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  • wildone

    Weekly Wrap Up (Apr. 21 - Apr. 27)

    By wildone

    Hey all. This week we continued to focus on the tragic news of @Comicality's passing. I know when I do the wrap up, I'm kind of doing what I hope some of your are doing. catching up on what happened over the week. When I heard we were out of Comsie's articles and also another blog when we heard he was having some health concerns, never did I know this would happen . I enjoy reading all the blogs over the week and liked Comsie's Weekly Writing Articles. They just made sense.  If for som
  • Myr

    RIP - Comicality - May 1975 -- April 2024

    By Myr

    I have been following Comicality since New Kid in School first showed up on Nifty in 1998.  I started exchanging emails with him that long ago.  We've been online friends since.  When the opportunity arose for me to start Gay Authors in Sep 2002, Comicality was the first author with us.  When we opened the forums at the very end of July in 2003, it only took me a few days to get Comicality on the forums.  Back then he was on a WebTV... He continued to grow and grow as an author branching ou
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