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Wacky Wednesday: Ask An Author #7



Wacky Wednesday  

23 members have voted

  1. 1. We've had a number of different types of articles for our "Wacky Wednesday" blog articles - which do you look most forward to (if you have other suggestions, let us know in the comments)?

    • Author interviews
    • Writing tips on style/grammar (how to make your story look better)
    • Wirting tips on content (how to improve the plot or characters)
    • Articles on editors and/or beta readers
    • Articles on being a better reader/reviewer
    • GA Website Tips
    • Other (please detail in the blog comments)

We are deeply grateful for the time and work put in by Dark for these great Ask An Author articles. Here is August's edition - we hope you enjoy it!


Ask an Author #7


Welcome back to another quirky question and answer session with your favorite authors!


In AtA #6, we had questions for authors Luc Rosen, Libby Drew, and Mark Arbour.


In AtA #7, we hear from authors JWolf, K.C., and Mann Ramblings.


For their protection, the members who asked these questions shall remain nameless (unless they choose to reveal themselves). :lol: Please note that all author replies are copied as is, spelling errors and grammar eccentricities original to the individual.


Promising Author JWolf is today’s first author. Just two years ago, Jwolf took GA by storm with his popular story The List. It was no surprise when he became a Promising Author a few short months later. His latest story, The English Year, has garnered 119 reviews; reader Lisa had this to say: ‘"He's one skittle away from completing the rainbow." has to be one of the funniest lines I've ever read! You are such a comedian Jon!’

To JWolf:
What inspired you to begin writing?


I started writing when I was a kid, probably eight or nine years old. And the reason I started writing things down is because I would tell myself these outlandish stories while I was trying to fall asleep. And the next day, I'd try to keep going where I left off, but I'd forget. So without even thinking, I started jotting down the plot points in my sketch journal that I used to sketch clothes in. Eventually, I'd take these plot points and turn them into stories. They were AWFUL at first. Third rate versions of my favorite movie or TV show at the time. TERRIBLE. But they got me writing. And the got me thinking. And they got me creating. And they got better. And they got me to access a place in my mind that I hadn't been able to archive before. So in short, I started writing to help myself fall asleep, and I haven't really been able to ever since.


Today’s next author is the semi-obnoxious but loveable K.C.. Did you know he’s a twin? :P Just ask him sometime about his secret name! Although 2012 started out rough for K.C., it ended on a good note when JMS Books published KC Grim’s first book, “Love is in the Cards.” This is another story that started its life here on GA and so lucky were we to experience it first! Nowadays, we can enjoy the sexy vampire Garrett McQuinn in Chasing the Shadows.

To K.C.:
You have had some unique ideas as the basis for your stories, making your readers wonder where they come from. Is there anything in particular that motivated you to do something like that?


As a kid, I always had a very active imagination and was completely enthralled with science-fiction and mythological creatures. My home-life was very difficult and as a result, I found myself wishing that I could live in another world. I started writing my own stories as an escape, it was a place that I created and I could control what happened to my characters, unlike my real life. Most of my stories have an element of some kind of supernatural, because the possibilities are so deliciously endless.


Today’s final author is yet another Michigan Man, Mann Ramblings. New to GA as of Sept 2012, Mann has already posted 3 stories, and with plenty of variety. Mann’s latest offering is The Luxorian Fugitive, a rousing sci-fi story with space ships, travel, and santa claus! Now how could you pass that up? Of course, Mann has a wicked sense of humor (and a quiet love affair with chardonnay). Give him a chat sometime; you won’t regret it.

To Mann Ramblings:
What are your primary sci-fi influences and how did they inspire you in writing your current story?


I've always been a fan of Ridley Scott's "Alien" and "Star Trek" when it comes to the first thing I think of when I hear the words, "Sci-Fi." I always like the human story being dominant with the sci-fi providing the setting. I loved "Alien" for it's harsh realism and I wanted a lighter version of that for "The Luxorian Fugitive." Living in space doing blue collar work would never be a luxury, but didn't have to be a death trap either. I also wanted the light military/family interactiveness that I always recognized between crew members in the Star Trek franchise. Even with those influences, I wanted the characters to drive the story, not the environment.




That’s it for now! For more info on these authors, go check out their stories, post in their forums, and/or catch them in chat!


Coming next time: andy021278, podga, and Nephylim.


Want to ask your favorite author a question? Simply PM me (Dark).


Until next time!



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It's always so awesome getting into some of my fav authors' heads even for just one question!  Always look forward to these!

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 I only started reading this ask an author last month and I really enjoy it I cant wait until some of my author pop up I have some questions for them.

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I was a bit like Jwolf. I used to tell my 2 younger step-siblings stories about a family of goo people to make them fall asleep, lol. I always just made up new ones each night; I wish I'd written them down because I failed to 'finish' a lot of stories for years until I started doing that.

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Chardonnay ;) Really ?? lol

And we didn't find out what KC is short for.. Kristian Charles is my guess ! :P

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Semi-obnoxious?? :o I object!!!     I'm completely obnoxious, thank you! :P  At least that's what my hubby tells me ;)


I love the author interviews. It's cool to see a glimpse inside the amazing minds that come up with such brilliant stories. Thanks, Dark for including me.


Sorry Sly, keep guessing :lol:

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Sorry, I voted for Author Interviews, because "Wacky Wednesday" is the title of the blog.. and those other suggestions just didn't fit the title of the blog at all. :P Keep your boring tips to other days and keep Wednesday - wacky. 

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All are these are great authors, even tho a couple of them are a pretty off the wall.  Not meaning JWolf of course! :P  Seriously, read work by all of them, and they are all great!  Good job Dark!


Actually Sly, I think it was Kinky Crossdresser:P   'hugs KC''

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I like it best with Wednesday not set to one feature like the other days are. It would be terribly monotonous for that to happen to Wednesdays too. :/

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Heh - couple of clarifications...  "Wacky" was picked, because Wednesday's articles can be anything, unexpected sometimes.  And we're asking what everyone likes, not to restrict to just one thing on future Wed, but to try to see what the community enjoys most  :-)

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I really wanted to check all of them but then, I don't think we would have enough Wednesdays... Lol.


Btw, I really like the "How to be a better reader/reviewer" option. I never read a blog along those lines here, at least one which I recall. It would be great. Let's face it. We are authors and readers and some are fully readers. It would be nice to have something for readers. Advices but along with features, tools, freebies or stuff which might be handy. :)

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Ieshwar - it has been a while (in fact, looks like last time we had articles like that was when we were still doing the blog six days a week).  Three examples of what I was thinking of when I included that choice are:


Author Feedback


Constructive Criticism


These are some examples, but I can already think of potential other articles, like how to engage other community members via our forums, how to use the site for finding stories that interest you based on stories you already love, etc.


Of course, we have so many members here in the community, and getting YOUR ideas and YOUR articles about tips, tricks or other things you've learned and want to share - that's one thing I love about our GA News Blog, it is a way for everyone to help out and help each other.  In other words, got a tip and want to write about - let me know!

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