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Weekly Wrap Up (Feb. 4 - Feb. 10)



It seems like when I have nothing better to say, my momma's saying comes out: If you don't have something nice to say, then don't say it at all.

Funny thing is, I don't have anything bad to say about anyone. This week :rofl: 

In an effort to bypass Valentines, but feel to bring up if you want, what are some of your mom's momisms? Or do you have a doozie or two of dadisms. One sage piece of advice that my dad imparted on me at a very young age was, don't pee into the wind. I wish I had paid more attention on more than one occasion :unsure:. I don't have any kids, so I won't pass any on to them. Well, I think my godson is still in therapy for some I imparted on him :gikkle:.

Now before we kick off this week ahead on Monday, why don't we look at the week past.

Monday was an introduction to an all new CSR Feature. This one has piqued my interest. Check it out:

Tuesday we went spear fishing when Myr took us diving again. You should see what scary things he brought up to the surface:


Wednesday, Aaron was at it again. Check out the new Ask An Author 3.0 to get an insight on this author:

Thursday, he just wouldn't go away :gikkle:. Wait, does this fall under the don't say anything at all category 0:). You know I love you bud :heart: Aaron was back to perplex all of us with this months Author Guess Who:

Then yesterday, Comsie was in with a new article. Also, if you are one of his fans, maybe check out this topic: https://gayauthors.org/forums/topic/48898-where-is-comsie 



Some of the words of the days, perplexed me :P 

landmass, intertwined, poetic, xeric, paucity, enigma, novelist


Upcoming Writing Events 

Poetry Anthology - Seasons, will be due April 1st 2024. Click here for all the information and more that you will need.

Secret Author Contest - More information to come.

Annual Anthology (theme TBA) - More information to come. Due October 1st 2024.

Prompt Team Event/Contest - More information to come.

Member Participation Blogs - Great way to promote yourself!!

Ask a Author 3.0 If you have a author you want to get some answers from, write a PM to @astone2292

Author Guess Who Get our members to guess who you are and also let everyone know who you are. Also write a PM to @astone2292


Here is the look at the past weeks postings on all our Authors and Poets!

4 Recently Updated 'Signature Author' Stories

  1. The Freshmen by Mark Arbour
  2. The Ultimate Vehicle of Earthly Bliss by AC Benus
  3. James Songbook by JamesSavik **Complete**
  4. Peace of Amiens by Mark Arbour

3 Recently Updated 'Classic Author' Stories

  1. Keeper of the Rituals by Libby Drew
  2. Secrets 2: Looking Through Different Eyes by Bill W
  3. Sands of Time by Roland

24 Recently Updated 'Author' Stories

  1. Out Of The Closet by RichardWrites
  2. Oregon in the Fall by drown
  3. Thicker Than Water by John Henry
  4. All My Dreams Pass Before My Eyes by JLynch
  5. No going back by Robert Hugill
  6. Before And After the Divorce by Lee Wilson
  7. Well, What Do You Want To Know? by PhillMakracken
  8. Florida Shores by Karl Anders
  9. Of Pride and Power by W_L
  10. Luminosity-The Return (book 2) by paren01
  11. Res Publica Christiana by W_L
  12. Dating Rules And Pretty Fools by Laura S. Fox
  13. Adam's Grace by CasualWanderer82
  14. Taking Help from Mr Jordan by chris191070
  15. Trash Polka by Demiurge
  16. They may not mean to, but they do by Robert Hugill
  17. Amber Waves by Yeoldebard **Complete**
  18. Sands of Time by Roland
  19. Stronger Than Lions by Sean J Halford
  20. Forever My Love by vanalas
  21. Connor and the Wolves by Yeoldebard
  22. Never walk alone- Walk on by Andre Delport
  23. Widderkin V. O. E. by Palantir
  24. Brian: Taking Courage by Robert Hugill

1 Recently Updated 'Poet' Stories

  1. Waltzing With Words by frozenphenix


Read, Write, and REVIEW!!! (Don't forget to Recommend too!)


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Recommended Comments

3 hours ago, centexhairysub said:

My Granny's favorite thing to say was, " You just can't fix stupid ".

Does she get any royalties from Ron White?

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