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Weekly Wrap Up (Aug. 21 - Aug. 27)



Hey all, what's up? :)

First off, thank you Cia for stepping in last week and getting the majority of the Weekly Wrap Up done for me :heart:

Not sure if you noticed the latest announcement, but Myr, Cia and the programmer are all working triple overtime to try to fix the caching issues. Some significant improvements have happened over the past week with a few more patches coming this week. Hopefully they can nip this in the bud soon, as I know they are all trying so hard to get it done. You also are having great patience too! 

So after the high heat we have had the past couple of weeks, we had a thunderstorm around noon today with a lot of lightning roll in, and I was caught in it :PWouldn't be the first time I've been caught, but at least I didn't get hit by lightning... this time :unsure: Yes, that fact probably explains a lot about me :gikkle:. Well as I look outside right now 8 hours later, still raining with the occasional clap of thunder.

Now for what happened here at the GA News Blog for the week. A little bit quieter around here for a bit of a change.Believe it or not,

Valkyrie was the first to get a blog up for the Anthology. Just remember, you have 4 days to get your anthology into the review team!

Friday, Aditus was here to represent the Prompt Team with a couple of new ideas to prod you for the week :P Just the name of the prompts piqued my interest:

Comicality held the final position with another great Writing Article to help everyone out that picks up a pen and paper so to speak:

With everything going on, Myr was still setting his alarm clock early and posting the Word of the Day:

caduceus, slew, flounder, rectilinear, variegated, argosy, decussate

With the month coming to a close why don't we put a one last big push to get all our stats as close to the100% levels:


Anthologies, Writing Challenges, and Contests

2022 Anthology - Anniversary - Submitted to @Valkyrie for the proof team by Sept. 1, 2022

Blog Opportunities

Ask an Author 3.0: Send in 3 questions that you would like your favourite story's author to answer for you. Send them into @astone2292

Story Review: Send it in to  @Timothy M. of @wildone 


And here is the look at the past weeks postings on all our Authors and Poets!

Recently Updated 'Premium' Stories

  1. On Fire by Cia

Recently Updated 'Signature Author' Stories

  1. rima fragmenta, Fragments of a Rift: Fifty Sonnets for Kevin by AC Benus
  2. Gap Year by Mark Arbour
  3. By Chance or Appointment by Parker Owens
  4. Everhope by Carlos Hazday
  5. Ancalagon by Cia
  6. Northern Exposure by Mark Arbour
  7. The Great Mirror of Same-Sex Love - Prose by AC Benus

Recently Updated 'Classic Author' Stories

  1. Finding Good Trouble by Ronyx

Recently Updated 'Promising Author' Stories

  1. To the Weyr by Mawgrim
  2. Death in the Shadows by astone2292

Recently Updated 'Author' Stories

  1. Halcyon by matcha
  2. Shadow Effect by kbois
  3. ARROW by CLJobe
  4. CRYSTALLINE by Wombat Bill
  5. Diamond Eyes by ValentineDavis21
  6. The Next Stage by Littlelovestories
  7. The Kid On The Bike by RichEisbrouch
  8. Resentment: A Psychological Thriller by ValentineDavis21
  9. The Travellers by Georgie DHainaut **Complete**
  10. Good Guys Don't Date Bad Boys by Laura S. Fox
  11. WL's Gay Manga and Anime Review by W_L
  12. Goldstein, Johnson & Cole by Mancunian
  13. Come Back To Us by LittleCherryBlossom26
  14. Raising a Rebel by W_L
  15. Finding love by AquariusGuy
  16. WL's Mainstream Gay Book Reviews by W_L
  17. Gods and Ancients by Grumpy Bear
  18. Detour by matcha
  19. Ark II by R. Eric
  20. Brandon Smiling: From the Billy Chase Chronicles (2) by MrM
  21. Youngblood by metajinx

Read, Write, and REVIEW!!! (Don't forget to Recommend too!)

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  • Site Administrator

So after the high heat we have had the past couple of weeks, we had a thunderstorm around noon today with a lot of lightning roll in, and I was caught in it :PWouldn't be the first time I've been caught, but at least I didn't get hit by lightning... this time :unsure: Yes, that fact probably explains a lot about me :gikkle:. Well as I look outside right now 8 hours later, still raining with the occasional clap of thunder.

That's what happens when you piss off Thor :P  

Chris Hemsworth Thor GIF by Marvel Studios

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5 hours ago, Valkyrie said:

Yes, still time to get those stories in! 

The CNF piece I discarded in favour of the story I submitted, is still hanging around. I've started to get it down, since it won't go away otherwise. 🙄 Will I make the deadline? Who knows. 🤷‍♂️ The whole thing might end up being discarded. Or not making the minimum word limit. Watch this space...

Kind Of Kinda GIF by Manuel Medrano

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