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I stole it too



So I saw this in Viv's and Steven's blog and thought it looked like fun SO:



1. are you missing someone right now?: no

2. are you happy? Yes, very :D

3. are you talking to anyone right now?: No, I don't try to talk and write (even blog entries) at the same time.

4. are you bored?: Virtually never.

5. are you German?: Yes, more than anything actually

6 are you Irish?: Probably a little bit, and people always think I am since I'm fair complected and often red-headed

7. are you French?: Yes

8. are you Italian?: No

9. are your parents still married?: Nope, they divorced when I was a toddler

10. do you like someone right now?: I like almost everyone all the time :boy:



1. store: Totally unfair to ask that! Umm, I'll go with Abercrombie and Fitch or else Express for Men.

2. flowers: I'm not really interested interested in flowers.

3. color: BLUE!!!!

4. sport: To play? Definitely Soccer! But I like play lotsa sports. To watch? I'd always rather play than watch.

5. mall: Yes, please

6. movie: Hmm, I dunno. I'll go with Rent, but I like lots of movies.

8. season: Whichever one is currently happening. So Spring/Summer I guess

9. animal: Cats, Dogs, and Squirrels are my favourites.

10. state: I dunno, I really wanna go to Cali and NY, but I'm enjoying Texas, and I guess La was okay.



1. hometown: Born in Blacksburg, VA, grew up near Lafayette, Louisiana.

2. hair color: What kind of a question is that!? LOL, it's currently a slightly reddish blonde. It's naturally a light brown/dirty blonde. It's usually some shade of red or blonde. It's been every natural (and a couple of unnatural) colours imaginable.

3. Birthday: August 27th

4. hair style: I recently cut it somewhat short, and have been gel-ing/spiking up the top/front. Blah, it's the standard gay boy haircut.

5. eye color: Blue. Sometimes dark blue, sometimes light blue, sometimes grayish

6. best friend: Hmm Megan and Jesse are my best friends in Houston, but I've got some other ones too.

7. mood: Cheerful and perky

8. skin color: White, but I've been getting a tan from a bottle.

9. available: Ready and willing

10. left/right-handed: Right, but I can do a buncha stuff with my left as well



1. have you ever been in love?: REAL love? Probably not

2. do you believe in love: Yes

3. why did your last relationship fail: I just didn't feel the same way

4. have you ever been heartbroken: define "heartbroken"

5. have you ever broken someone's heart?: possibly, I hope not.

6. have you ever fallen for one of your best friends: Yes

7. have you ever liked someone but never told them: Yes

8. are you afraid of commitment: I don't think so

9. has someone ever kissed your hand: Not that I can recall, but that's totally going on my list of things I hope happen to me.

10. have you ever had a secret admirer: Yes



1. love or trust: Both please

2. hard liquor or beer: I prefer wine or mixed drinks (like mudslides or margaritas). If I HAVE to pick between those two, then beer I guess.

3. night or day: I love the night life

4. one night stands or relationships: Relationships

5. television or internet: I don't watch TV at all whereas I'm an internet junkie.

6. pepsi or coke?: I don't drink any sodas or any caffeinated beverages. When I was a kid and used to I preferred Dr. Pepper, but of those two, Pepsi.

7. wild night out or romantic night in: Well both; it depends on the circumstances.

8. chocolate or vanilla: Do you really need to ask? :P:boy:

9. phone or in person: In person

10. Love or Lust: Love, but if we're talking about relationships can I have a side of Lust with that?



1. have you ever been caught sneaking out?: I never had to sneak out

2. have you ever skinny dipped: Yes

3. have you ever done something you regret: As far as the isolated incident goes, sure, but I don't regret my past in general since it got me here.

4. have you ever sky dived: No, but I wanna.

5. have you ever been on a house boat: I'm not sure, probably not

6. have you ever finished an entire jaw breaker: yeah, of course

7. have you ever liked someone so badly it hurt?: Yes

9. have you ever danced in the rain?: Yes

10. have you ever had a hang over?: Nope, I seem to be immune. I think it's all the water.



1. Who was the last person you laughed with? Rachel at work a little while ago.

2. Who can cheer you up instantly?: Virtually anyone who tries.

3. Who do you think will make you smile tomorrow: You mean first? Anyone of my coworkers, and later I'm meeting friends, so I'm sure I'll have lotsa opportunities to smile.

4. Who is making the world a more terrible place to live in: What a dreadful question!

5. Who dominates the family: Well I rarely see my family nowadays, but I suppose my grandmother did when I was growing up.

6. Who is like a brother/sister to you: My cousin Katie

7. Who is the youngest person you know: I have no idea!

8. Who makes the best dinner: I cook pretty well, I think. At least I like my food.

9. Who needs to chill: This guy at work.



1. What do you hope will happen next week: I hope I find a new job and get most of my packing finished.

2. What would you name a newborn puppy: Benji

3. What relaxes you: ALOT of stuff. Um, I'll go with a nice, long, hot bubble bath with some soft music playing a glass of wine.

4. What is the most difficult decision you had to make: I guess coming out.

6. What's your style: I have quite a few. Clothes, and dressing up in new styles, is kinda a hobby of mine.

7. What is your number one priority: Helping people

8. What is the worst movie you've ever seen: I'm really not that hard on movies, and if I think I'll hate them that much I don't watch in the first place. I guess I'll go with anything by Will Ferrel except "Bewitched" and "Stranger Than Fiction", which were both somewhat decent.

9. What do you want for Christmas: My two front teeth? I dunno, maybe gift cards to various stores.



1. When is it a good time to be truthful: 5:27PM on the third Tuesday of every month.

2. When was your last break-up: Depends on how you define break-up.

3. When do you take time for yourself: Probably much more often than most people.

4. When is the next time you'll see your best friend: Depends on which "best friend" you mean. Tommorow I guess.

5. When will world hunger end: It won't :(

6. When was your last bad hair day: About a week ago, which is why I cut it all off and got a shorter style :D

7. When do you usually take a shower: I always take one shortly after I get up. I often take a shower or bath before bed, and sometimes I catch one sometime in the middle.

8. When are you going to go on your next date: Grr, the boy I kinda liked just started seeing someone else. So no telling.

9. When will emo kids grow up: Depends on the emo kid in question.

10. When did you first learn about sex: Define "learn about". I mean I guess I always sorta knew it happened. I guess I learned details around 10 or so. In general I'm sure there's more to "learn about", just as there is with all of life's activities.



1. Why do you feel the way you do right now: Just lucky I guess :P

2.Why are teenagers becoming more apathetic: Who says they are?

3. Why did you say the meanest thing you've ever said: I can't remember the meanest thing I ever said.

4. Why can't perfection exist: Just can't, but let's all keep trying anyway.

5. Why is gay marriage illegal: People are silly.

6. Why, in your opinion, are some countries more privileged than others: It's partly culture, largely history and circumstance, largely natural resources, mostly luck and coincidence.

7. Why is your father the way he is: Shouldn't you ask him?

8. Why do bad things feel so good: Do they? Are they bad? Who says they're bad? Who says they feel good?

9. Why would you hurt someone, if you ever did: I really regret ever hurting people. I guess it's happened most often because I couldn't divide my attention and resources among everyone.

10. Why did you go online today: It's one of my main sources of entertainment.



Q. First thing you did this morning?: Excercised for 20 minutes on my elipitical machine! :D (boy did you pick a good day to ask!)

Q. The last thing you ate?: A massive salad!

Q. What's something you look forward to most in the next 6 weeks?: Settling into my new place, finding a new job, my best friends' wedding, meeting Matty in person, lotsa other stuff too.

Q. What's annoying you right now?: Nothing really. I guess the way time just keeps on moving when it would be nice if it stopped for a bit.

Q. What's the last movie you saw?: Hedwig and the Angry Inch, last Thursday at gay movie night.

Q. Do you believe in long distance relationships?: Believe? Well, I'm sure they exist. As far as whether or not I think they're advisable, I don't think there's a simple answer and of course it depends on the people involved.

Q Where is the last place you went?: The bathroom.

Q: Who is the last person you called?: My Mom

Q: Been cheated on?: No

Q: Do you think that someone is thinking about you right now?: I have no idea. Given the sheer number of people I know, compounded by the sheer number of thoughts they might have I suppose it's possible.

Q: Do you wish on stars?: uh huh

Q: Did it work?: So far it always has.

Q: Do you untie your shoes every time you take them off?: Depends on the shoes. I have to untie many pairs or I won't be able to get them off. The ones I don't have to untie I usually don't.

Q: When did you last cry?: Geez, it's been weeks; I need to do that!

Q: Do you like your handwriting?: Well of course not! It's hideous and barely legible. Sometimes it's fun to play with though.

Q: Are you a friendly person?: Yes, very

Q: Are you keeping a secret from the world?: Nope

Q: Who's bed did you sleep in last night?: Mine <_< , better luck tomorrow night right? :P:boy:

Q: What color shirt are you wearing?: Yellow

Q: Do you have any pets?: My baby girl, Lucky

Q: What is the color of your bedsheets?: I have several sets, most are a shade of blue

Q: What were you doing at 9 last night?: Hanging out with my friend Brian and playing Chess.

Q: Last person you talked to: Myself :music:

Q: When is the last time you saw your dad?: Gosh! It's been years. UM, maybe 2001, or 2002, I'm pretty sure it's been this millenium. We talked the day of the VT shooting of course, but yeah haven't physically seen him in a long time.

Q: Look to your left: My glass of water, my left knee, my printer

Q: Ever cried yourself to sleep?: Yes

Q: Ever cried on your friends shoulder?: Yes

Q: Song that makes you cry?: Hmm, usually the song loses it's ability to make me cry after I've heard it a few times. "My One True Friend", "Alone Again Naturally", "Tears in Heaven", "Concrete Angel", that popular song about Jesus that I can't remember the name of off-hand, and lots, LOTS of other songs have had a pretty emotional impact on me.

Q: Are you a normally happy person?: Unusually so :)



1. Smoked a cigarette: About 4 or 5 EVER, the last one was almost 6 months ago.

2. Smoked a cigar: Nope

3. Drank so much you threw up: LOL, oh my gosh yes! I used to do that alot, but I usually threw up on purpose before bed. The last time I threw up from drinking was about 5 or 6 months ago.

4. Had feelings for someone who didn't have them back: Yes

5. Been arrested: No

6. Gone on a blind date: Define "blind date". I've had a date with someone whom I couldn't remember what he looked like, but not in the conventional sense. Although a friend of mine at work wants to set me up with a friend of hers.

7. Skipped school: Yes, quite a bit actually 0:)

8. Seen someone die: No, never in person thankfully.

9. Been to Canada: No, but I totally wanna die there someday. :P

10. Been to Mexico: No, but I'd like to check the place out

11. Been on a plane: Yes

12. Been lost: As I always like to say "You can't get lost if you don't know where you're going". Most of the time I allow myself to get "lost" I'm just wandering around exploring anyway, so yeah, I can't exactly "get lost" in the first place.

13. Been on the opposite side of the country: I'm from the middle, southern bit of the country. I've been to the east cost before, haven't been to the west cost yet though.

14. Swam in the ocean: If you can call what I do swimming.

15. Felt like dying: I've never wanted to die. I've been so sick I felt like I was going to though.

17. Played cops and robbers: Yes, of course

18. Recently colored with crayons: Try dry erase markers.

19. Sang karaoke: Yes, it's fun!

20. Paid for a meal with only coins: Most of my meals cost way too much for that nowadays. I've probably done that with cheaper food when I was a kid though.

21. Done something you told yourself you wouldn't: Well yeah, but I didn't believe myself in the first place.

22. Made prank phone calls: Only to friends.

23. Laughed until some kind of beverage came out of your nose: Yes :*)

24. Caught a snowflake on your tongue: I've only seen snow like three times in my whole life, and I don't think I've ever seen an actual snowflake.

26. Written a letter to Santa Clause: Yes

27. Been kissed under the mistletoe: No, but that's going on my list too.

29. Blown bubbles: Of course

30. Made a bonfire on the beach: Not the beach, but several other places.

31. Crashed a party: Define "crashed"

32. Gone roller-skating: Oh yeah, lotsa times!


Personal questions to know you better:


1. Nicknames? Kev, Kevvy (but ya gotta be pretty special to call me that), K-Red, cool-aid (both those two are work nicknames relating to my hair), KK, and then lotsa derivatives of various screen names.


2. Mother's name? Sharon


3. What is your favorite drink? Water by far!


4. Tattoos? NO, I'd never get a tattoo, I couldn't possibly commit to having something on my body that long.


5. Body piercing? I have issues with cuts/scars/wounds and while they often would have fit well with my "look" I can't get past the fact that it's a hole in my body.


6. How much do you love your job? I really like my job, and I love my coworkers, but nevertheless I really want a new one.


7. Birthplace: Haven't we covered this already?


8. Favorite vacation spot? Geez, I wouldn't know a vacation if it bit me, but I'd probably enjoy myself almost anywhere. Right now in this moment I'm thinking a ski vacation on some mountain, in a beautiful log cabin would be fun.


9. Ever been to Africa? No, and I'd prefer to go to Europe and Asia first, but I'd like to go everywhere so Africa would be good.


10. Ever eaten cookies for dinner? Nope, I've definitely had unhealthy, "fun" food for dinner, but I'm not that wild about cookies. Try cheese fries and something insanely chocolately (like cake, pie, or sundaes, not cookies).


11. Ever been on TV? Local TV when I was a kid, but I really wanna be on TV, TV! Like as an actor or something.


12. Ever stole any traffic signs? No way.


13. Ever been in a car accident? Yeah, but I was never driving


14. Was it your fault? You weren't paying attention now were you?


15. 2 doors or 4? On a car? 4 In general? one is usually sufficient.


16. Favorite salad dressing? Ranch


17. Favorite pie? Anything ultra rich and chocolately.


18. Favorite number? FOUR!!!!!!! FOUR!!!!! FOUR!!!!! FOUR!!!!


20. Favorite holiday? Christmas I suppose, but I have alota fun with Halloween.


21. Favorite dessert? Okay since you're trying to nail me down on "ultra rich and chocolately", I'll go with a chocolate fudge cake, with extra thick chocolate icing, a scope of ice cream, covered in chocolate syrup/hot fudge, LOTS of heavy whipped cream, nuts, and a cherry. Happy now?...I AM


22. Favorite food? Artichokes, Leeks, any kind of fresh veggie in general


23. Favorite day of the week? Lately? Thursday


24. Favorite brand of body soap? Well I don't really use "body soap", I have a bunch of different kinds of body washes, most of which purport to do something magical to the skin. I really like the way this one from "The Body Shop" makes me feel though. I can't remember the name though, but it's in a red bottle.


25. Favorite TV show? I don't watch TV, but I guess Queer as Folk, or Friends (I downloaded them)


26. Favorite Toothpaste? Moonlight Night, Vivid Night Whitening, by Crest.


27. Where do you see yourself in 10 years? I could literally be almost anywhere with almost anyone doing almost anything, and I'm pleased about that.


28. What do you do when you are bored? The only times I've been bored in the last several years have all been at work or school, I never get bored when I have time to myself. In those scenarios I usually just try to throw myself into whatever is going on. If nothing's going on and I can't chat with anyone, then I happily get lost in my head.




So long little quiz thingy, but it was fun!


In other news I'm getting ready to move and looking for a new job will be on very little for the next three weeks.




Take care all and have an awesome day!



Recommended Comments

LOL i was just browsing around and thought iw ould read your blog and glad i did that quiz is great :D but your answers are brilliant they made me laugh :2thumbs: wish i had the patience to fill in the quiz that size might do it eventually lol


I especially loved when you answered you are right handed but can do all kinds of things with your left LOL



I think we all need more details :P


Hope the move goes well Kevin



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This test is a very old story. IMO it begins with the "Questionnaire de Proust", which is a psychological test which became famous through the answers given by the French writer Marcel Proust. He discovered this test at the end of the 19th century in a book intituled

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Hey Mark! :D


LOL i was just browsing around and thought iw ould read your blog and glad i did that quiz is great :D but your answers are brilliant they made me laugh :2thumbs: wish i had the patience to fill in the quiz that size might do it eventually lol

I'm so glad you enjoyed reading it! I hope you do fill one out! I'd love to check out your answers, those things are so much fun to do and read! :D


I especially loved when you answered you are right handed but can do all kinds of things with your left LOL

I think we all need more details :P

LOL, well let's just say I can do practically everything with my left hand that I can do with my right hand, but it takes me a little longer to do it.


Hope the move goes well Kevin

Thanks, my apartment is starting to look like it's been taken over by a tribe of angry boxes...so I take that to be a good sign :blink:


Have an awesome day and take care! :D


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Hey old Bob! :)


This test is a very old story. IMO it begins with the "Questionnaire de Proust", which is a psychological test which became famous through the answers given by the French writer Marcel Proust. He discovered this test at the end of the 19th century in a book intituled
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