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Author Promo: Dodger

Renee Stevens


Time for a new author promo! This month we're taking a look at Dodger. Dodger was asked to pick three stories and answer the three questions: What gave you the idea for this story? What was your favorite thing about writing this story? & Please tell us something about this story that is not already in the description. If you would like to do an author promo for the blog, please check out the blog feature opportunities thread. Now, let's take a look at what Dodger has for us.



8 stories · 1,918 comments · 683,683 total words


The Cockney Canuck

Description: Following the death of his mother, fifteen-year-old Robbie is forced to move from England to start a new life living with his uncle’s family in Canada. Homesick, confused, and missing his close friend, it soon becomes clear to his new family that Robbie is carrying a lot more baggage than he arrived with.

What gave you the idea for this story?

It started out as therapy before turning into a bit of an autobiography, but my life wasn’t interesting enough to sustain it, so I invented Robbie and turned it into fiction.

What was your favorite thing about writing this story?

It was fun because it was my first attempt at writing fiction and I became totally absorbed in the main character. I was, of course, completely out of my depth and the early chapters definitely reflect this. They are, perhaps, a tad raw in places but for those who have ploughed through regardless, the ending promises a real treat!

Please tell us something about this story that is not already in the description?

Most of the characters are based on real people, but only one of them is aware of their inclusion. The infamous Nicola is my sister in real life and reads the story on GA. It’s quite bizarre because she calls me after each chapter is posted to give me her valued opinion. Inevitably, she has had some influence, but no direct input and of course, the storylines are all fiction.

Incidentally, she also enjoys reading the comments. So remember, the next time you rant about ‘that horrible bitch Nicola’, the real one will probably be reading it!!!

A Soldier’s Guide to Single Parenting

Description: After losing his wife to illness, a decorated war hero is determined to keep his family together, but his parenting skills are tested during the summer break by financial restraints, an increasing reliance on alcohol, and the discovery that his eldest son is gay.

What gave you the idea for this story?

I think that everyone loves a fictional character who they can really hate. So I thought it would be a good idea to give the villain the lead role in a story. The narrator, therefore, is a thoroughly dislikeable, homophobic, alcoholic, sexist, bigot, with some serious mental issues. Yeah, it’s a biggie and he’s only saved by the fact that his adversary in the story is even worse!

What was your favorite thing about writing this story?

Believe it or not, I’m not a homophobic, alcoholic, sexist, bigot, but I may have some serious mental issues because I enjoyed pretending to be one while writing it. There may even be a hint of sadomasochism in this work because I’ve revelled in some of the abuse that has been understandably levelled at the main character, even though I’m innocent. Don’t shoot the messenger is the theme here.

Please tell us something about this story that is not already in the description?

Jeff is dislikeable but not unlikeable. He has some almost redeeming qualities which the reader would not be aware of if he wasn’t the narrator. There’s a well-worn cliché that may apply. You can’t judge a book by its cover.

A Night at the Opera

Description: Georgie’s younger brother Simon turns up with some friends to celebrate his seventeenth birthday, but the next morning, a monumental hangover and an unexpected discovery threaten to cast a shadow over their close family bond.

What gave you the idea for this story?

I wanted to write a short story from a different perspective and allow the readers to jump to the wrong conclusion simply by not mentioning things which they take for granted. I can’t say much more.

What was your favorite thing about writing this story?

Dropping little clues here and there and trying to work them into the story. I like that kind of thing but I didn’t know if it would work until I received some feedback. I think that most people were fooled.

Please tell us something about this story that is not already in the description?

It’s very tongue in cheek with a little more comedy than I would usually use but it’s an easy read for the unsuspecting.

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  • Site Administrator

Who is the Dodger character and do you recommend I check him out? :unsure:



First of the 3 stories, I think I picked up early on that the Cockney Canuck was a bit autobiographical. Even though it isn't Dodger's real life, just having a real connection to the story I think is what makes this story stand out, instead of just a creation of the top of the head. They say the best way to public speak well is to have an emotional connection to the subject you are speaking about. I can't help but think that this story is soooo good due to the personal connection Dodger has to Robbie and the characters :worship:


As far as commenting on Dodger's sister Nicola :P, I think I have been supportive of her and critical of Robbie. So take that Dodger :D


The Soldier's Guide to Parenting, I think I can relate to it even though I wasn't in the military or such, but just the understanding of mental illness and they urge to numb those feelings through self destructive behaviour has made me maybe more sympathetic to Jeff. Sometimes I'm scared to express this sympathy because he definitely not going to do well with the whole gay thing coming into this life :(


Dodger, you gave away a spoiler :o

You said his son is gay, I didn't know that, I only thought his friend was


I don't really remember reading A Night At The Opera, but it is tweaking my memory that it was really funny and I liked it :) Must go read again.


Well done Dodger!!



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12 hours ago, Parker Owens said:

I liked this feature, Dodger. You speak so easily about some of the things that are quite difficult for others to say clearly. Writing a story where the main character is not a sympathetic person can be very trying. Thanks for writing this. 

Thank you @Parker Owens for you kind words, advice and encouragement.

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8 hours ago, Carlos Hazday said:

One thing I'll say about Dodger is he's willing to learn and try new things. The Cockney Canuck isn't my type of tale, too much teen angst and too much time spent inside the MC's head. But I'm halfway through and plan on finishing it. Yeah, I can't figure out the attraction either. I do think if Robbie were to slap Nicola around a bit I would like it a lot more. :P


The soldier's story I may be biased since I'm reading ahead and offering a little help. I despise what Jeff is but can't help understanding who he is, how he thinks, and in the end, feel sorry for him. I really like how Dodger throws a phrase here and there that humanizes the man. I keep hoping this will be a @Parker Owens style redemption tale. The damn author feeds me each chapter slowly so I haven't figured out the ending yet!

Thanks @Carlos Hazday. I'm always hungry to learn and improve, and trying new things helps me to feed this hunger. Your help has been priceless and I hope it doesn't end with this story.


I know you've been reading the Cockney Canuck and I think you're a brave man. I can't bear to even look at the early chapters. After nearly 3 years a hundred chapters and more words than 'War and Peace', I really wanted to get away from Robbie and prove to myself and others that I could write something completely different. The Soldier's Guide may be a little too different for most people's taste but no one can accuse me of playing safe.


I'll send over the rest of the story for you. 🙄

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8 hours ago, Headstall said:

Great job, Dodger! As you know, I'm hooked on A Soldier's Guide to Single Parenting. I agree with you that Jeff is not unlikable. You do a great job of showing us the reasons for why he is the way he is, and that stirs some sympathy in me. I too, hope this story contains some redemption. As well, I agree that the messenger should never face gunfire. :)  Readers should jump on board this train... it's proving to be a good ride. 

Thanks, Gary. I'm really pleased that you've been reading and commenting on the Soldier's Guide. It's not a long story but there are a few twists and turns. I dare not say anymore. :X

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1 hour ago, wildone said:

Who is the Dodger character and do you recommend I check him out? :unsure:



First of the 3 stories, I think I picked up early on that the Cockney Canuck was a bit autobiographical. Even though it isn't Dodger's real life, just having a real connection to the story I think is what makes this story stand out, instead of just a creation of the top of the head. They say the best way to public speak well is to have an emotional connection to the subject you are speaking about. I can't help but think that this story is soooo good due to the personal connection Dodger has to Robbie and the characters :worship:


As far as commenting on Dodger's sister Nicola :P, I think I have been supportive of her and critical of Robbie. So take that Dodger :D


The Soldier's Guide to Parenting, I think I can relate to it even though I wasn't in the military or such, but just the understanding of mental illness and they urge to numb those feelings through self destructive behaviour has made me maybe more sympathetic to Jeff. Sometimes I'm scared to express this sympathy because he definitely not going to do well with the whole gay thing coming into this life :(


Dodger, you gave away a spoiler :o

  Reveal hidden contents

You said his son is gay, I didn't know that, I only thought his friend was




I don't really remember reading A Night At The Opera, but it is tweaking my memory that it was really funny and I liked it :) Must go read again.


Well done Dodger!!



Thanks Steve. I was hoping that you would comment. My connection with Robbie is just personality. I'm glad to say that the story is a pretty much all fiction but I have to admit to being every bit as stupid and troubled as the character when I was his age. I wasn't the most congenial person to have around but they put up with me. I think the story has run it's course. It's already twice as long as I originally planned but the ending hasn't changed and I'll stay rue to it.


With the Soldier's guide, the spoiler has always been in the story description. @Timothy M. wanted me to change this but I really liked the way it sounded and figured that most people would work it out very quickly anyway.

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This was a great promo. I’m invested in Dodger’s stories. His writing promotes reaction... Good and  bad. That takes time and talent. I also appreciate the way he honours his English and Canadian roots. Somewhat personal, my father being Canadian from English ancestry.

Dodger, now you tell us that Nicola is your real sister... some of the things I’ve said... 🙂

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I like Dodger and his work.  I like his latest A Soldier's Guide to Single Parenting.  I love what he's done with the Main Character. No, he's not lovable but that's fine with me.

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Urm further to that .. i mean the MC isnt lovable .. not Dodger.  I'm sure he is perfectly lovable... and he writes a mean blog too!  Dodger not the Main Character.   :)

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3 hours ago, BlindAmbition said:

This was a great promo. I’m invested in Dodger’s stories. His writing promotes reaction... Good and  bad. That takes time and talent. I also appreciate the way he honours his English and Canadian roots. Somewhat personal, my father being Canadian from English ancestry.

Dodger, now you tell us that Nicola is your real sister... some of the things I’ve said... 🙂

Thanks JP. You know how important your opinion is to me. I naturally write in British/Canadian English but for the soldier story I needed it to be totally American. There are a lot of subtle differences as you know even between Canadian and American English which Carlos has been helping me with. It can get even more complex when you start taking regional differences into consideration but i doubt if anyone's going to be that fussy.


Sorry for hiding Nicola. I've been trying to get her to join GA, that would be fun. She would definitely be my biggest critic and fan at the same time. She doesn't get a lot of free time these days with her hubby and kids. Yeah, she's married with two lovely kids who I get to spoil.

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1 hour ago, Mikiesboy said:

I like Dodger and his work.  I like his latest A Soldier's Guide to Single Parenting.  I love what he's done with the Main Character. No, he's not lovable but that's fine with me.

Thanks Tim. You're another one who's opinion matters a great deal to me.

1 hour ago, Mikiesboy said:

Urm further to that .. i mean the MC isnt lovable .. not Dodger.  I'm sure he is perfectly lovable... and he writes a mean blog too!  Dodger not the Main Character.   :)

Ha ha. It frightened me because I found it very easy to get into his mindset. I wonder what kind of reaction Jeff would get if he tried to post a blog on GA. 😠 :X

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