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Writing Prompts #312 & #313

Renee Stevens


Hope everyone has had a wonderful week so far! What better way to end the week than with two new prompts from our prompt guru, Comicfan. Don't forget to share your responses in the prompt forum! Enjoy!


Prompt 312 – Creative
Tag – Bacon
That is right ladies and gentlemen, the topic is bacon. You may use it in any form you like, a story, a poem, or whatever your little mind can create. Have fun.


Prompt 313 – Creative
Tag – First Line
“Did you say the crocuses were blooming?”


This week I decided to feature Aditus' response to Prompt #310, enjoy:




The Dream

Tim looked up from his computer screen when his friend and colleague Mark, hurried through the door into their shared office.


"You're late."


Mark grunted something unintelligible while he hung his overcoat in their small closet. When he finally slumped down in his chair behind the desk opposite from Tim's, Tim could see dark rings under Mark's eyes. The man looked utterly exhausted.


"Hehe, someone had an interesting night, me thinks."


Mark scoffed. "I wish."


Taking a closer look, Mark looked almost haunted. Tim stopped what he was doing. "What happened?"


"I had a dream…"


"A dream?"


"Yeah, at least I believe it was a dream."


"Want to tell me about it?" Tim pushed his chair back and swiveled around so he could reach the coffee pot on the small table behind him. He poured some coffee into Mark's mug, added sugar and milk and placed it in front of his friend. "I heard it might help with intense dreams. Talking I mean. Reality check and all."


Mark didn't answer. Instead, he stared at his screensaver that showed various pictures Mark had taken during his countless rafting trips: abysmal ravines, soaring mountain masses, waterfalls and white-water rapids of fast-running rivers. Playing with the lighter he still had lying around on his desk from when he used to smoke, he didn't speak for several minutes. Tim finally assumed Mark didn't want to talk about his dream and started working again.


"I was in the desert. There were sand dunes as far as the eye could see. It was early in the morning; the grey-blue shadows of pre-dawn were just forced away by the first tinges of orange from the rising sun. I felt as if I had been there forever, for the sand was untouched; there were no traces of humans, or animals. No trucks, no camels, just me sitting in front of my tent, alone. It was cold. The morning stillness was absolute.



To read the rest, click here.

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Me thinks Wayne has finally cracked :gikkle:


Though I dread to think of what Jo Ann will come up with for that one.

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Streaky bacon, smoked bacon, turkey bacon, bacon bits, wrapped in bacon um...do you get the idea? 

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OMG! Bacon!? that went around the chat room one day months back, i didn't think it would ever be implimented *starts laughing*

btw what the heck is a crocus?

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OMG! Bacon!? that went around the chat room one day months back, i didn't think it would ever be implimented *starts laughing*

btw what the heck is a crocus?

A plant, but I'm as clueless as you. lol

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OMG! Bacon!? that went around the chat room one day months back, i didn't think it would ever be implimented *starts laughing*

btw what the heck is a crocus?


A plant, but I'm as clueless as you. lol


Crocuses are plants, usually purple, that are found in the spring in the parks with the daffodils. Try this link for more info  From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia


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