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  • Valkyrie

    2025 Writing Event Announcement - Comicality Tribute - Coming of Age

    By Valkyrie

    May 2, 2025 would have been Comicality's fiftieth birthday.    We thought that would be a perfect day to feature a tribute to our beloved friend, author, and mentor.  We're announcing it now so that his fans will have an entire year to work on writing a story, letter, poem, or whatnot on a topic that resonates with them with respect to Comicality.  Coming of Age - A Tribute to Comicality  Due date for submissions:  April 25, 2025 No minimum length One submission per author, c


Wowee it's been a long time since I've done a blog! Still don't have much to report so this will be another rambling of not much at all, hehe. We put our Christmas tree up last weekend. I bought a new one. I had reserved 100 dollars to go buy a nice one, I got there and the one I had picked out from a flyer was there, but there was only one left and it was already opened. I couldn't even get it out from where it was crammed between boxes to see if all the pieces were there. So I went and fo



Family de genetics & Roomates by... ugh, they suck

A few things to go over... I'll start with the more depressing so I can leave off on a high note.   Well, I've been out to much of my family for several months now. The only one I can see ever actually accepting me is my dad. With my mother... any time the subject of Silven or the baby comes up I get an icy cold vibe from her. My guess as to why: she's attending a pentecostal church. There is no room in a good pentecostal family for a gay son, much less a gay son's boyfriend and his son - and


Demetz in Demetz

another TGIF

Well another week down! Only bad thing about working is you can keep counting down the weeks but there's no set number to count down. It's not like you only have 10 to go or 20 to go, it just keeps going and going! I can't complain too bad though, I'm very lucky, I like my job, it's got it's problems but they're minor. I'm thankful I have a job and thankful it's not one I have to wake up every morning and say "shit I gotta go to work" today. That's not to say I don't get excited on days I d



An update

So, some things have changed since last weekend, starting with at work we found out that we have to complete the jobs we thought we had the next six weeks to take care of by next Friday. No way in hell that


DomLuka in Dom Luka

Happy November

Well after the wind we had all weekend there are very few leaves left on the trees. Sunday was awesome though. We watched scary shows on TV all day long. There were no good movies on, at least that we hadn't seen recently. So we watched 'Most haunted' and 'Scariest Places on Earth' and it was SO cool to lay in bed watching scary shows on a dark and gloomy day with the wind HOWLING outside. My cat is a brat though, I tried real hard to sleep in on Sunday morning but she kept ramming her head



Standardized testing... yawn

So Yesterday after I got out of class I noticed a flyer about a lecture to be held regarding "The hundred Languages of Children." Well, being only a few weeks away from co-fatherdom I decided I'd drop in on that lecture, thinking it was going to be about children... what with the topic being the hundred languages of children.... as you can probably tell, for the most part it had very little to do with children. It was mildly interesting to down right sleep inducing to watch Mr. Pence talk about


Demetz in Demetz


Last night, some of you may have witnessed me throwing a bit of a temper tantrum and a subsequent pity party. I believe it went something along the lines of "f**kING f**k f**k BANK OF AMERICA THoSE SHITS" followed whimpering as I tried to pull myself together and deal with the situation.   What happened: I had the perfect itinerary and at a cost just meeting my budget. The problem was I did not have enough money actually in the bank at the time, so I had to make a deposit. Unfortunately, they


Demetz in Demetz


So yesterday I was going to class and in front of the building stood two crazies. One had tied a cross to himself from which hung a sign. One side said "Turn or burn" the other said something to the effect of "Jesus: your savior or judge?" Perhaps I'm mistaken but it appears that last one is a bit contradictory and the former rather counterproductive. Regardless, their rantings, ravings, and random insults to passing students was quite amusing - as were the cops who showed up when they were draw


Demetz in Demetz

waste of space

This could really be the wrong place to ask, because the women here seem to be kind, intelligent, lovely ladies who probably keep most of our heads on straight (well, not straight, but you know) and yeah, that was sucking up on my part because I


DomLuka in Dom Luka

The fair

Oh for heaven's sakes. I've written this thing four times and keep hitting something and it all goes away. Let me try this one more time! SOO we went to the fair last tuesday. It was a lot of fun, but really packed. It was hard getting through the crowd at most points but we still got to see most of what we wanted to see. I saw the prize winning pumpkins which always fascinates me. The biggest one was nearly five hundred pounds. I also got to try funnel cake. Tasted very much like a dou



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