 & #107

Time to go haunt Comicfan and see what he can drag out of the inspiration file for this week. Seems we have two new challenges. One is a Point of View challenge -- those are always interesting -- and one has the goal of animating an inanimate object. You've got a week. Make life interesting. Prompt 106 – Cue – The Fight Remember the last argument you got into? Change it into a story about two other people. The challenge is to tell the story from the other person’s point of view


Lugh in Prompts

Writing Prompts #104 & #105

Each week, our Writing Promp Guru, Comicfan, brings to you two (or more) prompts in the Writing Prompt forum, a subforum in the Writing Workshops forum. Writing Prompts are exercises for your writing muscles. They can help you get through writers block (creative prompts) or train specific muscles (technical prompts). They can even focus your writing muscles into new thought patterns (challenge prompts). Here are a few things to keep in mind to keep everyone safe, sane, and successful.


Lugh in Prompts

Writing Prompts # 630 & #631

I hope everyone is having a great week! It's time for this weeks prompts, supplied by our prompt guru, Comicfan. Just a reminder, and for those who haven't worked with the prompts before: prompt responses under 1,000 words must be posted as part of a collection.       Prompt 630 – First Line Tag – First Line “When did I get so old?” Prompt 631 – Creative Tag – The Card It is your birthday and no one remembers. You go home and as you prepare to make dinner you no

Renee Stevens

Renee Stevens in Prompts

Writing Prompt #588 & #589

I hope everyone is having a great week! It's time for this weeks prompts, supplied by our prompt guru, Comicfan. Just a reminder, and for those who haven't worked with the prompts before: prompt responses under 1,000 words must be posted as part of a collection. Hopefully you'll find something in this weeks prompts to spark an idea and get you writing!     Prompt 588 – Creative Tag – The Pitch You were hired to write a new television show. You were asked to create some

Renee Stevens

Renee Stevens in Prompts


I love a good play on words, which is why I like Dad jokes and memes with puns.  Don't judge me... someone has to laugh at them!   Disclaimer: I'm not responsible for any eye strain or facial bruising caused by excessive from any stories inspired by these prompts.     PT Prompt #85: Sometimes words have very different meanings across languages.  For example, the word "gift" in English means something given to another person without expectation of payment, synonymous with "present"


Valkyrie in Prompts

Wisenheimer - How sarcasm can drive a character sketch

Comedy in a story can elevate an interesting tale into one you can't put down.  There are several types of humor, but perhaps one of my favorites is the sarcastic retort.  Nothing can fuel a character like some witty, and biting, humor.  Let's try some examples with a, well, not first line, but first exchange with two main characters.   Have fun with it.     #209 - "This is the last time I'm going to trust you with being the lookout."              "What's my next job? Poison

Wintry Prompts 1/21/22

Much of the Eastern United States is being hammered by a massive snowstorm as I write this.  We're getting close to two feet of snow where I live.  So it feels fitting to feature two prompts based on snow.  What's it like where you live?     PT Prompt #15 - Technical Describe a cold, snowy winter to a pen pal who has never seen one.    PT Prompt #16 - Creative  The Gay Snowman.  How does a snowman find love?   


Valkyrie in Prompts

Wintry Holiday Prompts! December 3, 2021

With the holiday season beginning to heat up, let's stretch our writer muscles and creativity with some prompts!!  Here are my first offerings into our wonderful winter writing.   PT 3# Holiday Quote - "Let's do something that puts us on Santa's naughty list." PT 4# You've played Santa at the mall for the past twenty-five years, but after dealing with bratty kids, entitled parents, and a total lack of manners, you've decided you're done after this season.  It's taken all your

Cole Matthews

Cole Matthews in Prompts

Why not?

Do you know those situations where you ask yourself, “What would happen if...?” Or, “Should I do it?”  This Friday’s prompts are about doing something crazy, spontaneous, and daring. PT #167 Write about a person who sees a phone number scratched in the wood of a bench in the park. Spontaneously they dial it. What does your character feel when the phone rings?   PT #168 First line: Boom! Did I do this? Please include the prompt number either in your story/chapte


Aditus in Prompts

Whose Line is it Anyway?

I just hit a 1000 day learning streak on the language app I'm using to learn German (it will be 1006 today), and came across a couple of sentences I thought were perfect for first line prompts.     PT Prompt #133 - First line "What are you cooking, and why does it stink?"   PT Prompt #134 - First line "Why is your underwear in the swimming pool?"   Please include the prompt number either in your story/chapter description or title to help readers who would


Valkyrie in Prompts

Wayne's Prompts #7

Well this is it  Today will be the end of Wayne's Prompts. We are discussing to see how we want to continue forward with this blog, and would like to hear any ideas you may have. Reach out to any staff member and we will take a look   So for the final prompts, we received this late addition by @Valkyrie! One she partook on was Prompt #316 from @comicfan. To even things out, we will also throw in prompt 317 as well. You can announce your prompt response for #316 and #317 by clicking on the n


wildone in Prompts

Wayne's Prompts #6

Well, well, well, we are back again this week with another one of a favourite prompt that Wayne presented to us.  Last week we looked at one of @Mikiesboy favourite prompts and it's partner. Here is what Prompt #500 brought us: https://gayauthors.org/story/mikiesboy/onlyprompts/5 Sorry I can't make a box like below .   This week, lets look at a couple of prompts from @Headstall. One of his favourite prompts that he wrote a story for was Prompt #801. His submission to that one can


wildone in Prompts

Wayne's Prompts #5

(Oops, was supposed to post this last night  ) It is the Friday on the start of a long weekend I think everywhere in North America  If you live elsewhere and have one as well, just remember you don't have to do a prompt response this weekend  Maybe let it digest for a bit and maybe something will happen over the weekend that will have you saying DAMN, that was a prompt suggestion. Then you can write your story. Unless it is being stuck in H E double hockey sticks or any other macabre settin


wildone in Prompts

Wayne's Prompts #4

Good Day All   Apologies for last weeks miss on getting up a couple more of your favorite prompts from our guru, Wayne. Two weeks ago we had featured @Valkyrie's prompts. Next up, we have featured them recently, but @Ivor Slipper took advantage and wrote a piece using Prompt 892. And for you prompt enjoyment, we have added in Prompt 893 as well. @astone2292 also did a response as well! Prompt 892 - Creative  Tag - List of Words Use the following words in a story - a stor


wildone in Prompts

Wayne's Prompts #3

So last week we had a look back at @Valkyrie's, @Mikiesboy's, original prompt replies! Then we actually had a brand new one from @Mawgrim  Make sure you check them out!! Now for this week, we will look to Valkyrie for a one suggestion and another in case you want to try something else. First is 310 and the second is 311. See, I can count       Prompt 310 – Creative Tag – List of Words Use the following words in a story – tent, a running river, a wolf, a lighter, and a bow


wildone in Prompts

Wayne's Prompts #2

Well we are in our second prompt of what prompt motivated you! This week we will take the first of @Mikiesboy's prompts and go with Prompt 447, as usual we will add 446 for you to see if you want to take either on!    Prompt 446 – Creative Tag -List of Words Use the following in a story – notebook, pen, coffee, a crystal, and a broken light bulb   Prompt 447 – Creative Tag – The Gift You haven’t been feeling well lately, but you still try to keep up with your normal routi


wildone in Prompts

Wayne's Prompts

Thank you to everyone that submitted a prompt reply to Comicfan's final prompts before we lost him   I think we had 5 submissions and each one of them are amazing. I imagine if Wayne had any relatives that were aware of his large participation on site, they would be happy to see that people submitted. I know I'm proud of everyone ❤️ So as mentioned, we wanted to hear your favourite prompts from the past, and we would re-feature them and see if you want to continue on if you already sen


wildone in Prompts

Valentine's Day - It's not just a corporate conspiracy!

St. Valentine's Day is drawing near.  While many people don't enjoy the holiday, others revel in the blooming of new love, the sprouting of true love, and the enduring promise of "ever after."  I happen to love the celebration. When I was a teen, I never knew what the poets meant when they'd write about the earth moving and the heavens exploding.  I never really understood how a kiss was that special.  For me it was just a kiss, kinda fun, but not really that big of a deal.  [Mind you,

Cole Matthews

Cole Matthews in Prompts

Vacation Time!

I just spent two wonderful weeks in the south of England, seeing everything from the Cerne Giant (Google it if you're not familiar...  )  to Stonehenge at sunset.  I could write an entire story about all the sights and experiences from the trip, but at the moment, will have to settle with two prompts based of actual things I experienced during my adventures.  PT Prompt #217 After travelling for over 24 hours with pretty much no sleep and lots of Dramamine (motion sickness med that make

Tired Prompts

Around here it looks a lot like spring which means I feel either super energized---or I’m tired. Luckily some GA members sent me prompt ideas so I can find a comfy spot to take a nap in the sun. Thank you @Thirdly and @Lee Wilson. PT #211 You’re a closeted gay man at a company gathering, for example, a conference of some kind. The company brought in a unique kind of entertainment and you’re attracted to one of the entertainers. With their costumes, you can’t tell if they’re male or fem


Aditus in Prompts

Time to Travel!

Winter decided it wanted to dump our annual snowfall on us all at once this week, so it's a perfect time to think about being somewhere where the air doesn't hurt your face.     PT Prompt #197 You decide to plan your next vacation by closing your eyes, spinning a globe, and going wherever your finger lands.  Where do you end up going on vacation?    PT Prompt #198 Plan a vacation that's the polar opposite of your dream trip.  Don't like cruises?  Go on a cruis


Valkyrie in Prompts

The Prompt Team Prompts 4/8/22

It feels like this month just started, but we're already starting the second week of National Poetry Writing Month.  Check out the collections that have been posted already.  Maybe they'll inspire you to give it a try yourself.  Or maybe taking a look at the beautiful creek Aditus provided us with will stir some poetic musings.     PT Prompt #37 - Poetry Write a poem about taking a walk along this creek.    PT Prompt #38 - Creative It's Easter morning and you wake


Valkyrie in Prompts

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